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Posts posted by Shattered_Ribbon

  1. >.> That banner I made right before I went to sleep last night..it's not even in good quality..don't you see the fuzziness? xP *whoops* Well, it was a school day, and I was in a rush.

    Great, more players. Me thinks Ima change a skill later, if no one else joins me. =)

  2. >.< You coulda at least joined the panthers x3...T-T Now it's 4 Rhinos vs. 3 wolves vs. 1 panther vs. 1 tiger. Panthers and tigers have the same stats. It will be most likely that I'll switch to wolves if there aren't any other panthers. ^^

  3. ^^ My favorite movie I watched over and over again was Kiki's Delivery Service. I must've watched it like 100 times, I can stil remember every single part. x3 Also, I simply adored watching Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast. Stuff like that. ^_^

  4. F2P (MMORPG, though): www.silkroadonline.net Good graphics. ;D Easy to understand.

    Partially F2P ((MMORPG) can only get up to level 20, until you have to buy Premium) www.swordofthenewworld.com Complicated to control, but great graphics.

  5. My God, am I all alone?

    If I switch to wolves, we can still attack each other though...right? Or can we still work together? *can't survive alone* I'll just see what happens by Friday. *terrified*

    By the way, I did not say that my name is Vivi. I said that most of my friends call me Vira. >.>

  6. I guess I'm not really a new member, but I never introduced myself though. I am 15 years old, and still in high school (alive and healthy! x3). Most of my friends call me Vira, but since our dear Smumpkins likes ShaRi, I don't mind going by that.

    So, I hope you (whoever you are) and I both have a pleasurable experience here on TDNForums. Thanks. ;D

  7. xP I guess the #1 thing I would want is curry. Yeah, I know, just curry. To me, it is the most delicious thing in the world. Just think about the luffly smell of stew?-ish substance that smells heavenly..*sigh*

    >.> I guess I really want it because I have it rarely (like...once a year..xD).And now my stomach is growling. Off to eat some stufferz. ^=^

  8. =P I got stuck on the plot too...in fact, I haven't even completed it.....>.>

    Don't get some random person on this site to help you, if you have made any neofriends (that you can really, really trust) or have friends in real life who play neopets, get them to help you instead. Or if you're in a guild, I'm sure there is someone there that can help you. *wink*

  9. Is anyone else getting this problem on neopets? When you "select an action (feed to..., give to neofriend...)" on one of the items in your inventory, and press enter, it comes up blank...and then on refreshing your inventory, the item is still there. I thought it might be the internet browser I was using, so I switched to Safari and tried, but the same problem occured. Now I have 51 items in my inventory, and I can't get rid of any of them. I can't return the maracite weapon I borrowed from a friend for the avvie either..

  10. Ah, the best thing at my school was when we did the Freshmen lock-in. So much fun. What you do is on one particular Friday, all Freshmen stay at school from 9 pm to 7 in the morning, doing games, moon bounces, watching movies, playing DDR and Guitar Hero (that's what I did most of the night), and other stuffers like that. Really great. =)

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