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Posts posted by Kidme

  1. they courtesy gifted everyone their weekly prize today, even if all requirements were not met, because they were having a hars time fixing the glitch. everyone gets to start fresh tomorrow. side accounts were also gifted the items, and as a one time courtesy, you can keep it, since, on their end, they can't tell which accounts are sides or mains. but they reiterates that these quests should not be completed on side accounts. 


    (info posted on discord. not sure if they updated their FB page or the news page)

  2. I'm on discord 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway! Please send to kidmerenu if I win 😊 My side is the only account I currently have the lab ray. 


    Here is one of my neopets. I adopted him from the pound as a green quiggle and didn't really intend in keeping him. Zapped him to maraqaun and he's just such a goof that he became a permanent neopet haha He looks like a fried chicken boy. The lipstick adds to the derp.




  3. Just curious about the spotted- why would that be on the low end (in your opinion, of course)? I've been wanting a spotted paint brush, but they're hard to find and expensive. Just because of the morphing potions maybe? I'm trying to get a spotted lupe, which is why I'm curious ha. I personally would add split to that list too. 

  4. Hi everyone! I usually just lurk around here to keep up to date on all the latest neopet goings-on. I'm a pretty casual player (user Kidme, on Neopets. same as here). Mostly I just do dailies. I don't usually get a lot of free time to just fart around on the computer. A mobile version would be helpful ? I've been playing Neopets for years and years. Christmas Eve 1999 to be exact. I'm an ancient. A very unimpressive ancient haha. I've taken several long breaks- once because I couldn't remember my password forever, but the Neopets team helped me out on that one. I've been back since July though, and still going strong for now. Just popping in to say hi!

  5. I just kind of lurk around here, but I joined to respond to you ? Mom of 2 here, and I've never left them for more than a night. They're huge mommy lovers though, and wouldn't really do well being left with someone. I think they'd even give their own dad a hard time. 


    As far as cabins go, they're usually pretty bare and not much for him to mess up, unless you're going to a fancy cabin. I will say, one hard part of camping with littles is if you wanted to do a campfire, and cook over the fire. If your kid is happy in the pack n play, that might make it easier though. Mine wasn't. Such a difficult child she was. We went camping for our anniversary when our daughter was about 1.5 or so, and it was a pretty terrible experience. It was a tent and not a cabin, though, and we also semi went with a group, where nobody else had a kid, so that really put a damper on things as well since it was hard to do things around her schedule of needing naps and stuff. So, if your kid is pretty chill, your schedule is flexible, and you just plan to take it easy, then I think it's totally doable.


    As far as packing... good luck! Get a roof rack lol. But I find that my kids usually don't play with toys too much while we're away. There's enough other things to play with and explore, so I just bring some versatile toys like buckets/stacking cups and shovels, maybe a couple books, a ball, markers, etc. Nothing too crazy. I also found it easier with camping to buy the food once we got there instead of bring it from home, (except for baby food/snacks as necessary).


    enjoy your trip! I've heard great things about Pigeon Forge. Not familiar with Hocking Hills though. It seems you're roundabouts in the Midwest- you may want to look into Johnson's Shut Ins State Park for a trip one day!

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