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Everything posted by Hanso

  1. Love the Water Poogle. Yeah, it looks kinda like marble, but that's not a bad thing. I like when they take little liberties like this.
  2. Well, the final prize is a great weapon, so if you want to use it in the BD, go for it. But if you only want to make some profit, then you should probably do Jhudora's quests instead, since her final prize is worth around 40m. Just make sure you go to the Trading/Auctions board to ask for help in case any of the items she asks for are not in the shop wizard, or in case no one in the trading post answers you on time. I did two successful runs of Jhudora's quests and made a list of all the r99 items she asked for and all the money I had to spend, in case you're interested (back then Jhudoras Wand was worth around 50m, so I'd say it was worth it): http://www.neopets.com/~Bletzen I tried doing Illusen's quests once but I failed, so I have a bone to pick with her
  3. I saw this on reddit and just had to share it: Also:
  4. Ikr? 4000 points for a box that has a 1% chance of giving you a rare item? Jumpstart, who hurt you?
  5. Yup, figured they would lower the point value of sticking snowballs at some point. I'm more disappointed about the lack of perks. I really wanted to get the Puzzle Adventure site theme!
  6. I still maintain this is the most horrifying item on Neopets: I can hear them screaming in agony. "Kill us. Put us out of our suffering."
  7. Welp, I see a bronze trophy in your user lookup. Congrats!
  8. Cost me 30m. I'm never recovering from that But I'm glad to finally have this item in my Ixi gallery. I'd been looking for it for many years.
  9. Not at all. We haven't had a creepy antagonist in a while, so it was about time they made a new one I hope we see him again soon. He has too cool a design to not make a reappearance in the near future.
  10. The Neggnapper's neopedia article was updated: I expected him to be more buff like his brother, so the skinny look took me by surprise. I like it, he's kinda creepy. And his description makes him even more scary: Take his time for, what, sneak into my house undetected and kill me in my sleep? I wish we could've gotten him as a challenger in the battledome or something, 'cause in the end this reveal didn't actually have an impact on the festival at all. Oh well, all in all, it was a decent event. We saw the return of Kari, cool prizes, and new character art, so I'm pleased.
  11. Final prizes are here! And you can see the Neggnapper creepily lurking behind Kari and co. He apparently has a Neopedia article, but it hasn't been updated yet.
  12. The final prizes will probably be given out once the event is officially over Anyway, apparently the one stealing the neggs was a new character called "the Neggnapper", aka the big brother of the Neggbreaker. Colour me intrigued. Will we get to see this Neggnapper at some point? Will we be able to fight him in the battledome?
  13. Ooh, interesting! So they are hiring new artists. I actually lost hope a few days ago when I realised that the artwork for the Negg Faerie this year wasn't actually new. It was actually reused, taken from very old concept artwork for Key Quest: (you can see Kari right there at the bottom) I was a little disappointed at first, but hey, I'm totally fine with Jumpstart using previously unreleased artwork. Also, It's nice to know the Blumaroo is indeed new! Looks like the artist has been posting a lot of Neopets content on his Instagram, so that's cool.
  14. One of the best Maraquan designs to date. Props to the fan who created the original artwork and props to Jumpstart for giving her credit! It's based on this little creature known as Axolotl: People find them either really cute or absolutely terrifying. I personally think they are adorable
  15. What worries me the most is that now the government is recommending people to use homemade face masks, even though up until two weeks ago they were advising against them because they simply don't work. Newspapers that were giving detailed explanations as to why using them is pointless are now giving detailed tutorials on how to make them. All because the government wants to slowly transition out of the quarantine and let people out little by little. But they're going about it the wrong way. People are gonna go out thinking they are safe, get infected, and infect others in turn. It really is a mess.
  16. Something a bit scary happened to me yesterday. I was running out of food so I had to go to the supermarket, but a) I didn't have a face mask, since they are impossible to find these days and pharmacies have run out of stock b) I wasn't sure whether or not masks were already mandatory in my city. In some cities they are, in some others they aren't (things have been very inconsistent in my country). So I look for info on the internet and find a lot of contradictory information, but there is one site that looks trustworthy and says that masks are gonna be made mandatory on Monday. Sweet, that means I'm safe. Or does it. Turns out that site had false information and masks were made mandatory a couple of days ago. So as soon as I went out a cop stopped me and threatened to give me a fine of almost a hundred dollars. I explained my situation to him and he let me go and even gave me a disposable face mask, but still, it was really scary.
  17. Eh, people have been saying Neopets is dying since 2010. I like to say it's undead As for games/dailies not working, your browser is most likely disabling flash by default, but it should have an option to enable it, so try looking for it. Also, you might wanna read this.
  18. Oooh, I honestly didn't pay much attention to the Blumaroo when I first went to the festival hub, but now that you post that bigger image, I completely agree with you. That is some neat artwork! I wonder if they hired new artists? The Blumaroo kinda reminds me of Professor Milton Clodbottle. I feel like if they met they would be good friends
  19. Wow, the items this year are so pretty! Also, new Kari artwork? What gives, Jumpstart? This isn't like you!
  20. That's a cool little avatar. I dislike Jumpstart's obsession with turning avvies into mini films, so this one's okay in my book. The simpler the better.
  21. AAAAAHH! FINALLY! SO LONG, NEOQUEST II! I liked you, but I'm never playing you again
  22. @midnight_spell360 I totally agree, reading about other people's experiences gives us a sense of unity, doesn't it. It makes us realise that we're not alone in this. This is part of the reason why I've been checking Twitter, to see how other people have been coping. Italians have been very unique in that regard: you have entire quarantined neighbourhoods playing "I spy with my little eye" or throwing huge balcony parties. They are on another level @Mouseykins You're one badass mom! Though I'm sure most of us here already knew that It must be a relief to see your kids handling the situation so well. I would definitely recommend you to tell them to stay at home, since they have the highest risk of getting really sick from the Coronavirus. If they insist on visiting, don't be afraid to be firm. Which brings me to @Rune Valentine's post: Older people can be very stubborn, and sadly, tons of them have been turning a blind eye to the threat posed by the Coronavirus. This article put it best: It also offers some very solid advice on how to talk to older family members about quarantine, so I recommend checking it out. It's great how your country took preventive measures so early on! Even if the government was criticised (I mean, that's kinda unavoidable) you guys are setting a good example for the rest of the world. How have your online classes been so far? I don't know about you, but most of my teachers don't handle technology very well. Ever since I started college I've only had a couple of online classes and they were all kind of a mess Because of this my classmates and I are wondering if we'll have online classes the entire term or if classes will be suspended altogether until further notice. I'm on my final year, so I hope that doesn't happen.
  23. My country has already closed its borders and told citizens to stay at home and practice social distancing. They are gonna announce a federally mandated quarantine any moment now. I'm really frustrated since I've been keeping an eye on this whole Coronavirus crisis since the very beginning, and when I saw how the situation worsened in Italy, I debated whether or not to go back to my hometown and be with my family. At first I decided to stay and sit for one of my pending final exams from college, but by the time I changed my mind it was already too late. Long-distance travels within the country have been banned, and even if I could travel, I wouldn't do it in case I got the virus and I just don't know it yet (it can take up to 2 weeks before symptoms start to appear). Anyway, I don't necessarily hate staying at home all day, since I'm used to not going out for extended periods of time. I'm sure a lot of introverted people can relate I've spent these past few days playing Neoquest II on Insane, and it's just as hard and frustrating as I thought. Progress is very slow, but I'm getting there, and I really want that gold trophy. Quite a few books that I haven't read yet are patiently waiting for me on my shelves. I'll get to them eventually. I've also been checking twitter a lot. I don't really use the site, but lately it's been filled with lots of quarantine memes that are helping me cope with the fear and stress. And finally, Youtube. Lots and lots of Youtube. But I should probably stop watching so many videos and pick up my Japanese textbooks once and for all. I'm way behind on my lessons What about you guys? What have y'all been doing and how are you feeling?
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