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Posts posted by Meeptroid

  1. Personally, I do not think it is too wrong for Petpet Park to be advertised. Maybe a small little advertisement on the page is fine, but a HUGE layout surrounding the front page is overkill.


    Here is a section from an editorial posted in the Neopian Times:


    They're set in Neopia, feature familiar characters and lands, tell Neopian stories, and we dedicate whole sections of the site to letting you know all about them, but they aren't actually part of the site itself.


    From what I can gather, Neopets has stated that Petpet Park, while it is related to Neopets, will have nothing to do with the Neopets site itself. As evidenced by the gigantic advertisements on the front page of Neopets, they are not upholding their promise.


    You wouldn't spend your site Neopoints in your Neopets: Puzzle Adventure DS game, for example. Those video games are on their own, self contained. Petpet Park is pretty much like that. (Only it's online and you don't need a game console, but you get the idea!) :)


    The quote above states that Petpet Park is self-contained and outside currency, such as Neopoints, would not be used. However, Neocash (which originated on the Neopets Site) is used in Petpet Park, which basically contradicts the quote. I will also mention the fact that there "Neo" isn't even in Petpet Park. It is all about the Petpets.

  2. It is perfectly legal to trade pets with another user! In fact, the Neopian Pound even has a 'Transfer' option that can be used for that.

    So no, it is not reportable/illegal.


    Anyway, that is a pretty cool trade. As you stated above, as long as you are happy with the trade, then all things are okay. :)

  3. That is just one of two messages you'll receive after visiting the meteor. It just indicates that there is nothing more to be found on the page and you should return to it tomorrow for another chance to receive an item. So no, it really is not all that special. :(

    A guide for the meteor and the events can be found here.

  4. Happy Birthday Ian!


    Who knew turning 17 would be such a piece of cake?

    Thank you so much for all the effort you have poured into this site!

    The Daily Neopets is quite a fine creation of yours, I must say.

  5. Oh, no, I am not attempting to stop these puns dead in their track. In fact, some of them may even be considered of gold quality.

    Some users, unfortunately, may not want to scroll through pages of puns all the vine, possibly abandoning the thread entirely.

    Perhaps you should drop the hole subject of puns, despite how ice some are, and have an alternative.

    Although I am using puns myself, sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.

  6. Alright everyone, it has come to my attention that puns are being mass produced on this thread.

    As egg-citing as they may be, you should never overuse them; even if they are the beast you have ever came up with.

    I could dragon forever about this, however I simply cannot do so because time is clicking away on me.

    I know I sound hard-boiled regarding this situation, but you must understand my cave decision.

  7. I just finished rewriting the Limited and Restricted Pets article last night.

    On a limited edition pet days, they are usually released in small groups ranging from a various numbers, basically. But in many cases the numbers are real low.

    The amount of time you have to create one depends entirely on the pet. The Tonu is probably one of those pets that nobody will bother picking up quickly. (In fact, according to this page, there are more Tonu released than there are that have been actually created.)

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