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Posts posted by Shattered_Ribbon


    Dare accepted. ^=^

    I dare the next person to put in their siggy (for 3 days), in bright red font, "My favorite person in the entire *virtual* world is Vira. I simply adore her". xP



    Hey guys, did you know?

    I'm a spaz.

  1. Wow. People still play RS around here. I used to play a long time ago, it was like...the first online game I've ever played. Graphics are terrible. The only thing I'd say good about it was that there was actually more to it then fighting and leveling up. Fishing, making food, making weapons..That's why I actually made it up to level 56 and then realized it was a waste of time.

    I haven't been on in 3? years. Do they delete your account afterward a certain time? *shrugs*

    Well my fav MMORPG was Silkroad. I played it 24/7. Until my dad disinstalled it, I rarely got on neopets.

    It's F2P, can download from website, www.silkroadonline.net.

    It's very addicting, but it's mostly about doing quests and leveling up. You can also be in a guild, do trade runs, become a thief/hunter.

    Another one of my fav's was Granado Espada. Very, very complex in the beginning, but you get used to it after a while. Here is the American version: www.swordofthenewworld.com Partially F2P, I think you can only get up to level 20 until you need to buy premium.

  2. Just to remind you again, you have until 12 midnight on Thursday to change anything or enter the contest. The time will be based on Neopets Standard Time as this is universal. NST is now: 17th of September, 9pm.



    Okay, I will still be a panther, but I change my skill to Vampire Blood. That way, me and Trisha both have different skills. =)

  3. Woot, yay.

    For the PM part, are you talking about the other roleplay I was interested in? I guess I don't have enough time, since high school teachers give too much work to do. But it was a really great story though..*sigh*

  4. I guess if you actually played the Final Fantasy game, you'd understand where the background comes from. That's Yuna and Lenne. Yuna will be performing a song--1000 words. Here, it's a picture (I can't find the exact one I used..this one is much worse quality) but this is the basic image I used. The only things I did was touch up on the lights and add border+guild logo.


    "3. Do not do any dares involving shoutboxes or posts outside this topic. No spam."

    I don't know about you Dillon, but I think the rules kind of explain it otherwise. I kept the dare INSIDE the topic. Therefore, I only used pink font here. Tsk. Tsk.


    I dare the person below me to not type "Metroid read the rules and thinks he is at least a 'awesome' loser" in their signature.

    Already made Dillon say sorry, yesterday. =)

    By the way, you have NOT written, "Shattered_Ribbon ROCKS my SOCKS off~!", Metroid. (or at least, I haven't seen you do it..)

    Do you mind doing it for 3 more days? Pretty please? After all this devotion I've done just for you, buddy. *wink*


    Dare accepted, Mr. Kuu. Will only last for 3 days, though.

    I dare the next person to write, "Shattered_Ribbon is my hero-ine!" =P


    Dare accepted. =P (Sorry Metroid..) Sheesh, you guys are kinda cruel...ima add a little twist, dear. =P

    I dare the next person to write, "Shattered_Ribbon ROCKS my SOCKS off~!" in there siggy in bright red.

  5. Sheesh, 3rd week of school, and I already get hurt. =S While playing football, the ball "just" happened to land on my index finger, and it *crunched* down. Now, if I hold my hand straight, the finger is the only one that is bent and is crooked. I can't open it up all the way, or close it down all the way. It has swelled, and I have put ice onto it. Does anyone know how long this will last/Has anyone experienced this before? It looks extremely weird (but doesn't really hurt that much), and I can't even play the piano.

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