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Posts posted by cassyox

  1. i posted last week wondering why i wasnt able to access my prize i won from accumulating points. i was told that the prize shop would open up ina few days

    well now when i go to click on anything from the charity corner it just brings me back to the main homepage?!

    whats the deal with this anyone else have this problem? did i miss my chance at claiming my prize?

  2. i have a few questions about the charity corner

    1) is it over? because iam still able to add things to the machine

    2) i got a neomail from neopets saying thanks for participating blah blah u got a trophie neocash and some neopoints. is this my award?

    3) i got 795 points how do i spend these on the awards that were listed?

  3. 1 hour ago, Granny63020 said:

    Hey, I was wondering if there is someone that doesn't do the NC Magic Neggs that would be willing to give them to me for my Gallery Negg collection? Wish I had thought to ask this last year! 

    damn i didint even think to put it in my gallery or give it away to someone i added it to the table but i dont even plan on doing the NC event! shoot wish i thought of this!

  4. im curious to know how many points people got and which achievements the completed. i finished all but the keeping up one and got 1860 points.

    what did everyone else get?


    p.s i bought the plushies the cross bow, all the books ( multiples of the cheap ones for each of my pets and then 2 to sell), 2 stamps and i think thats it? and it used up all my points exactly

  5. okay iam so annoyed! i made a thread about this without realizing more people were already talking about this.... the story doesnt make sense!!! clearly TNT messed up and should fix things! its stuff like this that makes me not want to pllay! i got all the achievments except the "keeping up" one and thats because noone knew what it was! and the plot wasnt even released regularly! which is another rant in itsself! and now its over and theres huge holes in the story!.... this plot was terrible and it seems like neopets just gave up on it and was like " welp!, its already a disaster so lets just cut to the end, pretend this never happened, and release the prizes."

    iam genuinely annoyed! like this is infuriating 

  6. so i dont go on neopets much but today i went on and went to see where the plot was. ( i got to the mini game when you had to dodge the objects with the boat) and i went to continue today but it brought me to the end of the plot? which didint make sence for the rest of the story. did anyone else have the same thing? last part i read was when lyra got on the boat with some captain, and then u got to play the mini game and that was it. today i clicked continue and it brought me to some guy reaching for his keys and then running into battle with a sword.... what did i miss? bc that doesnt make any sence lol!!

    and it tells me the plot is over now.

  7. Hrtbrk is correct, they haven't been activated in the Rainbow Pool yet. To know when they're active you can go to the Vandagyre page in the Rainbow Pool and if the colors are active they'll be listed there. Additionally when I notice that they've been activated, I usually check 1-2x a week depending on my schedule I will add the color combination to our Customization Database and also do a news post in the Customization section. Hang in there! They should be released soon! :)


    I don't think they have been activated yet. TDN's Customization department usually posts when new colours are available to paint, in case you happen to miss it!

     thank you guys! i did not know this! i figured when they released the new colour it was automatic that you could paint them!

  8. hi, i think this is a really cool idea! right now iam collecting morphing potions so i guess that is what i would like to wish for, because most are pretty expensive ill wish for one thats not crazy in price lol

    my wishing request will be for one of these items:


    Blue Vandagyre Morphing Potion

    Brown Kougra Morphing Potion

    Camouflage JubJub Morphing Potion 

    Desert Buzz Morphing Potion 


    hopefully you can grant my wish :)


    my username on neopets is the same it is on here cassyox

  9. I don't think things get boring just because they don't go my way.


    While there isn't much to do activity wise, I still set personal goals to try and achieve.


    Are you sure you're looking at the right place because it certainly has updated every single day. In fact, they have gotten better at releasing news at a more reasonable time.

    when i look at the news feed it shows all the updates but when u first log on to neopets it brings you to their main page where it shows a quick news up date like what event is going on, if its a pet day ect. mine still shows that its chomby day. before that used to be updated all the time!!! but now i find it takes the new owners longer to update it... i hope you understand what part im talking aboout haha

  10. iam super bored of neopets the only thing ive been doing latley is collecting bank intrest... other than that i just come on here to see what happening... i hate that they dont update the news feed when you sign on to neopets.. i mean it still says its chomby day...


    the items in the neg hunt kind of sucked i mean the overall prize was an avatar which is cool but other years they gave options of prizes you could choose at the end and i just kept getting the same prizes when i choose a negg it was annoying...


    idk i agree with you neopets has once again gotten boring for me... i doubt ill be playing for much longer...although i aalways come back eventually

  11. in order to get the cupcake you have to view your pets lookup on their birthday! and you can choose between a pink, blue or yellow i belive is the other colour.... if you dont view their lookup then you dont receive the cupcake :)

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