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Status Updates posted by Unstream

  1. Haha apple butter is so good :P

    I personally don't care for the Amish too much since I've grown up around them. They're not too special to me.

  2. That's cool. Sign language seems like one of the hardest languages to learn. At least to me. And I haven't heard of that city before. Was it nice?

  3. Haha unfortunately I think everybody does that when they visit a place. Though I'm willing to bet it'd be fun to meet some new people and pretend not to know what electricity is xD

  4. Ooh, sign language is cool. When'd you learn that? And where did you go in Mexico?

  5. Haha wow that's a long list :P. Can you speak any German?

    I've been to quite a few countries already - Canada, China, Japan, Austria, Germany, France, Italy, and Switzerland.

  6. Haha yeah a lot of people say that. I grew up around it though, so I guess I don't really notice it all too much. I don't live on a farm though :P

  7. Haha yeah. You have anything you want to do though?

  8. Haha well I'm actually still in China right now. We'll be heading back soon though and I'll be home pretty late tonight.

    I live in the mid-south part, in Lancaster.

  9. Oh wow, that's still a long ways to go.

    I take it that means you don't have any plans yet? :P

  10. Yeah, I'm visiting my dad. I'll be coming back tomorrow though.

  11. To have a fishing shop?

    I haven't thought about retirement yet. But I do suppose it's rather early for me :P

  12. Haha wow. We just have one camera that my mom won at from her company xD

    As you can probably guess, we're not as into photography :P

  13. Haha yeah, she's right. I live in PA too.

  14. Wait, why did he have 2 cameras?

    Haha I haven't taken as many pictures as you have. There aren't that many things that I feel inclined to take pictures.

    Though there have been moments when my friends were taking pictures when we went to Europe and were like "OMG, let's take pictures of these hills because they're so much better than American hills!" xD

  15. Haha I guess you're right about that. I did have some pictures from AMA that didn't turn out that well, but oh well, I still had over 300 good ones :P (I take a lot of pictures when I have a camera)

  16. But it's slightly different when the picture-taking is like "Okay, now this time, dad gets be in the middle" xP

    We tend to get at least 5 pictures of a single spot, but with different line-ups.

  17. That sounds like fun. The 24/7 but only when you're needed thing.

    I usually only take scenery shots myself. I sometimes feel like people ruin the picture. Plus, I'm not that photogenic xP

  18. I can't tell if that last statement about your job is sarcastic or not (I blame the internet) :P

    You're right though, it sometimes is hard to remember what happened. But I do keep a journal that I write in.

    And there are pictures, but my parents have been carrying the camera, and all the pictures have happened to be the pose-and-smile in front of something or another type

  19. Haha I haven't actually taken any pictures. I don't have my own camera to carry around. But it's okay, since I've found that cameras aren't that good with capturing the image the same way your eye sees

    Oh and I forgot to ask, what do you do for work (sorry if I asked before).

  20. Yeah we got to see various places like the Temple of Heaven and Tiananmen Square. We also went to some cities by the ocean because my parents want to retire there.

  21. Ironically you post a comment after I went away for a few days :P

    Ah darn drunk people. That would be rather disturbing, especially at 2:30 AM. Could've called the cops on them though xD

  22. Yeah, I've been in China for the past week and a half or so, so I haven't been able to get on that much recently. Things have been alright here. How about for you?

  23. I'm really sorry. The internet went down here for a couple days. But I'm here now. What's up?

  24. I don't know if you'll see this, but happy birthday!

  25. Ah I see. That actually makes a lot of sense. Doesn't work as well for me though, since schools have everything blocked and I can't access the internet at work. Plus, my home's internet is pretty good.

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