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Posts posted by MyMyMyLittleMy

  1. On 4/8/2017 at 10:04 PM, Scoobert_Doo said:

    Gourmet Club Bowls is still playable. However, it does not work with every browser. And when you play it, there is a black box that covers the top, left portion of the game. No fix for the black box. Although it might be a little more challenging with the black box, the avatar is still obtainable.

    To play on Windows PCs, you must use either Internet Explorer 11 or the last version of Safari for Windows (5.8.1).

    If using IE 11, you must add, without the quotes, "neopets.com" to IE 11's "Compatibility View Settings". To do so, open IE 11 and go to Neopets. Click on "Tools" (the gear/cog looking icon, in the top, right corner of IE 11), then select "Compatibility View settings". In the window that opens, you should see "neopets.com" already listed in the "Add this website:" text field. Click on the "Add" button, to the right. "Neopets.com" should now be listed in the "Websites you've added to Compatibility View:" box. Click "Close", to close the window. The Neopets page should refresh. If you do not do this, Gourmet Club Bowls will tell you that you aren't using the latest plugin, and give the "Sad Usul". IE 11 is still available with Windows 10. On occasion, when playing Shockwave games on Neopets with IE 11, games have "frozen up", on me. When that happens, all you can do is close the game pop-up window, and try again. Your current game score will be lost. Just FYI.

    The last version of Safari for Windows can be found on the 'Net. There are no special settings or things you have do with it, unlike IE 11. However, Apple stopped supporting/making it for Windows in 2012. Using an old/outdated browser could put your computer's security at risk, so if you do try it, you do so at your own risk. Personally, I do use it and prefer it, when playing the Shockwave games on Neopets. I can play all of the Shockwave games, and have not experienced a game "freeze" issue, with it. I am also aware of the risks of using old/outdated browsers. When I do use Safari, I only use on Neopets. And when I use it on Neopets, I only use it play the Shockwave games. Once I am finished playing the games, I logout of Neopets and close Safari. If I need to complete dailies, or want to do anything else, I open Firefox or Chrome. I also used an ad blocker with Safari, too. I have installed the last version of Safari on a Windows 10 PC.

    If you wish to use Chrome, and on a Windows PC, it is still possible, but you have to use an extension like "IE Tab". Chrome stopped supporting the Shockwave plugin back in 2015. So, without the "IE Tab" extension, Shockwave games will not work ("Sad Usul" message). When you use "IE Tab" with Chrome, it allows you to open new tabbed pages in Chrome, but it use the IE "engine" to display the web pages - basically it opens an IE 11 tabbed page within Chrome. As "IE Tab" uses the IE "engine", it allows plugins like Shockwave to work. When using "IE Tab", make sure you login to Neopets on the "IE Tab" tabbed page. If you don't, and play a Shockwave game, your score will not be accepted, as you are not logged into Neopets - even if you are still logged into Neopets on a "regular" Chrome tabbed page. Please note, too, that the game freezing issue could happen with IE Tab, as it uses the IE "engine". Again, just FYI.

    Although I do not own a Mac, I heard the latest version of Safari works with Shockwave. Chrome and "IE Tab" will not work. Macs do not come with IE, and Microsoft stopped supporting/making IE for Mac OS a long time ago.

    One last note, don't forget to use the "shepherd" cheat code, when playing Gourmet Club Bowls. It gives you X2 points, at the end of every round. Makes it easier/quicker to get an avatar score!

    If you have any questions, please post. Good luck, and get that avatar!

    You absolute genius! Thank you! I had looked at people's methods and advice on this topic before but none give so simple and clear a way to make it work. (I decided on the Safari method) and while it did have a black square in the corner I realised if you click on that area you can see the game underneath it so it was only slightly inconvenient. It did freeze maybe 5 times but I managed to get the avatar in under an hour. Thanks again!

    Gourmet Club Bowls.png

  2. Off the back of this topic, does anyone have any tips for making Shockwave games play? I really want to get the Gourmet Club Bowls avatar but it just keeps saying I have to install the latest version which I already have and I keep going round in circles.

  3. I think its both. Every single baby that's born has amazing potential for kindness and empathy, its just a case of whether anyone is willing to nurture it. Having said that, Brynchilla makes a good point. Does kindness even exist? Like if you jump into a river to save someone from drowning can you ever know if you purely did it out of kindness or out of a fear of living with the guilt of not doing it or disapproval from others, or as you've said because there was a reward.

  4. Hi,


    I started playing Neopets when I was a kid, then I had a break for quite a few years. Weirdly I find it even more addictive now than back then! I find it a good place to procrastinate and hide from work I need to do :) I like collecting avatars, saving up for my dream pets and lately have started playing Habitarium again. So I thought it would be nice to meet some like-minded people on here.

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