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Posts posted by 1998zachary1998

  1. Sorry, but I couldn't help but laugh when after that whole introduction about all the things he's done, he stole your credit card to play neopets. After all that, I would have expected him to use your card to buy less geeky or "childish" things. (People his age tend to think that games like that are for babies. Once we get older, we understand it's for everyone.)


    Anyway, it's clearly a tough--darn near impossible if it isn't impossible--situation. I understand the point of CPS, but when they take away the ability to punish a kid at all, the child lacks discipline. The only way you CAN punish him now is by taking away privileges--which clearly, you have been trying to do.


    Is CPS okay with getting a lock on the outside of his room and then locking him in when he's being punished? Then again, even if they are okay with that, THEN you somehow have to force him into the room, and whatever your methods for doing so are, you'd have to restrain him somehow. Honestly, I would call up CPS and ask what they would suggest. Make sure you detail every horrible thing he's done and ask them what they would suggest for punishment. Then stress that you did EVERYTHING they said (which you did) but you can't force a punishment on him because he will resist AND ATTACK YOU, as he has done. Stress that the times you have hit him were in self-defense--WHICH THEY WERE.


    As for the computer, I would say don't let him anywhere near a computer. Got homework? Too bad--sounds like he wouldn't do it anyway. You may need to get rid of a desktop and ONLY have a laptop, but if it's really extreme, this may be a necessity.


    The remaining suggestions I have are very, very extreme.

    *Boot camp. No, seriously, BOOT CAMP. I don't know what the school for troubled children is like, but if it's not BOOT CAMP, send him to BOOT CAMP. At the very least, it may instill a sense of working hard for something. It would also help him understand how good he has things--and he would be unable to steal from the other kids because they won't have anything either.


    *I know you just moved, but--and this is VEEEERY extreme, of course--moving out to a place out in the boonies might help some. That is, if he can't walk places, he can't get into trouble as readily.



    I wish you luck. I've taught kids like what you describe, but the vast majority of their parents didn't pay any attention to the kids, hence their ability to run wild. I'm glad you are actually doing your best to stop his behavior.

    I say send him out on his own and see if he fares well. He will be begging to come back and hopefully follow your rules.

  2. I just saw the "Vote this post up" feature--it's very small, so I haven't seen it before. I clicked it for an awesome post, but it said I had reached my maximum. Anyone know what the deal is? Is voting disabled for the site? Do you need to have a certain number of posts or something like that?


    Sorry if this is in the wrong section...I'm asking for TDN help rather than neopets help.


    EDIT: Thanks for moving it! I couldn't find where the TDN questions were, for some reason.


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    I was wondering about that too and I get the same response.

  3. when you clean out your inventory .. do you donate the items to the money tree or discard them ?


    i personally discard all junk ... and only donate items worth around 200-500 np (some esophagor quest prizes) to the money tree ... junk is hugely reproduced on a daily basis (imagine how many people play tombola and fishing etc) and we don't need anymore of those items cluttering up the money tree and the shops , trading post etc ...


    what about you ??

    I usually sell things in my shop even if it only goes for one neopoint.
  4. I recently got a warning from tnt my first one and i have only been playing for 4 months my offence saying i hate my cats...How many times can i get a warning before getting frozen?

    I am wondering what is wrong with saying "I hate my cats" Also how do you know someone reported you. Sometimes when someone reported you you don't get a warning. Sometimes they just give a warning without you breaking the rules. Even if it was off topic there are people saying sexual things or trying to sue profanity and they don't always get warnings.

  5. I've read alot of articles about children being charged with murder. One of them, a 5 year old, drowned an infant in the bathtub. A 5th grader shot mother or stepmother in the head, and a 15 year old girl dug the grave of her 9 year old victim before she killed her. Two of them, the 5th grader and 15 year old girl may be facing life in prison. The 5 year old may be facing murder charges. So my question is, how young is too young for life in prison?


    Personally, I think that 5-10 years old is too young to be held in an ADULT prison. The 15 year old maybe, but still they are juvenilles. The 5 year old should have a psychiatric evaluation and be placed in the care of somebody who could possibly help her before it's too late to save her. It was also stated in the articles I read that a 16 year old with mental disabilities was watching the children and the 5 year old was annoyed that the baby wouldn't stop crying so she made him stop. As messed up as that sounds, she probably didn't know better.


    The 5th grader who is being held in an adult prison, should be kept in Juvenille hall instead of adult. I'm not going into detail but certain things happen in adult prisons that can be terrifying and emotionally scarring for a young boy.


    The 15 year old is beyond help. Her Myspace and Facebook hobbies were listed as "Killing people". She has a history of cutting herself with her fingernails, and when she killed her victim she kept stabbing the body.


    What do you think?

    Are you talking about the fifth grader who shot his pregnant mother in the head. Not saying that this was wrong but the mother physically and mentally abused the child. She told him he was worthless and said other mean things to him and his seven year old sister. He should have been in counselling. She even told him that once the father had this new baby they would kick him out of the house. She told him his father did not love him because now he had a new wife ect. The father never knew about all the mean and cruel things she said to him. He should not be tried as an adult. He should be sent to juvie and get help. Emotional abuse can cause damage, but not enough to kill someone.


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  6. Has anyone else noticed that Neopets has some serious problems today? Or is it just me? I just got back from a short vacation and doing my dailies has literally taken me an hour... and half of them told me an error has occurred and won't let me retry? Oh how frustrating!!

    As far as I am concerned neopets has had problems and glitches for years. This is just one of the problems.

  7. I have NEVER in my life been silenced before. But I have a cousin who was in fact living with me and he was trolling on the boards constantly. When he got silenced. All of my accounts got shut down too. They are all permanently silenced. I have been on this site for seven long years. I have put so much effort into my main account.


    I sent TNT a ticket. I am so frustrated and I just want to cry.

    Is there any way TNT will understand that people do not in fact live alone and it is not fair that I be punished when I have done nothing wrong?


    I got the same warning on every account saying that I continued to break the rules. I never broke any rules. :(

    My cousin got the exact warnings I received.


    Has anyone ever received their account unsilenced or back aafter being frozne?

    Just be glad you were not frozen. They claimed my whole family was frozen because I had several accounts. When I tried to email them they were rude. This staff member Brandon even made a nasty comment with profanity. They did this because I was eleven at the time. But when my dad an adult contacted them they were very polite and gave back the account. I also got an email from Heidi saying that my account was frozen because people got a hold of my password when it said I was using several accounts. Then this Justin person also got rude and said I was using multiple accounts when asked for proof he told me to go to hell.

  8. Apparently some mother is trying to sue neopets because her son (10) has been spending too much time on neopets and she is claiming that neopets is distracting him from doing his homework. What do you think of this. I mean if this is true she should take control of her own child's useage.

  9. So, alot of people keep asking what is and what isnt cheating so this forum is for anyone that has a question on the rules or what you can or cant do. i personally have a question about if something is reportable or not...


    Say if you create a game on Keyquest and the person that joins the game happens to be a cheater you have played before (and by cheater i mean you know for a FACT this person is a cheater by playing them multiple times and having friends play them multiple times and every time they quit if you are about to win). If you leave the game before even rolling to see who chooses the house and goes first, is that reportable?

    You have not even started the game so no not cheating.

  10. call 911 and have them trace her IP .. then charge her with child abuse and take her kids away from her .. she's obviously psycho loool


    but honestly I think she's lying ...


    my game crashed one time and I had to quit .. the other guy neomailed me saying he's gonna report me for cheating ... I blocked him x_x

    Hopefully she is, but you never know. Did you hear about the farmville mother?

  11. Okay so I was playing this user, who claims to be a mother of four. I don't always have computer problems but this time I did. So she sent me a nasty neomail saying that because I quit on Key quest she is so angry. She sent a very detailed response telling me that because she was angry that she would take it out on her children, and shake her baby because her anger was out of control. Then she blocked me but because my computer was slow I took a while before she replied and then she said.


    "I just shook my baby because your quitting made me angry are you happy" and she sent me messages saying she beat up her other three children.


    Anyways I found that rude. What is the rudest message you got from someone who either quit key quest, or from someone who assumed you quit keysuest.

  12. How can one check? I know how to see other people's, but how can I see mine?

    You have to ask someone on help chat or key quest chat to check your status for you. You have to be in the waiting room.(usually two keys which is less crowded) tell them you are in the two key waiting room(or any room but less crowded works best as it is easy to find your name. Then they usually tell you. Or you can use a side to check.

  13. Answer question above.


    Also anyone know the exact date the rating system started?


    Also if your rating changes apparently you can delete your vote and vote again so do this if you rememer.


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  14. Is anyone else getting the message that neopets is offline, this is around 10:30 NST and has been like this for a while. So if you see the board and don't get this message did anyone else get this message between 9 NST too 10:30 and count NST on May 2, 2010.

  15. This is kind of ridiculous! Finding the slymook I mean. I've been at it for twelve minutes, and have found him twice. Please tell me I'm not the only one having this problem? 8D






    Nevermind! I got it! To help you guys;



    ^ Use that page. Refreshing the map resets the count of how many times you've found the slymook! So right click the image and press open in new window (or tab, haha doesn't matter) the url will say something like map_00. If it's a double zero, press "keep looking" because it is NOT on the map! If the url says map_01, map_12, ect it IS on the map!

    That pet page does not have the locations anymore anyone know of a different one?


    Nevermind found my own answer this page is better



  16. Hmm... not sure if this is a joke or not, I'd look just in case or wait until someone has found one, then you'd know that it wasn't a joke

    But what if the person that "found" it is part of the joke?

  17. I can't blame you for wanting to quit - but I'd give them time to try to get back to you. Can you respond to the standard reply stating that you weren't cheating at the game and that's why you want your account back? If you keep nagging you might get through to a person.


    Surely they've got to take into account that you've been a member for 8 years so have nearly been around from the start and obviously haven't been cheating before otherwise you'd already have been banned. I'd keep trying, keep stating that you were only beating the Daily Dare score which they had set and it took alot of practice and patience to get to that score.


    I don't know but that's what I'd try. Constant nagging and reasonable argument to try to hit a person to speak to and explain.

    I don't mean to burst anyone'e bubble, but even if you do get a live response, chances are they will lie to you.(depending on the person. I heard Justin, Heidi and Brandon were lazy. In other words they claimed they checked out the situation, found you did cheat and claim they cannot return your account. This being without seeing the situtation. I heard from someone that if you email charlotte personally she is good at her job and will get it done. Her email is [email protected] or sommething like that. I wish TNT would fix the adver video thing though. Has not been working for days. They also froze another helpful hcer known as "Sal" and she was unfairly frozen before, got her account back and now is frozen again. Then a third member got frozen three times and unfrozen three times, then the fourth time she got frozen they said they could not give her account back since she was frozen three times when TNT admitted themselves those three freezings were unfair.(Both had premium)


    Good luck.

  18. Drat! Drat! Drat! Drat! Drat! As soon as the new version properly comes out this is being moved out of my favourites and onto my 'never to play again' list. I hated the revamp. I love the Kass Basher as it is but I absolutely hated the new one. I had kind of hoped that they'd decided the new version was a flop and to get rid of it entirely.

    I am thinking they got lots of complaints about the crap version of the game, and when it is released it won't be as pathetic as it was before, that they improved it.

  19. Just if you are under 18 get a parent to do this, if you are over 18 call up the premium helpline, ask for your money back and threaten to sue if you don't. I heard many premium members took neopets to court because they refused to give money back after unfairly frozen, and some of them won and not only got their money back but extra money.(one person claimed being frozen gave her mental angish.

  20. Your profile says you are 14 years old. I am not sure but I think you have to be 18 to use better business bureau, or have a parent do it for you, and I think they help unfairly frozen permium members get their accounts back first since they are paying for the service. They have become unfair in the last few weeks though. BTW what is wrong with Chariot Chase? I notice a glitch with Hannah and the Pirate caves. Everytime the game starts after you select a level if you look quickly befor the game starts it always says level 3 but that does not interfere with game play.

  21. I don't quit while playing neopets, however other people do.

    Here is what happened to me.




    was playing keyquest with her.

    she said I was cheating.(played the card on her which does not let her pick up keys.

    she said she only goes for gold and silver keys.

    is begging for items.

  22. I've been wondering this for quite some time now, but I just can't seem to understand why people would collect avatars.


    Of course there are avatars that I like (because it's cool or whatever), but why would you want to 'collect 'em all'? No offense, I'm seriously just curious.


    So please, tell me, why do you collect avatars? :)

    I don't really collect them, but they are a great way to show off how well you are doing on the site, to show off what games you are good at. There is even a high score for avatar collection. No one has collected them all, nor will they ever. But it is a great way to show off how you are doing on the site the same way they paint pets or collect trophies.

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