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Posts posted by Hugo_Renfield

  1. Mouch, I agree, faerie food is beautiful! I love all of the creative foods on the site, so I dedicated my shop to them. I've also been obsessed with chias since I started playing back in elementary school. They're just so cute! And it just might have something to do with the fact that you can make them look like foods too. There are sooooo many things I want to collect but my bank account says no. 

  2. I'm not a fan of the way my mom cooks most vegetables, or doesn't cook them, as is often the case. She just kind of sticks them in the microwave so they heat up a bit but the texture is still raw. My dad on the other hand likes to take asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts and sometimes green beans, and he mixes them in a bowl with some olive oil and basalmic vinegar, then puts them on a baking sheet and roasts them in the oven until they're just a bit crispy. It is my favorite way to eat vegetables.

  3. My boyfriend needs a new computer, and we're not sure what to get. He's a writer and a student, he likes to watch movies on it, and he travels often. His main criteria is:

    • Not a Mac
    • On the smaller side (his current one is 15 inches and it's too big)
    • Longer battery life (like 6+ hours)
    • Good built-in web cam
    • Good speakers

    Thanks for any input! 

  4. Hi, welcome! This is a great community for shy people. Everyone is super nice. Neo goals can seem daunting (especially dream pet goals), but I've found that if you don't stress about then, they're easier to accomplish than you might think. So, good luck, and don't give up!

  5. On the other hand, it's not like they haven't done the same thing for other items (slushies, healing potions, jellies...) and there are a LOT of unique items out there. It could be difficult, not to mention time-consuming, if they had to create a completely new look for each individual item. Besides, it's not like we don't have books in the real world that look the same. Just saying.

  6. Hi, welcome!!! I'm not very good at games, but I was able to get a few avvies from them. I actually think Ice Cream Machine is easier with a trackpad. Maybe I'm just weird.


    As far as Go go go, I can explain it. Have you ever heard of the real-life game village idiot? It's basically that. It does require a lot of luck, but if you can figure out a good strategy, then you can do pretty well. If you would like a better explanation, feel free to message me! It's really not too hard.

  7. I always do my dailies around 9 or 10 am NST, and the omelette has been gone every single time, but it always shows back up by 1pm.


    I've had trouble with Grave Danger lately where I will send a pet down and it will start counting down and everything, then a few hours later it will have all of my petpets there as if I haven't sent one, and there is no prize in my inventory. This has happened 4 times now.

  8. I just click on a whole bunch of stuff at once, that generally guarantees at least a few items. As far as keeping track, I just remember the last thing in my inventory before I go there, then get my 10 items in one go. But I agree, it can be very frustrating. Without fail, as soon as I reach my limit, something decent shows up.

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