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Theo says (11:38 p.m.)

I probably have enough leftist political music on my computer to get me arrested in some countries. xD

Theo has quite possible the most interesting music taste I've ever seen. And I thought I was different with my preference for indie-rock-metal-pop-mashup-alternative-dubstep-rap-comedy-R&B.




Ruto says (11:52 PM):



He's away

Anime says (11:53 PM):



Ruto just sent you a nudge.


=Cameron= says (11:53 PM):


Anime says (11:53 PM):

It worked o.o


That's the first time a nudge call has ever worked. Also:


Anime says (11:55 PM):

If you would have any hair style (including color) what would your hair look like?

Ruto says (11:55 PM):



livvygranger: I have a cat on my laptop. Joy.

me: xD

Hot dog hunting?

livvygranger: No, bothering Livvy. It's Silver (I think she's Silver now) and bothering people is usually her goal.

Mrr. I'm thirsty, but she's sleeping on my feet. Adorableness.... thirst. Adorableness... thirst.


Jasper isn't actually as creepy as he seems...

livvygranger: Hm. Lizzie just woke up. She bit me. <_<

jasl645: I see.

me: Immortalise her misbehaviour in pixels. >=[

jasl645: Was it deep?

...or maybe he is.


I'm gratified to see you think so terribly fondly of me, AA. I'll show that gratitude in person. :)


This is... too massive to actually quote, so check out this bizarre debate between Theo and Jasper (note that there is a second page). They've taken the TDN Brand of Insanity to other forums.


And managed to attract the disapproval of an NTWF administrator in the process. xD It appears I was a little too convincing. And I was so sure I was completely and epically losing that argument. :P


Incidentally, considering this topic's age and value, shouldn't it be pinned?


Incidentally, considering this topic's age and value, shouldn't it be pinned?



I was thinking the same. We don't want this topic to die again now do we?


*Ahem* By the powers invested in me by... er. Nevermind. As requested, this has been pinned. :yes:


This is... too massive to actually quote, so check out this bizarre debate between Theo and Jasper (note that there is a second page). They've taken the TDN Brand of Insanity to other forums.

As you can see, my written word count increases when I am uneasy. :)


Shadaw says: (12:54:03 AM)

ive also never seen the godfather


Heartbreak says: (12:54:06 AM)

me either


Shadaw says: (12:54:16 AM)

i dont get whats good about it

everyon kills each other


Heartbreak says: (12:54:34 AM)



Shadaw says: (12:54:59 AM)

then the new guys have pie right ontop of the other guys who were having the pie, and they DONT EVEN OFFER TO SHARE! thats just rude

Yet another night of crazy Shadaw-ness. Mmm pie...



Shadaw says: (1:05:01 AM)

ever turn to a channel expecting someone to die because its supposed to be the tv show bones


Shadaw says: (1:05:13 AM)

asking the obvious question alfter five minutes of "why isnt anyone dead yet"


Shadaw says: (1:05:29 AM)

you find out its not the show you think it is? and feel like a total moron?



Shadaw has some very inspiring exclamations up his sleeve. xD

Well, not child-hood friends who have saved my life, because nobody has ever saved my life. But I am paranoid of my child-hood friends.



The climax of an discussion about a gam é in which a random spirit of kindness saved a boy long time ago, a depabe wether the spirit is evil or not. There was loads other stuff there, but that was the great part. :P


While discussing French and German, V remarked:

2 languages that abusively give genders to things XD

I don't break things!!! :P C'mon guys. haha

[insert image of pan and burnt pancake]

*patpats TJ* Of course you don't break things, dear. Now put down the fragile object....

The pancake or the pan? (:

The pan. It's dangerous. You might slip, knock yourself out, and accidentally ban Ian on the way down. :laughingsmiley:

And he would, too. :P Our silly TJ.

Heartbreak --- says (1:00 AM)

yay new quest time! lol


Heartbreak --- says (1:06 AM)

Could you find me a Draik Spinning Top?

After I just sold one in my shop DAYS ago


Shadaw says (1:06 AM)

um i bought it


Heartbreak --- says (1:07 AM)




Just another night in the endless adventures of Shadaw and Heartbreak!!!


Another random moment from the staff chat:

We have to go to Disney World in Florida. :yes: I think you would love the Animal (Originally typed as 'Anime') Kingdom they have there. (I've never been to it. When we went for my dad's work MVP award, we only had 3 days.) But it's really cool from what I hear.


And I'm a huge Disney fan myself, except it was Minnie Mouse for me, growing up.

Glad to know I'm doing my part to increase staff typos.

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