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The Nova ROX

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Posts posted by The Nova ROX

  1. Amber walked up to the professer and showed him the little yellow dragon, "I believe this was the egg you were testing, was. But I would like to keep it for now, it seems to like me, a lot." Amber brushed the little dragon's head and gave it a cracker, Crecsent gobbled it up like it'd had nothing to eat in years.

  2. "I'd be delighted, it's been a long time since someone else joined me in these empty halls." The Tonu walked out of the room and back into the kitchen. "Well I guess it's settled, she's staying here until we come back." Robasia concluded.

  3. Falvair got up from his bed. "What is she doing here! I can't believe this!" Falvair didn't like the idea of anyone younger than him on the expedition. Robasia stuck his head around the corner, "Trixie! Nice to see you!"

  4. "We're sleeping here." Falvair protested and unlocked the heavy wodden door. Inside the house sat an old Tonu. He turned at the noise of the door scraping against the cold tile. "Falvair? Robasia? Welcome back. I see by your friends that you're not here for leisure." the Tonu leaned back in a chair that looked well past it's worthfull years. "Right. We need food and a place to sleep." Falvair asked. "Right this way," replied the Tonu as he led the group down a dark hall and into a room the contained six beds. "You can all sleep in here. I beleive that's enough beds? Now how about some rolls and soup before bed?" and the Tonu hurried off without waiting for answer.

  5. "I know this sounds far fetched and I probably wont work, but why can't the Halo just destroy the Flood? I don't want to die! I'm only 14!" Sparky asked.

  6. Crescent kept bumping up against the glass, puzzled at why it couldn't get through. Amber put down her book and checked her e-mail. No new messages. Then she picked up Crescent and cuddled him as she picked up her book again.

  7. Amber was looking through some magazines when the dragon waddled into the back living room, clearly no longer amused with the safe. She picked it up and carried it upstairs into her room, which was the whole second floor. She placed it infront of the glass that seperated her room from the railing in case the glass broke. "This should keep it occupied." She went over to the computer to check for e-mails from the proffeser. She went over, tickled the dragon lightly on the head then flopped down on her bed and opened her book, Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life. ((Which is actually a really good book))

  8. Robasia clicked his beak and green sparks flew. He still had some of Illusen's magic in him. "I think I can manage!" he laughed. Falvair said nothing. He still wasn't sure about these strange neopets his dad had introduced him to. He never felt very connected to his dad.

  9. Sparky studied Gravemind for a few more seconds, her eyes traveling down to the hard to ignore bulge on his chest, his spore. How do I do this? I'm pretty sure that he's the center of the Flood. "One more question, since I seem pretty powerless right now, are you the basic powersource of the Flood? I mean, if you 'died' would the whole Flood run lifeless?"

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