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Posts posted by 1998zachary1998

  1. It stands for thousand.

    50K = 50,000.

    Just add three zero's to the number given.


    There's more but you'll probably learn about it in math class one day lol (boo school :P)

    actually what we learned was this


    I =1

    II =2

    III =3

    IV = 4

    V =5

    VI = 6

    VII = 7

    VII = 8

    IX = 9

    X =10


    Then up to 30 you repeat so 30 is XXX

    31 is XXXI


    40 is XL


    L =50

    60 is LX

    C =100


    D =500


    M =1000




    VI = 6


    I thought K meant another number in roman numerals.

  2. I have heard of people getting all accounts in their household frozen because TNT claimed they were breaking the rules, that they were earning neopoints on more than one account. However for years I have shared my computer with Ian(the younger one not the admin but you all probably knew this with our simular siggys)and Richard. Not once have we been frozen, warned or suspended for earning neopoints on one more than one account. Not once did TNT suspect that we were one person earning neopoints on three different accounts. We also play at school, and there must be like 20 or so kids at our school who play neopets, some with parental permission some without. So are people who claim they and their siblings got frozen telling the truth or are they lying because they hope TNT will think they were different people. I mean neither of us have had a problem with sharing the PC, on neopets, or even on TDNforums. So are people just lying when they say they were frozen for this, or unfairly frozen for breaking the rules in another way? What do you think.

  3. Not trying to sound harsh or anything,but if you had not lied about your age to start with.You would have been unable to communicate in any way,shape or form with a scammer on the Neopets site itself.And if you go off that website to chat about Neopets,it would probably be best if you chatted with children your own age.


    And besides it's written everywhere on the Neopets site to NEVER give out your password.Even on other websites like this one.Lessons learned.All you can do now is report him and maybe he'll get frozen,but you could get iced also because you gave your own password out.


    Best of Luck 'lil Man! :)

    I think they gave him a break because he was a little kid, but also set his age back.

  4. How about successful law suits?

    I'm sure Neopets wouldn't want [another] one of those.

    Neopets had a lawsuit against them what happened?


    I'm almost 21 years old. I am not a babysitter, I do not want to have to babysit other peoples' children. I try not to use innuendos or anything like that in my speech, but it happens.

    Innuendos, I have seen that word before but I don't know what it means? What does it mean?

  5. You only need to get past the first two levels. If you're having trouble remembering the sequence I suggest writing down the first letter (or first two letters) of the species for each round like this:








    so you'll have a list to refer back to if you've lost the sequence - and without a doubt keep the sound on! Since I'm right-handed I just switched the mouse to the left hand so I could write more quickly.

    I prefer writing down 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 number one starting from the top left hand side, and six bottom right hand side of the things that pop up


    1 2 3

    4 5 6


    Like that.


    I have one question, is the game timed? Like you have to finish a level in a certain time period?

  6. Hi, How does Neopets tell if it's 2 different people on one computer or one person with 2 accounts? My brother stopped ages ago like me but he might start up again cause I started up again. So if we both do dailies and games, etc, wouldn't NP think that it's 1 person cheating?

    Well Ian and I(not the mod) signed up on the same IP, but you can tell by writing style, points scored per game, games played, ect. Like say you and a brother play, your brother may like to play games like Maths nightmare, and score high, and perhaps that is not a game you are good at, but perhaps you get higher scores in typing terror, or other games and his skillful games are something else..

  7. The innocent world of a 9-year-old (and 10 months).

    After reading his signature, I suppose we shouldn't be THAT hard on him.

    Richard and I helped him make that signature,(points to own signature.) Anyways I told Ian not to give his password, but he ignored him so I guess he sort of had it coming. Besides he is lucky that the he was tricked by a scammer rather than a child preditor. I will say all things at once the guy did get frozen. If you are under 13 to get parental permission they require a parents email address for some reason, but people are right they won't email them.

  8. For a few days this usern No_Dana_Only_Zule has been reporting me. She started by reporting my shop. I priced some pizza for 69 neopoints and she reported me because she said 69 is an offensive number and refers to adult activity(whatever that means). Well someone bought this item from my shop and she keeps saying that I am posting offensive topic in my shop by pricing the item at 69 neopoints. What do you do when you are falsly reported. She even made a board about my shop asking if it was reportable and people said no then she showed me the board he/she made. What do you do when someone keep falsly reporting you? And why is 69 offensive on neopets and considered adult activity anyway?

  9. I don't know if this is true, but I heard if people have a grudge against another user, they use their username (claim to be that person) then post on other sites asking for username and password posing as them only hoping they will be frozen.

  10. Okay I was looking at youtube. I wanted to try Hannah and the pirate caves because people in school play that game and it looks like fun, but the game has different levels, so I went to see how each level is played and how to beat each level. So on youtube I posted neopets. I came across very bad cheating where people ask for your username and password to email it to them. Is there a way to report these. If it is okay with the moderators I will post the link so more people can report it. I did report the link to TNT but they don't reply back.

  11. I got this neomail which said there was a neopoinnt generater site which can give paint brushes and unlimited neopoints if you go there. However isn't this illegal. Especially since it is another website to get the points with a program. I won't name the website incase someone wants to cheat here and try it which will get their account frozen. Arn't these methods of getting neopoints against the rules.

  12. I suggest you forward the PM to one of the mods here and they'll deal with the person.


    Thankyou for warning the forum. I can't believe some people would do such a silly thing <_<

    I sent a PM to one of the people who are on right now and has their name in red.

  13. On the same subject is anyone getting something like Doh ofline mode can't possess your score or something like that? It like only happens for the games that you play Abigal and AAA.

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