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Status Updates posted by Xepha

  1. Yes I did... 2 times in English and 1 in French.

  2. Yes I did! *keeps the good memory* I'm just sad for my pets =(

  3. Awww thanks Dillon. It's fine though... building back an account isn't that bad.

  4. I notice everything ;P Plus, I was remembering it :)

    Hope you have a fantastic day :D

  5. Happy Birthday Tom ;)

  6. Xepha

    A very Happy Birthday to my favorite Eric :P

  7. Ahah! I've been doing alright lately. I'm tired and busy... but that's another story. Thanks for the comment on my profile ;o

  8. Please hug Tamara for me!

  9. Yes the bold tags are blocked from your lookup. Use the italic or underline tags instead. (they are blocked so the USERNAME ? disappears for your lookup)

  10. I like your new name! Welcome back Cameron :D

  11. Work for the guild XDD I do the same with my co-owner ahaha ;p Anyway, now I put a nickname on the name (odd to say!)

  12. I'm quite slow... just realised now that you're the Ashley Izzy is always talking about XDD

  13. Lyk OMG, who's green with me now ? :D

  14. Happy Birthday ;p


  16. Xepha

    Merry Christmas Ian ;p

  17. Xepha

    =D You're making a cute elf ;p

  18. Yay Laura!!! ;D Welcome to TDN :D

  19. Why didn't you capitalized my name ? T.T (Welcome back ;p)

  20. You're back to youuuuu!!!! ;p

  21. Thanks for the comment on my profile ;D It was a pleasure to make a graphic for you. If you ever need anything else, I'll gladly make it for you! ^^

  22. Xepha

    Kalium Echo rocks ;p

  23. *Sings in French: Joyeux anniversaire, Joyeux anniversaire, Joyeux anni , Joyeux anni, Joyeux anniversaire Sam* :)

  24. I've a feeling you will get a few comments this week though. Cheers ;D

  25. Still alive Willow?? :D I miss talking with you!!

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