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I must emphatically disagree with you both...

If I thought myself qualified for doing anything worth doing around here...

I would totally sign up in heart beat! I might die of laughter, but what I way to go!


In the mean time I can make topics that please you and find funny quotes:



No way around it. b)

Ofcourse there is a way around it. One is that you can be completely insane before you join TDN and then it isn't TDN that cause you insanity.



TDN is the root cause of insanity in the world.
Woah, the rules never said anything about insanity being in the picture.....
Where have you been for the last 295+ posts? xD
I was at the snack table ....don't ask why XD



[23:06] Superfly: morgan

[23:07] Princess Ruto: What is it?

[23:07] Superfly: i have a question

[23:07] Princess Ruto: Ask away.

[23:07] Superfly: have you ever struck oil in texas?

[23:08] Princess Ruto: o.o xD No.


I wish I could...I'd be rich. b)


[22:51] Superfly: do you have the whack a kass avatar?

[22:52] Princess Ruto: Yeah. Random. xD

[22:52] Superfly: drats! thanks

[22:52] Princess Ruto: ...Okay...


[14:17] Superfly: off with your head!

[14:17] Princess Ruto: *dies*

[14:17] Superfly: well that was easier than expected

[14:18] Princess Ruto: xD

[14:18] Superfly: should TJ make cookies or not

[14:18] Princess Ruto: Chocolate chip only.

[14:18] Superfly: well that's only the best kind

[14:19] Princess Ruto: =D


We don't talk much on MSN, but TJ always has something random to say when he feels like chatting with me. :O


I need quotes. D=

And I sure was random back then, Zac. =o

It's amazing what a couple of years at TheDailyNeopets can really do to a person.

Funny though. A nutty person slowly fades into a semi-serious sane shell of a person, while a sane person slowly fades into a spiraling episode of insanity.


Moar quotes. :(


Everyone loves nostalgia. :) I don't have many quotes, but what I do have is a sound clip of a video chat conversation thing a couple of years ago now which TJ and anime said they would sing if I started talking.


And well, here's the result (Which I never kept at all... *shifty eyes*)


as well as when staff chats usually started (and ended) with randomness:

TJ - mattt?

Me - OLA

anime - brb have to help the boy...


Mikey - HOLA***

Mikey - xD



Ian - rofl@matt.

Me - It's a knew sphin on sphelling.

Mikey - hahahaha

Ian - Na wey!!!

Mikey - xD

Ian - I kan takl liek taht too. ;D

Me - We /actually/ speak like that. :)


In a lul in the conversation, while we watched TJ do TJ TV - Him doing a random show on his webcam, doing nothing interesting.

Me - So...

Me - ...Anyone lost the game recently?

Meeptroid - XD XD

TJ - :@

V - Noooo don't read what Matt wrote!"


This Is From Last To Post Wins:


I feel bad for the rules...

People are always breaking them. It's gotta be painful.

I'm going to send the rules a get well card, and some flowers.

Does anyone else want to chip in?

Yip... I will buy the chocolates!
And I shall invite everyone to sign on the rules' many casts! As long as they're careful handling the rules. :P
Can I draw a pretty picture on one of the casts?
What am I, your nanny? Do whatever you like.

Not even five minutes ago...


[20:54] Princess Ruto: CANDY

[20:55] Anime: Candy?

[20:55] Princess Ruto: Candy.

[20:55] Anime: Candy.

[20:55] Princess Ruto: Candy!

[20:55] Anime: Candy. ^_^

[20:55] Princess Ruto: Candy?! :O


Candy. Halloween rocks. >=D


[00:31] Princess Ruto: Morgan is very sad.


You should try feeding her more candy!

[00:31] Anime: Anime is very sad.


You should eat less candy!

[00:32] Princess Ruto: Morgan is very sad.


Her Hershey's bar melted and rehardened in a laffy-taffyish shape.

[00:32] Anime: Anime is very sad.


Her leg is knida numb.

[00:32] Princess Ruto: Morgan is very sad.



[00:33] Anime: Anime is very sad.


That didn't make sense.

[00:33] Princess Ruto: Morgan is very sad.


She loves Sixlets.

[00:33] Anime: Anime is very sad.


Morgan is no longer coherent.,


Cameron: where's the enemy?

' Xepha ': behind the bush

Cameron: XD

Cameron: Would that be the shrub or the President?

' Xepha ': I'm not telling


After reading the quotes:

Morgan: :O I shall find out


*opens a radnom TJ log*


TJ: You still contact Jas much?

Me: No.

TJ: crap

Me: ?

TJ: You will laugh at me.

TJ: so me no telly

Me: No I won;t

TJ: rofl yes youwill

Me: I won't!

TJ: fine!

TJ: Lets ask Jas to draw me as a bobblehead. :D

Me: Ok, maybe I will....

TJ: rofl see!

Me: I managed to knock my headphones off my head lauging. XD

TJ: >.< see I knew it.


I have no idea why that was so entertaining.


Me: All gone. :P

TJ: what!

TJ: you deleted the topic

Me: No.

Me: I ate all the food;.

TJ: oh phew


Some things shouldn't be talked about at the same time....


From last night :


Superfly: A family friend was having trouble with their computer called dell and they told her to call microsoft and then they told her to call geek squad, and she yelled in the phone HECK NO I'm calling TJ and hung up on them!


This is the last Halloween/candy-related log I'll post, at least until Christmas. :O


[14:26] Princess Ruto: I HATE WHOPPERS

[14:26] Princess Ruto: *chunk*

[14:26] Anime: Yeah, they're icky.

[14:27] Princess Ruto: My brother just reached under his door and grabbed the Whoppers. xDxDxDxD

[14:28] Princess Ruto: *dies laughing*

[14:28] Anime: XDXDXD

[14:28] Anime: "*thunk* What was that? *looks udner door* OOO WOPPERS! No time to open the door! *reachs under and grabs them*"

[14:28] Princess Ruto: xDxD

[14:29] Princess Ruto: He wants instant reward. :O

[14:29] Anime: DXD

[14:29] Anime: *XD

[14:31] Princess Ruto: I suppose I should change my name back to Ruto...

[14:31] Anime: Probably...

[14:34] Princess Ruto: Tootsie Pops. ^_^

[14:34] Princess Ruto: Kit-Kats. ^_^

[14:34] Princess Ruto: Reeses. ^_^

[14:34] Princess Ruto: Smarties. ^_^

[14:34] Anime: XD

[14:35] Princess Ruto: Sweetarts. ^_^

[14:35] Princess Ruto: xD

[14:35] Anime: Kisses!

[14:35] Anime: Strawberry hard candy!

[14:35] Anime: Double Bubble!

[14:35] Princess Ruto: NowandLaters!

[14:35] Anime: Suckers!

[14:35] Princess Ruto: M&Ms!

[14:35] Princess Ruto: Skittles!

[14:35] Anime: Twizzlers!

[14:35] Princess Ruto: Yorks....meh. *chunks*

[14:36] Princess Ruto: Time to feed the creature again.

[14:36] Anime: XD

[14:36] Anime: See if he reachs under again

[14:36] Princess Ruto: No, it rolled back. :( He opened the door this time.

[14:36] Anime: XD

[14:37] Princess Ruto: What the heck is a Heath bar?

[14:37] Anime: "*thunk* Candy! ...too far to reach. *opens door*"

[14:37] Anime: Dunno.

[14:37] Princess Ruto: xD


Poking Cameron is a good excuse to have a staff party


' Xepha ': woot

Cameron: XD

Anime: XD

Izzy: XD

' Xepha ': *pokes Cameron for more fun*

Cameron: Groooup chaaaat

Anime: Everyone poke Cameron!

Princess Ruto: Ohmigosh. Mommy! How did I get here?

Cameron: nooo

Anime: *pokes Cameron*

Izzy: *pokes Cameron*

Princess Ruto: *pokes Cameron*

~Ashley Rose~: lol

' Xepha ': *pokes Cameron again&

Cameron: You'll make me backflip over backwards again X(

Princess Ruto: *pokes Cameron again*

Princess Ruto: >=D

~Ashley Rose~: I poke cameron a lot! *POKES CAMERON*

Theo a.k.a. AA a.k.a. Sky Shadow: o_O

Cameron: *mega-ultra-backflipage*

Anime: XD

Theo a.k.a. AA a.k.a. Sky Shadow: No wonder my computer was making so much noise XD

' Xepha ': *pokes Cameron*

Princess Ruto: CAMERONPOKE

Theo a.k.a. AA a.k.a. Sky Shadow: *pokes everyone*

Princess Ruto: *pokes Cameron*

Princess Ruto: *is poked*

Izzy: *steals Cameron's Super Poker 2000 and uses against him*

Cameron: *attempts to poke back but gets buried*

' Xepha ':

' Xepha ': I want one too

Princess Ruto: *uses Super Poke 30000000000*

Izzy: *gives to V*

Theo a.k.a. AA a.k.a. Sky Shadow: *uses finger*

Princess Ruto: *steals from V*

' Xepha ': yay *Use Super Poker 2000 on Cameron*

Cameron: *eats it*

Theo a.k.a. AA a.k.a. Sky Shadow: *upgrades finger to walking stick*

Cameron: MUAHAHA

Princess Ruto:

Theo a.k.a. AA a.k.a. Sky Shadow: *continues poking*

  • 2 weeks later...

*has question* How does one join uo with these MSN convos? I wouldn't mind joining :P


*cough* You have to be invited to one... eh



To stay on topic:


ian@tdn: cya around!

' Xepha ': thx :P

' Xepha ': and you continue to rockeage

ian@tdn: thanks :P you do too!


ian@tdn: MWUHAHAH!!!

ian@tdn: //end

ian@tdn: bye ;D


Well, it took some time, but in my eyes it was worth it... no, it's not the thing I mentioned earlier in this thread, but I bet it is much more memorable.


Well, I try to get at least one pun in each day. It's sort of like a hobby I have.



Please inform me if I have missed something, I appreciate it. But for now, well:


(Metroid)That sounds pretty "sweet"! Hehe...


(Metroid)"Well, I guess I can benefit from my mistakes." Skunge said sheepishly. He pulls out a Potion of Invisibility from the bottom of his bag and drinks it. "This potion sort of gives me an empty feeling. Hehe..."


(Metroid)*Reads directions for "Chemistry for Ultimate Einsteins" a few minutes and then tosses it over shoulder* I should be experimental my own way. *Grabs two test tubes filled with dangerous chemicals and starts to mix them together* Ooohhh.... *The chemicals spill over the rim and hit the floor, creating a baseball sized hole in it* Well, this is a hole new problem.


(Metroid)*Stares at a wooden chair* Wood this chair be okay to test my chemicals on?


(Metroid)Ouch... that tombstone made my head feel a little rocky


(Metroid)Fine then. I guess you don't find my jokes very punny.


(Metroid)Appearently, everyone is "dying" to get in the graveyard!


(Metroid)*Jumps into the pot of cooked lobsters* Wahooo! *Remembers the the stove is still on* This wasn't a real hot idea!


(Metroid)Water a relief! *dorky grin*


(Metroid)*Attempts to superglue the wall back together* I guess I need to go to WALL Mart. *Snicker*


(Metroid)I sure did! It was a bit fishy though...


(Metroid)The one I am working on now is just supposed to be a filler for when the next comic comes out. I don't want any plot holes!


(Metroid)Metroid shot a quick glance at Anime and then at the lake, grinning. "So water you trying to say? That I got lost again? Hmm.... sounds like a hidden message."


(Metroid)"Being turned into ash doesn't feel that great. It sorta make me feel like a pile of rubbish" Metroid said quickly as he skimmed through a book called "Complete Idiots Guide to Puns."


(Anime)Don't like turkey. I'll take ham though!

(Metroid)*Manages to pull myself out of drain for a few seconds* I am such a ham!


(Metroid)Now you listen here! I'm not going to be forced down a drain again! Doing that gives me a sinking feeling!


(Metroid)"I....don't...know. How....about...you...ash...me...later..." Metroid stayed silent afterwards, knowing that Anime will cause him harm.


(Metroid)You gotta be yolking me.


(Metroid)"Ouch. This isn't something to be taffy about." Metroid commented as the Metroid absorbed taffy fell in the trash can.


(Metroid)Yaaaahhhhh!!! TotaKeiko! Are you sure that was a hot idea?!!!


(Metroid)It must be hard winning with (Warning: Horrible pun) flying colors!


(Metroid)Awww... I just ran out of Stawberry ice cream. I'll be back after I milk the magical strawberry cow. Homemade ice cream sure is numby!


(Metroid)I hate those holes' fowl play!


(Metroid)Thanks for the potion, Trace. It sorta gives off a healing effect! (Terrible pun)


This one's a visual pun...

(masterofghostpokemon)It's not MOGP it's MOP!

(Metroid)Oh. *Dumps you in a bucket of water and cleans the floor with you*


(Metroid)*Metroid instantly appeared in some kind of aquarium*


Metroid: Water a relief I'm away from those crazy men!


(Metroid)A little cents? Hmmm...

*Digs around in pockets and pulls out two nickles and a penny*

I guess that makes a little cents...


(Metroid)*Eats a wooden table* Now woodn't that be a problem if I got a splinter in my mouth?


(Metroid)Ah, yes. This topic really attracted me faster than a lightning rod attracts lightning. This board really enlightnings me.


(Metroid)Actually, I find them quite punny!


(Metroid)*Takes out a large pile of rocks and starts eating it* This doesn't seem so hard!


(Metroid)Yeah! It's the season of winter and caring! It's not ice to bash others over a crazy contest.


(Metroid)A man that was afraid of heights was looking for a job. When he finally found a decent job, he quit after he launched his career.


(Metroid)Those Pokemon can give you a warm feeling!


(Metroid)Not really a hot idea!


(Metroid)Candy cane sure be tasty!


(Metroid)Sir Possum: *Wispering* Nah, just give her some time. When she decides to join us, she'll die from the excitement! *Loudly* BWAHAHAHAHA!!!


(Metroid)Anime! *Tackles* I have an updated pun program! Punny, isn't it?


(quoted)Metroid, why do you have a map of a printer?

(Metroid)So whenever I am stuck, I know how to get out of a paper jam! *enter drum sting here*


(Metroid)Everyone thinks I'm punny, Anime.


(Metroid)I'm going to be in a pickle if we don't change this topic. (Alright, that was a lame pun...)


(Metroid)Those moments can surely be bananas and nuts.


(Metroid)Metroid found a Tick-Tack on the ground and put it in the freezer. "Anime, I make my own chill pills."


(Metroid)Are you nuts for cashews?


(Metroid)*Rouses army of chickens*


Beat that! You'll just have to wing it!


(Metroid)I'm bored. *Takes out board*


(Metroid)That's pretty neat! Though it seems as if snot Neopets are attempting to bring snot back into style. It's snot a big problem, but it could become a sticky situation for some Neopians.


(Zac)I live in Iowa....

(Metroid)Zac, Iowa you a gift from my Maryland.


(Metroid)Boulders rock.


(Anime)Um... I'll just call 911 on my cell...

(Metroid)My cell ran out of space. *Opens up cell door*


(Metroid)The correct word is Punny, Dillon. ;)


(Metroid)Man: *Rapidly shoots at balloon*

Son: Nice aim, pa!

Man: Nah, I'm warming up. *Takes out bigger and better gun*

Son: Son of a gun... shooter...


(Metroid)Board like crazy is how I'm doing...


(Metroid)Anyway, Hoppy Easter everyone! I hope it's an egg-citing one!


(Metroid)-Throws a Granny Smith apple at Dillon-

How'd you like 'em apples?


(Metroid)Yum! state-of-the-art delicious!


(Metroid)Rocky Rhode Island is one of my favorite flavors! Although Maine is my main flavor!


(Metroid)That was a clear observation you made, Dillon! Glad you got the frame meaning.


(Metroid)Hopefully there were just a few bugs in the system. Bugs may appear more on websites during the festive Halloween season.


(Metroid)That is so awesome! Neopets is really on the gun today!


(Metroid)Snow doubt about that! ^_^

(Metroid)The trouble with skunks is they don't have common scents.

(Metroid)Pfft. You're such a crack up...

(Metroid)An unemployed jester is nobody's fool.

(Metroid)Well, sure, but that would take a hole lot of time!

(Metroid)I think I created a dino-sore.

(Metroid)Well, this is ice...


(Metroid)That invisible Nuranna seems a bit fishy...


(Metroid)1337 Feet.

A new craze is afoot!


(Metroid)Meh. I am just a little spaced out right now.


(Metroid)I hate to BREAK it to everyone, but I am number one OUT here!


(Metroid)I'm sorry if I invaded anyones highscore.


(quoted)If you know how to play, it can be fun...

(Metroid)It sure is. I could even say it is cool!


There you have it! Sorry I couldn't inform you where the puns were mentioned exactly, but it would've taken a lot more work than necessary. I also couldn't remember some of the other people involved's names. Apologies for that. These were fun! And if anybody ever wanted to know... here it is. :yes:


I knew those puns would get me in trouble some day...


Also, I did find the regular quote that prevented me from breathing in 'cause I was laughing so hard. I knew it was from Metroid, I just needed to remember it.

Metroid noticed a floating waffle.

"ACK! I didn't eat your grandson, Mrs. Waffle!"


Yeah, I know what you're thinking:

Revenge is crazy, isn't it?

He sure is. He sure is...


I miss Metroid's stupid puns. I used to love hurting him for them.


Revenge, that is pure genius right there. It's quite an honor for someone to snoop around the forum while finding every conceivable pun that ever escaped my keyboard. I just wish there was a built-in application for this current version of the forum that totals the amount of brain cells lost from reading those dreaded puns. I also wish my sentences weren't so long. I'm longing for a way to fix that.


Seriously though, Revenge. That is one mighty fine post you managed to assemble.

I'd bestow to you some sort of awesome graphic depicting your accomplishment, but it's getting rather late and also I can hardly make half decent images on the computer (Without taking a highly excessive amount of days). Please accept this, however:




*ties up Metroid* Make more puns! We miss those days! D=


I commend you for finding all of those puns, Revenge. Is your brain dead yet? :D


I did kinda zone out for a while searching for puns. It doesn't look too long when I finished it, but it took me two full days to sift through approximately 5214 posts to gather that information, not to mention the time it took to organize it in a form acceptable of one post. I'm not saying I didn't like doing it, I found a lot of interesting conversations for 'break times,' just that 5,214 of anything can wear something out. Glad you guys enjoyed it, I knew you would. :thumbsup:


And I'd be sure to accept that trophy in my sig, maybe tune it up, once I'm done with another project I have going. ^_^


o_O You mean you searched through OVER 5000 posts?! Manually?!?


I couldn't have the patience for that. O.O

*cough* You have to be invited to one... eh



To stay on topic:


ian@tdn: cya around!

' Xepha ': thx :P

' Xepha ': and you continue to rockeage

ian@tdn: thanks :P you do too!


ian@tdn: MWUHAHAH!!!

ian@tdn: //end

ian@tdn: bye ;D


Then invite me to one XD, please, I will be good XD

Hi. Welcome to TDNF. I'm Strategos. Just a couple things.


1. Make sure you read the rules. There are a couple that are easy to occasionally trip up on.

2. About the cookies and stuff, it's a sort of tradition we have here. Don't worry, we're not insane, although we'll claim to be.

3. Have fun here! biggrin.gif


insanity disclaimer. BIG TIME indication of insanity.... :)


I showed Metroid's puns to one of my friends. She thinks you're awful, Metroid. :P

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