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Posts posted by luv2lindy77

  1. I was reminded immediately that it was April Fools Day because of the green theme. I've also noticed the bank interest change. Mine is down by an entire percentage point. There's lots of random weird stuff going on. I wish I could change back to my preferred theme, but I can wait until tomorrow, I guess.

  2. I learned that could happen early on in playing. I had very few neopoints on-hand and had a random event that took all and then some! I was a little annoyed. I'd put my neopoints into the bank so that they couldn't be stolen by REs, yet they still were stolen.

  3. Thanks, guys! Every time I looked around for info, I kept finding info on Neopets' Birthday, but not specifically about the user's birthday. I got a piece of the petpet lab map, but nothing special otherwise. I had really good luck with restocking, though.


    Woo hoo, high five! March 30th? Me too :).


    I got just as many REs as usual, and nothing super extreme. I asked this question too but it seems it's just the theme.


    Woot! Another Aries.

  4. I wanted to say thanks and say my Starry Kau likes her starry grooming brush!


    I was looking through my SDB, but the only theme I can come up with is a Christmas-related theme from all the Advent Calendar stuff I kept. I think I'll wait and do something in December, then.

  5. The thing that annoys me most is quitters in 2P 5-key games. I'll stick around just for the silver key, even if I am losing. I'll have a good starting move, for example, getting a good powerup, landing on my alignment space, getting a super powerup, and having the fairie give me extra moves, so I get the next key in my path. The next thing I know, the person has quit and neomails me that they're reporting me for cheating. >.< Or if it looks like I'm about to win, they drop out.


    It happens a lot. I know sometimes people have computer issues, but it's pretty suspicious when the timing is always when they're behind. I mean, I've had a couple of games where it just froze on me during rolling and the dice never stopped. But it's pretty obvious that there are people lacking good sportsmanship out there and that's not something you can really fix via rules or punishments.


    I would be for a short lockout period for dropping out of a game. Problem is, that would affect even the people who drop out due to computer issues or bugged games. :(

  6. I would love to play!


    I keep having people drop out on me and it's getting annoying. (I'm not even particularly good.)


    I'm up for 5-key games, preferably 2-3 players. I never drop out of a game because I'm not winning. I'll only drop out if it hangs on me, which is pretty rare so far (haven't played THAT much yet) and usually happens at the initial screen, not the game board.


    I'm good at some mini-games and stink at others.


    I'm online all day today, pretty much.

  7. It's my birthday soon. I know about the birthday sidebar, but is there anything I should know about ? Some page I should be visiting or something special I should be doing?


    Basically, are there any other differences on your birthday as opposed to any other day of the year, other than the sidebar?

  8. EDNA IS MAKING ME PULL OUT MY HAIR!!!!!!! I have done 10 quests a day for a month now and NO AVATAR! *bangs head on desk*


    I hate to say it but the Lever of Doom one.. I spent like 7k and a few minutes getting it.. :x I feel lucky!


    Edna made me do quests for over a year before awarding her avatar. That witch! Oh, wait...

  9. It's been very effective for me. I just buy different stocks at 15NP and sell when they reach 150% or higher. I've made back more than I currently have invested in it right now, and that's almost 750k (spread out over 26 different stocks). You won't be selling stocks every day. Sometimes not even every week. But it's worth the wait because they virtually always go up. Sometimes you'll miss it, but you should catch enough of the price jumps to make it worth your time. It takes a lot of patience, but it's definitely been worth it, in my experience.

  10. I restock at the Chocolate shop and I've been doing this for a couple of years. I'm quick and I recognize what to buy and not buy.


    The profit margins are okay (typically 200-800%, with 400% seeming more common for me), but I think it might be time to move to a higher margin shop, even if more people restock there. I usually get 1-3 items per restock at the Chocolate Shop, so I think I'm up to more competition. I know there would be a learning curve as I re-learn what to buy, but it might be worth it.


    This brings me to the topic for discussion: What shops seem to have the potential for a higher profit margin than Chocolate? And not just because of an occasional twice-a-week rare items, but a little bit more regular than that.

  11. hehe, how strange... all the years I've been playing neopets I've never had one person mail me and ask me why I'm playing when I'm as old as I am.. mind you back then I was around 20-22 - now I'm 30 and still love playing on there.


    But then, most of my neofriends are all over 20 as well :)


    I've known people much older who play, too. When the site was created, it was created by college-age people for their peers. (And after talking to Adam & Donna, I can totally see them having fun with it. They're just as much into stuff like this as the players are. I'm looking forward to their new game.) To become a thriving business, they had to widen the appeal. It still retains aspects that appeal to all ages, though.

  12. I had an account before this one, but lost the email address associated with it due to inactivity and couldn't get back in after taking a break from Neopets because I forgot my password.


    So the first things I did with my new account were to hunker down and earn what I needed to basically get back the basics of what I had before: A cybunny, a starry kau, a faerie ixi, and the lab ray. It didn't take all that long, due to good luck and much lower prices than today's prices. Rebuilding my account was my biggest spending spree, overall. Other than that, I've saved up and only spent money for little things and for avatars. I'll drop a fair amount for an avatar. I'm at the point, though, where there's little left that I can use NP for that's anywhere near my price range. The stamp albums, for example.


    So my only "splurges" are for avatars. But it's my primary goal to collect avatars, so I think it's less of a splurge than a calculated purchase.

  13. I do something similar. I create a pet with a decent name, zap it until it changes color, and then I put it up for adoption. I've also adopted ones for zapping as well. It gives other people a chance to get a fancy-looking pet. I have the pets I want, so why not help others get the ones they want?

  14. Just minutes after I transferred an Avatar Lending Program pet to the next person in the chain, I got the Boochie event. He missed, but it just reinforces the reminder to keep a non-ALP pet active! (I had one of my own pets active, btw.)


    All these years, I've never seen Boochie once, and he tries to come along right around a time when I least want to see him! That's Boochie for ya!

  15. I don't see it either. I refreshed at the NC Mall main page and looked through the whole Valentines shop. I even searched for "valentines goodie box" and "goodie" and got "No items were found matching your search criteria." I tried a search for "valentine" and several items showed up, but no goodie box.

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