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Busy taking over the world :: Twin Skies Now.com

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Hello TDNers!


As you know, Adam and Donna, the creators of Neopets have created their own gaming studios called Meteor Games, who is developing a new massively multiplayer online game called Twin Skies. Well, this is totally off topic, but we really like Google. We aspire to being like them. Why? Because they've taken over the world of course! This is want TDN is doing with it's newest branch Twin Skies Now!



Yes, that's right! We're doing a fan site for Twin Skies! We already have a Twin Skies Forum open too. If you're interested in the game and think you'll be a player of it, we encourage you to sign up! Please remember that it's not for Neopets chat though! We've been working on this fan site since the end of June and are very glad to have finally released it (we were just waiting for the name to come out :O).


Thanks for your continued support of TDN,



TDN Management


Ian rocks my socks.

Although ten bucks say that Ian used my summary of Twin Skies as a reference for his speech.


Anyway, I am really looking forward to this branched site. :)

I'm gonna sign up for the forum. :)


Hehe, yes, I did use your snippet in my speech. :D Thanks for that btw.


Feel free to give any feedback that you might have. Well, actually, you might just wanna email the site at [email protected] cause I might miss a few posts on the topic. :P


Thanks for joining guys! :D Do you guys think you'll actually play the game though?


Provided, it's free (and maybe even if it's not...) I will. It looks really fun.

Thanks for joining guys! :D Do you guys think you'll actually play the game though?


With all this hype, I'm pretty sure I will. :D I'll at least give it the trial.


I'm planning on playing the game... yes... *saves money*


Good job on the site, and that movie that you put on the page too!!


I signed up as member no. 12. b) I may play the game if it's free. :/


It has been confirmed that it will be P2P (pay to play). About $5-10.


Aww, fuzz-nunny. Well, I don't play neo and I still hang out here. Why not there? xP

Thanks for joining guys! :D Do you guys think you'll actually play the game though?


I most certainly will.

Given that Twin Skies releases a real-life subscription card.

Which, hopefully, they'll think about.


And even if they don't, I can't see why I am not able to help out on the site.

I believe Adam stated that a few parts of the site will be free to play.


I got number 33... I should have registered earlier..:( anyways, I'm not so sure if I will play it but just in case I decide to, then at least I 'm already a member of TSN (Twin Skies Now) *funny that only one letter changed* XD


Way to go sir Ian!! You rule!!!! :king: (I never realize that Sir Ian can speak so fast! :D)


*clears throat* Ahem.. Right so I have been away for a little while and now am slightly confusled!!! What the heck is Twin Skies?


Oohh ok.. So I just read the TSN site and found out a little what it is about. Now does anyone know if they will have a trial period before they make you pay? I don't really want to pay if I don't like it. Anyways.. I don't have time right now to look it up and do a little research :P I am supposed to be working.


It wouldn't be as much fun to use the same set on all forums... plus, the green set was made especially for TDN ;o. I wanted to change it for something smarties, like I put on TSNForums, but now that it is done, I will stick to my green set over here.


The forums is successful so far. Join us :D. We had awesome unreleased news yesterday... new pictures :)


Member 81. XD

I really hope it's free. Maybe like Runescape where you get all the basics free but if you pay $5 a month you get extra quests and stuff to do? :guiltysmiley:


Awesome, it hasn't even opened yet and already all these fan sites! I'm not really into MMO's but I may try this one just because Adam and Donna made it :)

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