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Status Updates posted by Unstream

  1. Haha that sounds rather ironic. You'd expect to be playing more at home than at work.

  2. Yeah that's about the same for me. But it's hard to get back into it again. There just doesn't seem like there's as much time this summer. Maybe because of my summer homework xP

  3. Haha I didn't realize anybody else watched those. Glad you enjoyed them :)

  4. Haha we don't really do anything. Well, not anything specific. We were just a group of close friends here on TDNF, and we just decided to call ourselves the Insanity Crew. We were the main posters on the HOP board a while ago, but earlier this year most of us left TDNF (sadly). We still chat every now and then though.

  5. Lol nice. You didn't just copy those off a website, did you? :P

  6. Ah that's cool. Do you want the honors of notifying everyone?

    I'm pretty much free any time except Friday nights, and in July I'll be going to China so it'd probably be best to do it by the end of this month.

  7. Okay let me know when you find out.

  8. Oh yeah, and I almost forgot.



  9. Unfortunately I don't think I know that website. What is it?

  10. I agree. Any ideas about how we're gonna make that happen?

  11. Haha yeah, they're pretty awesome. That was the best one I could find. Do you know any cool ones?

  12. Haha yeah it's probably been about 1/4 of my life too. Probably more, actually (but I'm only 16 :P).

    I started in about 3rd grade and played throughout elementary school until 5th grade or so, then I stopped for 4 years, started again for freshman year of high school, but then stopped after the Altador Cup since I didn't like prizes. I've been getting back into it though.

  13. Pleasantly surprised, I'm sure :P

    Haha well it's good to hear your Neopets career is pretty well off. I think I've peaked at my limit though, unfortunately. Haven't made much progress at all, and I'm pretty unlucky too lol.

  14. That's cool. It actually looks like you're pretty well off already. You have quite a few Avatars and Trophies.

  15. Haha okay I'll look at it xD

  16. Well I do have some trophies, but none for flash games. I don't have any from competing with someone else lol.

  17. Does that mean I should go for it?

  18. Well I have to write two papers this summer, one on the Scarlet Letter, and another on a book of my choice. Unfortunately I don't think Michael Crichton or Scott Westerfeld classify as American Lit xP. Was Grapes of Wrath good?

  19. Haha I've never gotten a trophy. Maybe, if I were one of the earliest ones in the month (I've gotten 500 points on that one where you have to hit Sloth with a newspaper), but otherwise, no.

  20. Must've missed the 8 scores thing (cause I have no idea what it is lol). I just don't like how they have a NP cap on all the games. There's no incentive to get higher scores then.

  21. :O I'm taking that next year.

    I actually have summer homework for that class. Hmm, probably should start cracking on that sometime soon...

    I need a good American Lit book. Any ideas?

  22. Haha yeah it probably would be fine for me, only I've grown up with the concept of A's being average xP

  23. By Garage Sale you mean RSing at it?

    I dunno, dailies and games seem to take too long to get to my goals.

  24. Ah, that stinks. If only that'd work. Oh well, guess I better start saving, huh? How do you usually make money?

  25. Hopefully, really well. It's either going to be really good or really bad. But then again, low B's are really bad for me xP

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