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Status Updates posted by Xepha

  1. ;D thanks for the comment about my new set :D

  2. I like your new siggy ;D

  3. Xepha

    Happy Bday :)

    Hope you have a great one!

  4. Xepha

    Planning to be wiser... ;o

  5. Let's say I'm just hanging out with fellow TDN staffers over msn XD lol. *party*

  6. Oh thanks to you! I live in Canada, so it's officialy my bday in a few hours XD (But I'm already partying XD)

  7. Fun comments that you got there :P

  8. Happy Birthday!

    *Feels old* I'm 10 years and 6 days older than you... gahhh!!! Hope you have a good one anyway!

  9. Tom is soon to be FM :O

  10. Yup, I'm V! =o. I didn't have much job as a mod today.

  11. Vira! Long time no see ;) Feel free to PM me if you wanna chat :)

  12. Xepha

    Happy Birthday Matt ;P

  13. Xepha

    Oh noes, Raconteur won't load from here :'(.

  14. Ahah, I can send you the psd later ;o. (Good night for now *tosses to bed*)

  15. Happy Birthday ;o

  16. Remember when we switched our identity? =p (V. is bored...)

  17. Mike has an awesome sig!! Also, he should give some love to the forums because they are crying for him! T.T

  18. I am NOT sleeping yet... tututututut.

  19. Xepha

    I just thought it would be fun ;o And it proved to be fun ;P

  20. Xepha

    *Pokes back*

  21. Shake, Shake, Shake, Shake, Shake It! ;p


  23. Awesome! it's Meggie!!! :D

  24. Thanks for posting the news Izzy! You are the very best!

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