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The Nova ROX

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Posts posted by The Nova ROX

  1. ((I'm going out to dinner. Be back tomorrow))


    "Before we get up, I forgot, my name is Makalu. Well, of course I do! As I mentioned, I used to be a normal, and I always felt sorry for mutants."

  2. "Wait, I just remembered I had wings! Ha!" He flapped his wings and rose gently into the air. As he floated, a cloth fell out from his wing. He dropped to the ground and wrapped the cloth around Shylla's head. As he took it off he looked up and said, "Shylla, I think I found the solution to your freezing problem.

  3. "I understand. Before I was a pear Chia and I had Lupes literally on my back eating me alive!" he picked up his cup and drank. "I sometimes think drinking the transmorgification potion was the best thing I've ever done." he bent down to brush his feet, a habit of his.

  4. "It's fine. I was watching you from the other side of the street at the store. I saw you crying and I wanted to come see what was wrong. Not to feel like I'm stalking you or anything." He bent down to pet the Crocula.

  5. "I'm with you," Robasia agreed. But in his thoughts, he was thinking about the last time he was in a tornado..


    "Robasia! Take your sister and GO! FDR and I will be fine!" He had lost his sister that day, and he thought about that as he said, "We have to leave now before the tornado gets worse."

  6. Name: Makalu

    Age: 18

    Gender: Male

    Color: Mutant

    Species: Gelert

    Personality: Likes isolation and can be found in a corner of his room by himself doing nothing just to get away from it all.




    Makalu watched from the other side of the street as the it unfolded before him. When he saw the poor chia storm of to her house, he turned and followed her, when he got there he knocked on the door.

  7. Scary sister rides a speedy Chopper while reading something online which is like that random horrible scary cheesecake monster that has one-hundred different flavours of petpets for my ghost chias to fart around happily with squeals like the fat pig named Oinky Poinky which have no more colorful legs that dance like ladybugs eating purple toenails belonging to monsters and aliens ziggy piggy friends with purple ponies poking anything in blue overalls with sapphire cheese that plans to eat intelligent petpets but zoos never allow unicorns eat monkeys and

  8. Name:Robasia




    Personality:Robasia enjoys tormenting his brother, playing yooyu ball, and searching for mushrooms to add to his collection.




    Robasia walked up to the tree. "Hey Tirano! I'm here!" Tirano replied,

  9. Ok. What your supposed to do is answer the stupid question the person above you said. Then post your own.




    Say, the person above me posted, "Why are we posting?"




    I would say, "because it's fun"




    Then I would post a question




    "What is the meaning of life?"




    Then the next person would answer that and write their own question.


    What is the meaning of life?

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