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Posts posted by Shattered_Ribbon

  1. Silkroad Online is a game where you try to level up a character, and you can make it become a hunter, thief, or trader, and you make loads of money, fight, and stuffers like that. It's F2P, and they just had a euro update. Before, you could only make "Chinese" characters, but they made a Euro part, and now you can play European characters. It's really addicting. The graphics are high quality (almost like Final Fantasy). You should try it out. =)

  2. Hey, want to know, what online games do you guys play? Here are the games I play:

    Good Games (MMORPG)::

    Granado Espada

    Silkroad Online (Tell me what server you play on. xD)

    Should check out these games, they are awesome...


    So, just talk about other games you guys play that are online, and rate them on their quality, I guess. =)

  3. Aw, gross, Marapets is terrible. I just took a look at it and it was a COMPLETE version of the old neopets look. And then the pets they offered were just nasty..*bleh*


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