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Posts posted by Boomer

  1. Just a little remider the contest ends tomorrow. Also i'm gonna have a ton of trouble deciding who get what place because all the entrys are so good but ill have them up tomorrow.



    EDIT:I'm closing entrys and should have the winners up in a little bit.


    EDIT AGAIN: Here are the placment everbody wins a prize this time because only 4 people entered . Also i would just like to say i'm rasing the second place prize to 12,000 Nps insted of 8,000.And now for the placment. In First place...................
































    In Second Place......................







































    And in third place...................................


















































    And Last but not least........
























    Congratulations to everyone!!!!! To collect your prize put a junk item in your shop for the amount won.Ill Get the neopoits to you as soon as possible :). But for now its my brothers birthday and i have to go to lunch with the rest of my family.Again Congratulations to everyone!!!! :)

  2. I Miss My old Guild I Was Fourth In The Guild Council And The owner Left Then The New Owner Left And The Third Owner Stunk (She Left For Long Amounts Of Time And Nothing Got Done So I Had To Leave Because It Got Really Bad And Spammy And N00by)

  3. Hmmm I Really Need A Guild And I Know Most Of The People I Yall's Guild ( I Like To Know Atleast Someone In A Guild) And It Looks Like The Right Guild For Me So I'll Think About It And If I Decide To Join It Will Be In The Next Few Days (Ok So It's Pretty Much A Yes Already But I'm Just Going To Wait A Bit)

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