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Posts posted by Boomer

  1. In order to get into the Roman army you would have to spilt a star at the handle of the big dipper to make sure you had good eyesite (totaly random but cool i think)



    And How do you drive without a driver?

  2. I just thought the date i put for the ending is my brothers birthday (i still need to get him a gift :D ) so i might have to judge on the 15th (just a note for the word "might") i will probably judge on his Bday


    And also good luck to both of you.And all else who enter

  3. Ok the title says it all pretty much.



    I need a new siggy and an avie...and i thought it might be fun to hold a set contest.



    What i'm looking for: What i really want is a Neo-Themed (or not) Star gazer or lunar temple siggy and avatar.It can be both or just one but try to mak them match please. The text if you make a lunar is Neopian moon watcher and for the star gazer I was thinking Neopian star gazer or (if not Neo-related) just Star Gazer (by now you could have guessed i love astronomy).pretty much thats all i'm looking for.Just go crazy.



    Prizes!!!! :


    1st place: 15,000 NPS

    2nd place: 12,000 NPS

    3rd place: 5,000 NPS

    4th place: 1,000 NPS



    Deadline For Entrys: March 14



    Good Luck to all who enter.

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