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Posts posted by yesadnil

  1. Thank you Mouseykins! It feels like TDN has an article and guide on everything! It's super magical. 


    As it'll take me some time to reach the 20 mil collateral goal, as well as the 500 forum post count, I should use those months/ years to boost my trophies, and perhaps prey on the better computers of my friends to reach those goals. ^_^ Thank you!!



    By looking at you're lookup I believe you need 16 trophies. There's quite a few that are relatively easy to get such as the card game trophies. If you can get Attack of the Slorgs to work that one is pretty easy too. We do have a guide for easy trophies you can take a look at and fill in the gaps with those and some other games you're good at. sometimes slower machines are good at the flash games. Mostly if you participate in site events such as the Altador Cup, Daily Dare and Games Master Challenge (should be one at the end of November), each year that will gain you some extra trophies too. Good luck earning your collateral and upping your trophies count.

  2. I really cannot agree more with your emphasis on sunscreen! My mother would tell me to put on sunscreen all the time, I associate sunscreen with "going to the beach," so I would never use sunscreen. But sun damage is really one of the worst things you can do to your skin. 


    This article on sunburns in the Scientific American describes that sunburn is literally your skin cells committing suicide because their DNA has been damaged and they're trying to prevent you from getting skin cancer. It really puts all those times I peeled my sunburns for fun into perspective....


    Moral of the story: the sun is trying to kill you.



    When I was growing up, my Mom had skin cancer a couple of times (the nasty, deadly kind), and she'd always harp on me to wear sunscreen, but I never really did and got some really bad sunburns as a result. I'm 24 and now I'm beginning to heed her advice. *facepalm* If only I could go back in time and smack some sense into myself!! Now I'm completely obsessed with my skin and aging. I dread getting wrinkles! I have no idea what my skin type is, but I'm pretty sure it's not dry. Maybe normal?

    Here's my routine:

    Dr. Wood's Shea Vision Black Soap (AM and PM)

    Thayer's Rose Petal and Witch Hazel Toner (AM and PM)

    Olay Total Effects Anti-Aging Daily Moisturizer w/ SPF 30 (AM only)

    Olay Active Hydrating Beauty Fluid (PM only)

    Desert Essence 100% Pure Jojoba Oil (Great for removing makeup and it's really gentle)


    I'm not really loyal to any one particular brand or product, but I have to say I really like Olay's products and that toner I mentioned above; they seem to play nicely with my skin. I always wear something with at least SPF 30 in it, even if it's cloudy or rainy out. My pasty skin laughs at lesser SPFs. Someone once told me that even tanned skin is damaged skin and I never forgot it. Also, I always wash my face at night, even if I'm only half awake and I desperately want to crawl into bed. I used to be really lazy about it, but then I got into the habit and my skin has improved a lot and I don't break out as much.

    Not too long ago I purchased a parasol to use outside when it's really sunny out. It keeps the sun off my face and I'm not as hot as a bonus! I'm still getting over my embarrassment of using it, but it's really pretty and I'm glad I bought it. 

    Edit: I forgot to mention that I use a Clarisonic w/ a "sensitive skin" brush head in the mornings to exfoliate. 

  3. I absolutely love Neil Gaiman and read most of his books, but didn't like Good Omens, his collaboration with Terry Pratchett! I think I just wasn't into the style of the book, and it seems to drag on forever....But I know so many people who really enjoyed it and I respect that we have different book tastes!




    Ooh have you read Good Omens? I love that book! Aziraphale & Crowley are such cool characters (and names) love it :D

    By the way has anyone read A Clockwork Orange? I know it's meant to be pretty disturbing and graphic but it's ranked as one of the top 100 english novels so maybe it's worth a read. Just wanted to know if any of you guys would recommend it. I've read some pretty hard-hitting stuff (lolita by nabokov was both horrible and very well-written) so it shouldn't like...I don't know, traumatise me or anything.

  4. I've really gotten into skincare recently, inspired partially by Reddit's skincareaddiction subreddit. 


    What's your daily skin care routine? I'd love to hear it!


    Does it work for you? Do you have dry/ oily/ acne prone skin? What are your skincare secrets? 



    My morning routine: 


    Cetaphil wash

    Paula's Choice moisturizer


    Evening routine: 


    Oil wash with Face Shop Rice Water Cleansing Oil

    Soap wash with Cetaphil 

    Estee Lauder toner

    Origins Drink it up overnight mask



    I started because my very Asian mother is intense about skincare, and looks seriously 35 at the age of 50. I want to start early and take care of skin in my 20s! :) 

  5. I always get old, used games nowadays at Gamestop...I love getting brand new games and playing them when they come out, but the price difference on the $60 initial listing and the used price is enough that I would hold out for a couple of months. 


    I can use that money saved to get other goodies!

  6. Moving is so stressful! But congrats on getting there! I remember moving into my dorm for the first time...I had beautiful boxes and all my stuff packed so neatly. When I moved out, everything was thrown into garbage bags and stuffed into corners. XD Haha completely different experience of moving in vs. moving out!

  7. If you enjoyed Tamora Pierce growing up, then I highly recommend the Mistborn series. 


    Magic? Check

    Kickass heroine with sass and talent? Check

    Romance? Check

    World of fantasy? Check


    I read a lot, and I really cannot recommend this enough. I started reading and couldn't put it down all night! 

  8. Then do you deny that fracking has environmental and health concerns? How do you refute the claims in articles such as this one (http://serc.carleton.edu/NAGTWorkshops/health/case_studies/hydrofracking_w.html), outlining the dangers in fracking?


    I think it's irresponsible to say "take my word for it, fracking does nothing," when there's so much we don't know about it and it's only been used for a couple dozen years. We used to use DDT before we realized how detrimental that was on the environment. 



    Considering that my dad is in the fracking business, no, I don't see anything wrong with fracking. After reviewing everything his company prints out (manuals, etc..) there is no danger in fracking. Of course, there is the possibility that the pipe may break, but in my dad's company it hasn't happened at all.. so, you can take my word for it, fracking does nothing.

  9. This is so unbelievable! Thank you to everyone who contributed! I'm inching towards the collateral goal, and working towards the forum goal slowly (like others said, I don't want to spam, and want to contribute fruitful conversations). 


    However, I'm really awful at the games, especially since I have a really old computer that freezes on the games (like ice cream machine just makes it go bonkers). 


    I have 278 avatars, 13 years on Neopets, and would love to contribute more in terms of collateral to make up for my trophy deficiencies. How much in collateral do you think I should have to be a safe lender for the BGC? Thank you!! 

  10. I think as the current generation ages, there will be a shift of gender expectations. For example, in my parents' generation, women inhabited the domestic sphere. It's unfair and shouldn't be the case, but things are slowly changing as things like "stay at home dad" and "paternal leave" come into being. :) It's a gradual move in the right direction.

  11. I used to chat all the time on the Neoboards (this was like 5 years ago), but the quality of the posts have really plummeted. There used to be intelligent conversation and productive discourse, now it's all inane and seemingly filled with childish banter.....


    I like these boards so much more! People are nicer and not endlessly fishing to be lend avatar items on no credentials.

  12. I did ask a few years ago. They basically told me that lying about my age was against their policy. I didn't really have any other ways to prove the account was mine since it had been years and I couldn't remember anything that I owned.


    Boooooooo :( I'm sorry to hear that, I guess I was super lucky and bumped into a TNT member in a good mood. Either way, welcome back! :)

  13. I also faked my birthday and forgot my password, but I was so attached to my old account that I filed a request for my password via TNT and told them that I lied for my birthday, but I can prove it was my account in other ways.


    It's apparently super common, and they gave me my birthday! You can also get your account back, you just need to ask. :)

  14. Welcome back! I was the exact same way, now that I'm in my 20s, I find that most of my friends aren't playing any more (go figure!).


    But I find Neopets so relaxing (since you can only build upwards, you can't "lose" at Neopets) and giving it some time here and there in my days is really gratifying. ^_^ Hip hip hooray to older players!

  15. Welcome back! ^_^ I also recently restarted Neopets, it's been really great seeing the improvements in the site in the last couple of years and building up my collections. I missed it so much and I didn't even realize until I came back!

  16. This is a really unique and clever thread! My ethnicity is very dull and I'm not mixed, but I love the food. :D Real Chinese food is so different from what you get in America, every time I go back it's such a culinary treat.


    I think the only places that have come close is Chinatown, in NYC, for authentic Chinese food.




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