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The Darkest Faerie

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Status Updates posted by The Darkest Faerie

  1. :( *huggles* I'm glad it's not that evil Spline Flu.

  2. V-V-Very awesome! :) How is you?

  3. :P I'm up earlier than my usual... but it'll probably change to my usual.

  4. I have come back! Has the DFM pteri been a nuisance here recently?

  5. It's an english cheese. It tastes delicious! :) My mum finds it too hard to eat. But I find it perfect.

  6. *huggles and gives you some Manchego cheese* This is one of my favourites.

  7. O_O You is in the BC? I didn't see your topic here!

  8. :P *gives Nerkmid with the words Fluffy Minion engraved on it* Form a Fluffy Minion to a fellow Fluffy Minion. :P

  9. *still leveling up my Finneon* I'm just using Surf and it's getting through just fine.

  10. LOL! I remember the comment that Ruto once left on Anime's profile. "Morgna was here. Not Morgan. Morgna."

  11. MEEPTROID! How is you???

  12. *random comment*

    UHN was here.

  13. ANIME!!! I'm actually back to watching anime now, especially Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.

  14. Did you see my reason to ban that other person? I can't remember her name.

  15. Erm.. on the ban game, that is.

  16. I like posting in the games forum. I bet that someone will ban me for a true reason. :P

  17. Well, insanity makes everything spot-on here. Especially if you're active on here.

  18. I missed you, Ruto, Anime and all the others so much! Getting that PM spammer message made me remember how much I enjoyed TDN, which caused me to visit on my birthday, then I came back yesterday and repeatedly visited. :) I changed my name on my birthday too.

  19. Did you go for a while as well? *looks at miss you comments on your profile* It looks like you were missed just as much before my birthday.

  20. I take it you recognised the Kacheek. :P I'm glad to be back here.

  21. Hello, livvy! How is you?

  22. *pokes* Hi! I can has cheezburger? :P

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