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Posts posted by ChaoticFission

  1. just out of curiosity... what would happen if that greeting were to be excluded from the url when accessing Tarla's warehouse page? this is something that needs to be tested.


    also, matchu, to be on the safe side, you could specify that only those for whom can't install the toolbar could use the neoportal version. that is to say, you could set up browser validation and only make it show up if the useragent was matched.

  2. Maybe, you could even add a Tarla button daily thing, and it would ring or something like that. I undestand that it would be hard to code and stuff, but if you could figure out how to link your website to the toolbar, that would be very interesting!

    while that's not a bad idea, it would imply that you would need to keep the neoportal up for as long as you have your browser open.

  3. I don't usually lag at all.. I'm lucky. :D


    Most people don't use lagging as an excuse when I neomail them though, they ALL say their computer crashed. A whole lot of computers have been crashing while I am one square away from winning lately. LOL


    you get that problem too? i think their computer senses that they are about to lose and reboots itself. but then, the computer reboots so fast that they are up and running by the time you send them a neomail. they seem respond almost instantaneously.

  4. yes. you are correct xepha. i must've misread that on a guide somewhere.

    anyway, i have submitted this question to next week's editorial. hopefully it will get answered.


    my guess is "no" anyway.

  5. none of the reviews are THAT bad.. besides, you can disable all of the various annoyances. it's very customizable. in the worst case, you can always remove it if you don't like it.


    the only annoying part is the tarla alert coming up after she is no longer available.

  6. actually, they are fusible in Bonju's cooking pot. the reason i ask is because i saw it on the TP and the owner said that it was possible to use the slorgclops for the meowclops avatar. although, this could've been his ploy to get back the 5M+ that he spent on the meowclops and then losing it by fusing it into a worthless petpet.

  7. while information about Core 2 Duo can be found on Wikipedia, i believe that what odee meant was that a single-core processor no longer cuts it in today's world. a dual-core processor allows for simultaneous processing of 2 processes, inevitably, allowing the computer to run faster. similarly, a quad-core processor would allow for 4 processes to be processed simultaneously, and so on and so forth.

  8. is it possible to link the caption to the caption competition page? it's not very user friendly to have to navigate to another part of the site just to get a quick link to the caption competition.

  9. they don't change drastically, but they do change nonetheless. i am not aware of the frequency of these changes, but be aware that some rounds are subject to them. it even has a statement where you place your bets that says "ratios are subject to change throughout the day".

  10. does anyone know if it is possible to get the meowclops AND slorg avatars by attaching this really weird petpet to your pet?


    i'd assume that not an awful lot of neopians even own this petpet.

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