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Status Updates posted by Xepha

  1. I'm not prepared to see numbers appearing on your counter :o

  2. I'm not the one who had messed with your sig. Anyway, you know me... I'm too nice to do that!

  3. I'm quite slow... just realised now that you're the Ashley Izzy is always talking about XDD

  4. I've a feeling you will get a few comments this week though. Cheers ;D

  5. I've been using 'Yay For Frenchness' as title for around a year... lol.

  6. Indeed I am :P

  7. Indeed... a very long time. What does bring you back around? :)

  8. Xepha

    It happens :P But I'm back to hidden mode now.

  9. It was a pleasure. Happy Holidays Iris <3

  10. Xepha

    It's a new one ;)

  11. Xepha

    It's an old set XD. But it's good to use them back XD.

  12. It's THE Metroid :O

  13. Xepha

    It's up to you. There isn't many people from your side of the world who are currently active though...

  14. Xepha

    Kalium Echo rocks ;p

  15. Let's say I'm just hanging out with fellow TDN staffers over msn XD lol. *party*

  16. lol glad you like my set. Wait, you do like it right? *fear the darkest faerie*

  17. Xepha

    lolz nice display name.

  18. Lyk OMG, who's green with me now ? :D

  19. Xepha

    Matt is the awesome one :D

  20. Maybe I should make myself a ghostly signature to scare you then.... teehee!

  21. Xepha

    Merry Christmas Ian ;p

  22. Mike has an awesome sig!! Also, he should give some love to the forums because they are crying for him! T.T

  23. My first English class was in grade 4... so that would make 16 years :p

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