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Posts posted by _Zafia_

  1. So Mini is X out of 20kads, pending after Mini means that @:24 not always is reset, but perhaps 7 minutes later?

    And Main mean 20 out of 20 kads at @:45?


    What happens when a UB is reset either with one free it or UB to long? And whats that i've read about time merging?


    Oh well i got my first kad yesterday :) I bought something at like 95k and gave a kad the item and got my first kad trophy wee :)

  2. All that fancy numbers, short names etc, thats just hard.

    So can anyone explain in to me in simple english words so i can understand.


    Like this new update about kad feeding thread:


    Mini pending rf @ :24

    Main @ :45


    That mean i should refresh the kad at XX:24:00 and again XX:45:00, right?

    How many is a Mini and a Main? And whats rf?


    I've tried reading a few guides but i just quite dont get it.

  3. Well maybe theres a difference between restocking methods. Im not a *top skilled prof RS*. Yet anyway :devil:. Sometimes i refresh a lot, other times i get caught in a good game. I dont RS with out playing games, and as some games are faster and some slower, theres a lot of different periods of refreshing.


    Edit i just sold one of my good findings before getting the ban: A Blue and Gold Tube Shell weee :)

  4. AAA DD cant run over the 2 bump high hill, only the 2 bump small hill. AAA is also a bit slower in speed compared to Abigail. That was the game difference between AAA and abigail DD. There is also a prize difference in the rewards.

  5. Zafia: Did you complete Dugeon Dash again and send you score again?


    Yes i did and it worked. In total that was my 3 score sent from that game. First score was 3k something and then 2*5k. 2 scores yesterday and one today around 8,30am because one had written in here that it worked now. So i thought i might as well try again and i got lucky and nailed it with AAA first try :) Oh and my daily dare page has updated now so its shown that i have won over him.

  6. I didnt had any glitch's while playing that game, only annoyances was that it sometimes could be a bit laggy, but i think that was my internet providers fault, because of some technical interferences on the internet pipe thingy.

    And i've played the game with windows - firefox.

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