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Posts posted by _Zafia_

  1. Sry didnt realize it counted like a double post ;)

    How long do i have that reward? Is it time limit or until i use it? Bc if theres no time limit i think im gonna keep it til theres new paint for my ogrin

  2. weeee I completted the fountain Q now. How cool is that :D.


    Awww what colour should i choose for my female ogrin, lol. I stumbling between baby, electric n ghost. Oh well lol.


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  3. yea so much i figured lol. Does that mean when i search the market place for that item, that i should search in garden suplies to? Bc it do seem a bit odd for a pirate ship to be categoriced like a plant :S

  4. That was a real pain getting through, i remember it way to well. I hated that part lol.

    I did it as follow. Opened the chart, opened the program to edit it. N then i started with turning the thingys randomly, n after every turn i went to all the rooms to see if any of the pipes had water in em. If they did i wrote it in the char. I gave all the pipes a #. fx the combi xxox-ooxo gave me pipe # 6, then i wrote 6 in the xxox n 6 in the ooxo line n so on. Remember to check every room after making a change.


    Finally i got em all. Though dont think the pain is over just because u found all the rights combos. Some of the combos will close diff water pipes, so it can be rarther annoying trying to turn em all on, n then 1 closes.

  5. 60+0+30+70+130+50=340 - 3+4+0=X=7

    43+63+43+3+17+133=302 - 3+0+2=y=5


    Go to the archives, main hall. push the door handle. Find a random book in that room, press it. Now u got a page where it say something like, its not the right book. Write this link, n set 7 in xcoord n 5 in y coord.


    http://www.neopets.com/altador/archives.ph...eaba&arcx=X COORDINATE&arcy=Y COORDINATE&cmhv=af1a1a91ffd7f42c378c09769fe7ce75


    I cant promise that it works but thats how i found the spell book.

  6. I think thats an easy part, i went to the 1 shop of the 3 options, then went to the bank to get the right amount of np, then went to the first shop, no luck, closed the browser, opened the 2 shop, no luck, closed the browser, 3 shop - no luck either, n then the 1 shop again, and there i find that object i was supposed to buy :)

  7. It dosent work, i do exatly as you write but it keeps going back to the Altadorian Archives. So what am i doing wrong?


    Edited bc i figured it out lol. U need to go to archive with all the books, find a random book n then write the url with the x n y #.

    Thank you very much for ur help :)

  8. I simply dont get what i should do with these #, i read the guide n that didnt make any sense to me :whistle:

    I've searched this forum for clues, but either im way to, lets just say tired :laughingsmiley: or this is really hard :rolleyes_anim:

    Anyway my # is:


    68, -212

    108, -242

    148, -272

    188, -272

    228, -242

    268, -212

    Sums: 1008, -1452

    Spellbook room: 9, 12


    Now where should these # go in this sentece for it to work? =

    http://www.neopets.com/altador/archives.ph...eaba&arcx=X COORDINATE&arcy=Y COORDINATE&cmhv=af1a1a91ffd7f42c378c09769fe7ce75

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