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Posts posted by luv2lindy77

  1. I just rstocked a 1.3 million book on half price day.

    I thought this day would never happen. xD

    So whats been up people?


    Good job! I got a decent UB yesterday, but not worth THAT much!


    And thanks for reminding me that it's half price day! :D *restocks and hopes*

  2. That may or may not be true. The grapevine says that approximately 5 years after the publication of "Deathly Hallows", JK Rowling will pen an eighth book that takes place ten years after they leave Hogwarts. An intriguing rumor to be sure, and I, for one, would love to see it pan out.


    JKR seemed so adamant that she wasn't going to write another Harry book. I'm thinking it's more a hopeful wish than truth. Not that I wouldn't read it if it did happen, of course!

  3. It makes me SO want to skip out on something I have planned during PAX just so I can go and get all the info I can! In fact, I just might! ^_^ Need an on-site reporter for PAX? I can only do a good portion of one day (Saturday), but I'm dying to show up.


    You did a good job on the site, given so little content to work with.

  4. I picked big and scary even though I think they're little and scary. Close enough. Evil and/or creepy little things scare me more than evil and/or creepy big things, for some reason. I guess it's because it's harder to see or hear the little ones coming. *shudder*

  5. *groan*


    "royal treatment" and "crowning achievement"


    Such a bad pun.


    *shakes head*


    I wonder if the board game is like Frogger, only in the water and avoiding sharks instead of cars. Sorry, best I can come up with. It's odd-looking for a board game.

  6. That's why I don't watch TV that much anymore. TV companies are just getting too lazy.


    Same here. Battlestar Galactica, Avatar and... Well, I guess that's it, unless you count the random anime series I download here and there. Other than the occasional DVD rental, news, and PBS program, I don't really watch TV. I rarely even catch a movie unless I'm sure it's worth it. If someone recommends a new show, sometimes I'll try it out. It's just gotta be worth my time.


    Sorry, don't mean to derail the thread.


    I hope you enjoy yourself here!

  7. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

    *Waves back frantically like an idiot ^_^ *




    *Ahem* Anyway, Phil Collins is actually playing again at the moment - "I've forgotten everything" b)


    Can't say I'm listening to him at the moment, though. Pandora is playing "All I Ever Wanted" by The Human League. It's on an 80's sound kick. And I didn't start off the station with a song that sounds even remotely 80's. Can't say I'm complaining, though. *bounces to the music*

  8. How do you get that Avatar?


    The avatar is from a random event. Sorry I can't help more! Took me almost 4 years of sporadic playing to just get it on this account!


    I also finally restocked a rare item from the Chocolate Shop to get the Chocolate! avatar! Woot! *bouncies*

  9. Welcome!


    I was going to guess that your name came from the cartoon show of the same name, but it turns out the show is a little before your time.


    Yay for jobs that allow for surfing!


    You seem like a very friendly person. I look forward to seeing you around more. :)

  10. Hello, Leaf.


    Welcome! What are your interests? What are your favorite Neopets activities? And what do you like to do away from Neopets? Why the username Leaf?


    From your profile, you sound like quite the creative person. I look forward to seeing you around more.

  11. I've only been on Neopets about 6 months but I also enjoy collecting the Avatars and training for the battledome (only concentrating on one pet for that at the moment though). I'm just a bit of a collector/hoarder anyway so I enjoy getting any Avatars, Stamps, Cards, etc ^_^

    Unfortunatly though, even when I try my best at games, I'm still a good few hundred or thousand points off the top scores for a trophy and/or Avatar :(


    I'm having a hard time with most of the avatar games myself. Just can't seem to do well enough on most of them. I gave up on trophies a long time ago, but I still practice a few games because I know all it will take is a bit of luck combined with my aaalllmost-enough-skill to get the avatar. I used to play every game that came out so that I'd have a high number of games played. I stopped after a break and saw just how many sponsor games I'd missed. :O


    And yay, a Phil Collins fan!

  12. Very True, I am so happy for Faerieland. ^_^ I have nothing againest Faerieland, but I can't beleive that Brightville lost to a team that has never won a game! :woot:




    Sure, rub it in. -_-




    My team stinks. At least we're not in last place, though. It might help if I could get my brain to accept the Yooyuball controls. No matter how many times I try, they still feel wrong. To score points for the prize store, we just need to play some of the games, right? Not just Yooyuball, I hope?

  13. Ouch! :( Sorry to hear it!


    I've been there before. I work on computers and I play on computers. I use a trackball mouse. Not the one with the ball in the middle, but the type with the ball on the side where my thumb is. It made a huge difference. That and making sure that I keep my wrist straight. You may need a wrist brace and a trip to the doctor. No matter how ergonomic your workstation is, though, you can still get repetitive stress injuries from just plain too much use. Take care of yourself!


    Btw, I gave up on Yooyuball. I honestly couldn't score a single goal, except for the one I scored by mistake. The controls felt so wrong to me. I tried a different mouse, but it made no difference. I can't get used to the controls. You still get points for the other games, though, right?

  14. Great interview, Ian!


    I saw the plant-creature image in another article, but not the scarecrow one. With the watermark it's awfully hard to see the scarecrow's details, though. Any chance of lightening that up just a little? I've really liked the three images I've seen from the game. I like that they're going for an older audience. I think a lot of people who grew up on Neopets may be looking for something a little more mature now and this might be it. :) I'm looking forward to the new game! ^_^

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