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Posts posted by _Zafia_

  1. Well no matter what, you'll get what you have earned even though there may/ or not be a glitch concerning your reward.

    Ouch thats what i payed for my ordinary computer and laptop combined. Maybe you should make a new topic about computers so i can have an idea whether or not its a computer error or glitches?

  2. I know all about that, i sent my score when i reached 3,5k points to see how much the game was worth after hours of playing. Then finally i completed the game with AAA only to find out one could only send 1 score :O :(

    I feel kinda screwed. Putting all the efforts and time into all the games on release date for nothing. Arg i just wanna smash something and scream.

  3. Just wanted to say that Firefox works fine here but i got a "normal" computer, so thats might be why.


    About not being able to collect your prize - dont think about that, it'll come, just with one of the daily dare challenges where one couldnt collect the prize for a short amount of hours. Though you could submit a report of that, to make sure they have knowledge about the issue just in case they didnt know.

  4. What suxs in my opinion is that you can only send 1 score - I didnt knew that so my noobie score of 3,5k that i sent in, is the one that counts and that suxs because i actually finished the game with AAA :(


    Im so mad, at least they should have informed one that it was a "one score game".

  5. Is it confirmed that its a 1 one score game sent?


    Nevermind - just got a score of 5000 and completed the game with AAA but it dosent count because that was my 2 score sent. Im pretty much *censored* right now.

  6. So that means that the top 2 wont get a badge but the 3 and 4 will? That suxs if thats true. I want a badge but i have no intention in to make myself more bad in order to get it.

    And whats that with the other 4 prizes? Do you mean that one will get an extra item + the item/badge?


    So far i won over AAA 25 times and abigail 3 times. All on the release day.

  7. Well if Dubloon disaster shows up im gonna be happy, thats one of my favorite games.

    I hope that they set the score that low so all other that dont like that game can win over AAA anyway :)


    I dont like meepit vs blah, so i hope that score is low.

  8. Ouch i really hate that one, m3l3ana. One day i was emptying my shop till and was about to go to the bank where this "something has happened". And they took 20% of my neopoints. Next time i will have both shop till and the bank opened so i dont have to go to other places before reaching the bank.

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