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The Nova ROX

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Posts posted by The Nova ROX

  1. Two small columns of smoke were coming out of the dragons nose. "The smoke alarm will go off if you keep doing that!" Amber scolded the dragon, which she had named Crescent. She gingerly picked it up and took it outside. "You can play out here." It blew a little puff of fire. It can't do that! She ran back inside the house and grabbed her fire-proof safe, which held her most valuable possesions. This should keep it baffled for some amount of time. She set it done in front of Crescent who started to try to burn it.

  2. "I aready know the fastest way. If we keep flying northward, like we are, we'll come to a coastal village and can rest there for the night." Falvair explained, and again, he didn't turn around. "Trust him." Robasia told them.

  3. Sparky was under pressure that can't be put in words, If I don't do anything, Nemo will wipeout the entire galaxy! But if I go then the Flood will slowly wipeout the entire galaxy anyway! Either way, both things spell total doom! But if the Halo wipes out the Flood, no. He would have thought of that, or would he? "I'm leaving. Where exactly is Halo?" Sparky had made her choice.

  4. A thought hit Amber, If this was their egg, I should return it, but it's hatched. I'll invite him over. Got it. Amber swiftly started e-mailing the Museum,


    Professer Hurald


    Hi, My name is Amber and I'm a student down at the Washington University where the Museum of Natural History is and Progect Dragon is being worked on. I believe I have your dragon egg. I was hoping to return it to you so you could finish your project, but the egg has hatched and I was wondering if you could visit me later on in the week. My address is 67089 University Drive, which is a block away from the university. Thank you for your time and I hope to see you soon.



  5. Amber had found the "egg" the day before outside the private research center at the university she went to. Of course, she had thought it was a new type of rock and had taken it home to examine it. "I better find out what it is." She said to herself. She looked up the egg and found Beth's website. "Oh, my, gosh. You're a DRAGON???" Amber looked at the egg wide-eyed. Then she heard a crackling sound, the egg was hatching. She watched in Horror as a yellow dragon opened it's wings between the two egg shells. Whoa. This'll definatley interfere with my trip!

  6. Name: Amber

    Age: 24

    Features: Layered blonde hair and peircing blue eyes. Just about the only things she wears is blue, and her beanie, which is blue.

    Egg: Yellow

    Personality: Secretive but nice, if you have anything to say to her, make it short and sweet.

    Other info: Lives alone. Penguins are her passion.


    Amber had been chosen for the Antarctic expedition that month. Finally! I get to meet a penguin who's not sitting behind a glass wall! Her excitment drained as she turned her attention back to her desk. On it sat the yellow egg she had found the day before on the beach. "What am I supposed to do with you? I don't even know what kind of egg you are! Ugh!"

  7. Falvair was slightly annoyed. "Eyrie? Wings?" He took off across Neopia Central, with everyone on his tail. "Falvair," muttered Robasia so that only he could hear him. "Are you sure this is what you want to do?" Falvair stayed silent and flew on ahead.

  8. Saria! I'm on the home planet of the Flood and I need your help! Take your PortaPod and open it up, press the red button and teleport here, just trace the call to find me.

  9. A tall, gleaming fire faerie followed him, burning everything she disliked to ashes, if this was going to be her new home, she wanted it to be how she wanted. "So, this is your payment after years of work? An Altadorian palace! My little sister got herself...! No. I will not take it. I've been working for you since before those pets Robasia, Tirano, and Shylla first defeated that lame excuse for a faerie Jhudora!" She was being perfectly unreasonable, and she was enjoying it.

  10. ((! This is so much cooler and dramatic then hiding in a bag! How big is Tirano's bag anyway? Also, haven't I sort of earned myself the title of inserting bizarre twists into roleplays? (Jhudora's World!)))

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