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Sapphy the Swamp Witch

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Posts posted by Sapphy the Swamp Witch

  1. I've flown...er...*counts on fingers* five times. Six, if you count the time I had to switch planes halfway through. I hate trying to sleep on the plane, lol, it's so uncomfortable.


    I don't like shopping either, seems like a waste of time to me. xD

  2. Aww, I'm so sorry. :( An account listed as under thirteen is always at a lot of risk in case something like that happens.


    Did you get an automated response though? If so, I recommend giving it one more try, because it means TNT didn't read it. Yeah, they do that all the time.


    Good luck.

  3. The Altador Cup is done on summer.

    Winter for me. :P


    Oh, alright, I'll rate. xD


    Bloody Mir


    Originality: 9/10

    Scenery: 8/10 - I can tell the ice cream is supposed to fit it with the snow and ice, but with all the white around it, it looks like mud. xD

    Theme Flow: 10/10 - The ice garland fits in well, as does the Snowmuncher costume, and being painted a white colour makes the theme flow perfectly! :yes:

    Overall: 9.5 - Wow!

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