Unstream Posted September 11, 2008 Posted September 11, 2008 My friend and I have just recently had a very heated debate on whether or not gay marriage should be legal. Keep in mind that the debate isn't about whether or not it's good or bad, but about whether it should be prohibited in the United States or not. Personally, I'm for gay marriage being legal in the U.S. And just in case you're wondering, I AM NOT gay, and I AM a Christian. Feel free to disagree with me, or call me hypocritical for thinking that gay marriage should be legal and still call myself a Christian. I will present my argument once someone replies to this topic.
Guest Sandi Posted September 12, 2008 Posted September 12, 2008 It's a free country and all... But why do they have to get rings and a piece of paper? It's silly...It's not like they will be having any real kids together. or should be. The above statement stating that they shouldn't have kids together, isn't exactly what i mean... I don't know anyone who is gay, or anyone who was parented by gay people...But wouldn't they get flamed pretty bad for it? That would suck for the kid.
Unstream Posted September 12, 2008 Author Posted September 12, 2008 I agree that it would kind of suck for the kids, and I have to admit I've never considered that point before. But I'm thinking, why shouldn't a gay couple get married? Yeah, it would be tough for the kid(s), but life can be difficult for kids if say their parents are criminals, if their parents were illegal immigrants, or if their parents had a mental disorder. But who/what says that a gay couple can't get married?
m3l3ana Posted September 12, 2008 Posted September 12, 2008 Just because a gay couple get married, does not automatically mean they are entitled to adopt/surrogate children etc. That is up to either an adoption agency or a surrogate mother. Personally I do not care either way if gay marriages are allowed or not. I do undestand that it goes against certain points of religion and science, but after all we are all differenet and God gave us all a voice and an opinion. I am Catholic, was born and raised Catholic, went to a Catholic school, but I still don't see what gives any of us the right to discriminate against any person. We all do it and I am not perfect and do it too, I am probably being really hypocritical, but just because someone isn't in the 90% range does not mean that they should suffer.
Ruto Posted September 12, 2008 Posted September 12, 2008 Although gay marriage goes against the term "marriage" in my religion, I'm not against it. I just don't find them to be officially "married", just together. To me, marriage is a union between a man and a woman, not two people of the same gender. Again, I'm not saying I'm against it. I'm just stating how I view marriage. I don't believe gay people should suffer. They have rights too. I'm just a little worried about how the children will cope with it. o_O
torridity Posted September 12, 2008 Posted September 12, 2008 I support gay marriage (and gay adoption) 100%. Gender really makes no difference in my opinion - it's just not relevant. Sure, the Bible says that marriage is for a man and a woman but it also says women are weak and evil. And that's a pile of *cough* crap *cough*. The only requirement for marriage should be love.
Dillon Posted September 12, 2008 Posted September 12, 2008 It's a free country and all...But why do they have to get rings and a piece of paper? It's silly...It's not like they will be having any real kids together. or should be. The above statement stating that they shouldn't have kids together, isn't exactly what i mean... I don't know anyone who is gay, or anyone who was parented by gay people...But wouldn't they get flamed pretty bad for it? That would suck for the kid. Since when does marriage have to deal with kids? Marriage is more then just Being Accepted You get loads of government benefits that you can share with your spouse Why are straight people the only ones entitled to those benefits? And Kids biological or not has nothing to do with Marriage Old people get married and never have kids. and People who are infertile get married and adopt In my opinion god recognizes all marriage Following the Bible word for word is blasphemy
Patch Posted September 13, 2008 Posted September 13, 2008 i support gay marriage. i just think that all people should have the same rights. as for the kids my best friends parents are lesbian and adopted him and he has turned out fine and so much for the better. i think that he gained something few people have by being raised by a lesbian couple
Guest Levy Posted September 13, 2008 Posted September 13, 2008 Gay marriage debates are usually one side or the other, no neutrality. I have no problem with homosexual people personally. But with my religious upbringing, I cannot support it. It is hard to be neutral in this kind of thing, especially since my name is the name of the book of the old testament that flat out forbids homosexual relations, Leviticus.
Guest Sandi Posted September 14, 2008 Posted September 14, 2008 Since when does marriage have to deal with kids?Marriage is more then just Being Accepted You get loads of government benefits that you can share with your spouse Why are straight people the only ones entitled to those benefits? And Kids biological or not has nothing to do with Marriage Old people get married and never have kids. and People who are infertile get married and adopt In my opinion god recognizes all marriage Following the Bible word for word is blasphemy The reason most people get married is to have children. I never said they shouldn't get benefits. I never said it mattered if they were biological or not. I'm not going to argue with you, as i would probably hit below the belt saying something about something that you said on a forum before :/ Edit: Ehh? *doesn't remember what i mean't by that*. Nevermind.
Unstream Posted September 14, 2008 Author Posted September 14, 2008 Well I know a couple of kids with gay parents and they turned out just fine. And we really can't prohibit gay marriage because of what the Bible says. The U.S. is supposed to have freedom in religion, so if we make a law just because the Bible says it's wrong, then we'd be forcing everyone to live by the Bible. If it is prohibited, then the U.S. can't really claim to be a free country anymore right? And really, is gay marriage hurting anyone? It's not like it's going to kill anybody.
Ellie_Penguin Posted September 14, 2008 Posted September 14, 2008 I personally feel a little odd seeing them on the streets, mainly because where I live we don't have a lot of gay couples. I think we have more important things to worry about such as, poverty, war, etc. Gay marriage or Gay couples aren't really hurting anyone, and while I may have different views regarding the topic, I think it's their lives and we can't really force them to change for our own benefit. They are who they are and as long as they're not hurting anyone, then so be it.
Dillon Posted September 17, 2008 Posted September 17, 2008 Gay People are not looking to be recognized by god They are looking to be recognized by the government. Of course some want to be recognized by both. but some people don't believe God recognizes Gay Marriage Not all people believe in the bible or interpret what is says in different ways. You can't say Oh well the bible says this so i must agree with it YOU DONT HAVE TO! I disagree with the bible on alot of things The bible should not run the government, but it still does alot a little more then 50 years ago or so Interracial Marriage was prohibited by law We think that is ridiculous and absurd now. its prolly gonna be that same thing in the future Most people don't get married to have children(to my knowledge) they do it to show there love and commitment to one another and pledge to try there best in there relationship
Patch Posted September 17, 2008 Posted September 17, 2008 good point i forget all about the fact that marriage is recognized by the government. another argument on the issue that dillon brought up is the separation of church and state. so the bible should have no effect on this matter. unfortunately the founders vision of a secular society has not happened. but by recognizing gay marriage we could get one step closer
Morcalivan Posted September 17, 2008 Posted September 17, 2008 I firmly support separation of church and state. I am not Christian myself and have not been for over a decade, but I do not believe that a single religion or someone who supports that religion should have power over everyone else. Organised religion in general is an icky thing to me, all too often it spawns fanatics and jerks who use their views to browbeat others. I do realise not all religious people are like this, but still, kinda scary. I am 100% pro gay marriage. Not gay myself, but I do believe that love is love no matter what form it takes and that everyone should be allowed equal rights. Discrimination is never a good thing, no matter who it is aimed at. As for the question of kids, they will face hardship in life no matter who their parents are. It's been a while since I was considered a kid, but I have no trouble remembering the horrible things other kids say and do. Or the times I cried myself to sleep from not wanting to ever go back to school. My parents being straight, white, still married and from a middle class income group did not in any way mitigate how miserable I was. Keep in mind that I am not American and as such have no real idea about the hows and whys of US Laws. Just stating my opinion, which tends to often be a tad controversial. Edited to tone down the combative tone somewhat.
Captain Awesome Pants Posted September 18, 2008 Posted September 18, 2008 Just out of curiousity, how many times does it say in the bible that God does not like gays? And how many times does it speak of His love for everyone? Those that believe that god does not like gays, well, I personally think need to re-read how loving God is. I think it is absurd how people can go around and declare that they know what God wants for us more than we do. Doesn't God just want people to be happy, as long as it hurts no one? Key words, hurts no one. Who you love is of no concern to another, and it won't hurt, or kill anyone if you have the need to love someone of the same gender. I honestly couldn't care less who somebody loves. I will support you one hundred percent of the way. Honest to God, you could love a cereal box, and I'd be happy for you. XD Or even like a knife or something. I'd just warn you to be careful there.... To put this out there, I am Catholic. I'm not very fond of many of our traditions, or ways. Personally, I'd rather be a Universalist. Since when does marriage have to deal with kids?Marriage is more then just Being Accepted You get loads of government benefits that you can share with your spouse Why are straight people the only ones entitled to those benefits? And Kids biological or not has nothing to do with Marriage Old people get married and never have kids. and People who are infertile get married and adopt In my opinion god recognizes all marriage Following the Bible word for word is blasphemy Plus, if we followed the bible word for word, we'd still believe the Earth was flat.
m3l3ana Posted September 18, 2008 Posted September 18, 2008 It doesn't say in the Bible that God doesn't like/love gays, but it does say in the Bible that marriage is supposed to be between a man and a woman. So from that point of view I can see why some people coming from religous backgrounds can see that marriage in wrong in the eyes of their religion. Like I said I don't really care if gay marriages are allowed or not, however the ceremony would have to change a little. It refers to man and woman quite a lot in a Catholic marriage ceremony.
Dillon Posted September 18, 2008 Posted September 18, 2008 Well the bible says you can be gay but if you engage in gay sex you are going to hell You aren't suppose to follow the bible word for word as thats blasphemy i hae bible nitpickers
Aysh Posted September 18, 2008 Posted September 18, 2008 Isn't marriage an institution arranged by various religions? to give recognition to a man and woman in the eyes of God and man? if so then what difference does it make if the gay couple get married or not? I know a lot homosexuals claim they are practising their religion and God loves them but God hasn't sanctified homosexuality in any religion so what's the purpose of getting married? they should just be given equal rights as a couple like they do in Australia to long term partners. This is just my opinion and not meant to offend anyone...
m3l3ana Posted September 18, 2008 Posted September 18, 2008 Well the bible says you can be gay but if you engage in gay sex you are going to hell You aren't suppose to follow the bible word for word as thats blasphemy i hae bible nitpickers Lols... I wasn't nitpicking, I was stating what it says in the Bible. I am no way near perfect, I haven't read the Bible in years, but it also does say in the Bible that we are to follow the law of the lands and therefore that would be the laws in whatever Country you live in. There are a lot of things that I don't agree with in my religion but that fact is that I can understand why some people will believe that gay marriage is against their religion and therefore they can not condole it. There is ofcourse a difference between disagreeing with something and openly critising it and that is where they are out of line. The Bible also says that man shall not judge and that the final judgement is to be made by God. What I don't like about those people is that they take somes parts of the Bible to heart and other parts they forget about.
Unstream Posted September 18, 2008 Author Posted September 18, 2008 Well the bible says you can be gay but if you engage in gay sex you are going to hell O.o I don't remember that part... Some people say that all homosexuals will go to hell. But the Bible does say that God views all sins as the same. So in a sense, lying is just as bad as doing it with another member of the same sex in Gods eyes.
m3l3ana Posted September 18, 2008 Posted September 18, 2008 Yes but God also gave up his son for our sins and IF gay intercourse is a sin and you repent and are truly sorry then you are forgiven. The thing is that if you repent and then go and do it again, you obviously aren't that sorry and therefore it is harder for a priest to abslove your sin.
Dillon Posted September 18, 2008 Posted September 18, 2008 Lols... I wasn't nitpicking, I was stating what it says in the Bible. I am no way near perfect, I haven't read the Bible in years, but it also does say in the Bible that we are to follow the law of the lands and therefore that would be the laws in whatever Country you live in. There are a lot of things that I don't agree with in my religion but that fact is that I can understand why some people will believe that gay marriage is against their religion and therefore they can not condole it. There is ofcourse a difference between disagreeing with something and openly critising it and that is where they are out of line. The Bible also says that man shall not judge and that the final judgement is to be made by God. What I don't like about those people is that they take somes parts of the Bible to heart and other parts they forget about. I never said you were nitpicking im saaaaaaaying I hate bible nitpickers
Unstream Posted September 19, 2008 Author Posted September 19, 2008 Yes but God also gave up his son for our sins and IF gay intercourse is a sin and you repent and are truly sorry then you are forgiven. The thing is that if you repent and then go and do it again, you obviously aren't that sorry and therefore it is harder for a priest to abslove your sin. I know, but there are so many times when you can't really say you're sorry. I mean say you lie to avoid getting in trouble. When you ask God to forgive you, and say God let you do that part of your life again. More likely than not, you'd still lie, because you don't want to get into trouble. I always figured that as long as you trust in Jesus and you accept him you're all set for heaven. And I mean trust and accept as in you truly accept him and you're not thinking, "well if this will get me into heaven then I might as well go for it." I thought that if you just want to know Jesus and you want to be with him, you go to heaven. But this is getting off topic. I mean, sure, you can believe that all gay people are destined for hell. But why should you care? They aren't you. If they go to hell well then they join the hundreds of nonbelievers. If they don't then good for them. So who's to say we should stop them? It's good for them? In their eyes prohibiting gay marriage isn't good for them.
Captain Awesome Pants Posted September 19, 2008 Posted September 19, 2008 Yes but God also gave up his son for our sins and IF gay intercourse is a sin and you repent and are truly sorry then you are forgiven. The thing is that if you repent and then go and do it again, you obviously aren't that sorry and therefore it is harder for a priest to abslove your sin. But how is it a sin? Honestly, the bible wasn't written exactly the way God said it. It's been lost in translation, AND was written by a bunch of guys. No offense to guys. I mean the guys back then were just a little more ah.... centered around themselves being in charge of women. So of course some of them are going to think it is a complete and utter sin. On a side (but related) note: There was a church somewhere that had a sing out fron that said, "I kissed a girl and I liked it, and then I went to hell." XD But that's kind of jumping to conclusions. HOW DO WE KNOW THAT IT WASN'T A BOY WHO KISSED THAT GIRL? HMMM? Not saying that a girl kissing a girl is bad.
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