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Posts posted by HoneyTediz

  1. At the very least, I think there should be a part of the Neoboards that's secluded from those who are younger than 14-16 years

    where the restrictions are a fair bit looser. Let's face it, a large part of the site's userbase are in their late teens. And that's speaking to the minimum.


    While running any website that has socialization features, not just Neopets, all demographics have to be considered.

  2. I never did understand the ridiculous lengths TNT will go to prevent children from seeing ~~bad words~~~.


    Sure, having some rules in place is nice and enforcing them to protect kids from inappropriate content is perfectly reasonable.

    But you're crossing the line when you warn and freeze people for making references to drinking tea, censoring (your own)

    images that say "let it snow," or getting upset when people talk about grape flavored foods.


    There's looking out for the safety of young fans, and then there's driving people away from talking on Neopets

    at all because they don't want to deal with the broken filters.

  3. What a terrible thing to instill in a child. Especially one that doesn't know better. I'm very sorry your parents did that to you.


    All children should pitch in with housework and other chores to the best of their abilities. Barring that they don't have certain disibilities or other

    conditions that bar them from doing certain chores (ex.a kid with egg allergies gathering the farm's eggs for the family, y'all get my point).


    All genders do housework. Period. It's ridiculous and disgusting to put all of the responsibilities on one single gender.

  4. Just as a disclaimer, I'm white so if I say something out of line, feel free to say something! ♥



    But honestly? The entire concept behind Thanksgiving is just a flat out lie lol. The big feast did happen, but it wasn't all rainbows and butterflies.

    We need to recognize that the Pilgrims put it on to lull the Native Americans into a false sense of security. The same night the feast happened,

    we massacred a large number of the Native people who attended.


    The only thing positive I see about Thanksgiving is the food. That's it. (What can I say? I love me some mashed potatoes and scalloped corn.)

  5. Man, y'all are being surprisingly awesome about this! Not to sound rude or anything, but...I always expect the worst when I go into these conversations.

    Good on you.


    To get to the point at hand, I'm really dang frightened by the majory response to the #YesAllWomen movement. Especially the portion made by men.

    Men who hold the power to do great harm to women, sitting in a circle with each other and talking down to women who don't want to be systematically hurt anymore.


    I may not be female, but I sure am afraid for the folks in my life who are. My female friends, my girlfriend, my female family members are all affected. Whether they know or not.

    And it saddens me. I do my best to be a feminist ally and generally do good for women, but I still wish I could do more to protect you all.

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