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Sciurus carolinensis

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Everything posted by Sciurus carolinensis

  1. Voted for the Dead Chia Avatar, and managed to remember to vote every day this event. Nice!
  2. I voted for the Bioluminescent Beach Background and here's my prizes. Vote
  3. Haven't checked yet, but I think i can put both of these in my gallery. Voted for Plentiful Mushroom Woodlands Background
  4. I also voted for the Chicken Nugget Grarrl. Here are my prizes.
  5. Voted for Maraquan Glittery Blue Contacts and got a petpet I may want to keep because it's hilarious. Time to see if i need the Floral Jelly or not,
  6. Yesterday I voted for the Mutant Rainbow Shimmer Body Paint and got These as prizes. Today i voted for Relic Draik and got these. The Sandwich was already in my gallery, but the Pastry was not.
  7. For some reason I can't edit my post from December so sorry for the double post. Got another avatar after realizing i had enough np at last for buying it not to be a problem
  8. Definitely voted for the Mutant Meowclops. I like my prizes today
  9. Voted for Baby Rainbow Pigtails Wig. @Angeló I read Golden Wing to my reading pet, but the price is really dropping so you have a chance to get it. This Shop has the lowest price so far Edit- Never mind I just sent it to you
  10. Voted for the baby style, got these as prizes
  11. Voted for A Scientifically Accurate Neopets Chart
  12. Voted for the Magical Valentine Sweetheart Gram. I like the background I got
  13. Voted for the Bobbing Walein but I don't play Faerie Fragments
  14. Voted for Dyeworks Pink: Dark and Moody Vignette Filter and got some spooky prizes
  15. Voted for the Winter Festival and got a food item I didn't have in my gallery yet.
  16. Voted for Greyed-Out TDMBGPOP Collectible Background. Actually did prefer it to the others this time.
  17. voted for void essence collection. Didn't get anything I can use.
  18. Voted for the Dead Chia Gift Box Mystery Capsule
  19. Voted for Ch.1 Page 7 - Baelia Scene. On that note, here's hoping the plot starts again soon
  20. Voted for the Retired Backgrounds Mystery Capsule but I really had no preference.
  21. Voted for Day 10 and got these as prizes.
  22. I got the avatar yesterday. Today I voted for the Tons of Trinkets Mystery Capsule. Edit- oooops. I fed the Olivetato to a neopet rather than placing it in my gallery as intended. Thankfully it was for sale in a shop. Cost me almost 150,000 though.
  23. I voted for the Strawberries & Cream Dress and was reminded to check the price on it. I've wanted it since it came out. They shortened the name for the neopies,. it's Strawberries and Cream Dress actually. Anyways, here's my prizes.
  24. I voted for the Blue and Gold Heterochromia Contacts and got a prize I once spent millions of neopoints on to add to my gallery. Ah well.
  25. I voted for the 25th Anniversary Slushie because I collect food.
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