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Posts posted by maypls

  1. Here's a quick run-down of me as a KQ player:


    UN: chansey24

    Timezone: EST, NST +3


    M-F 12pm-7pm NST (usually)

    Saturday and Sunday varies. Anywhere from 9am-8pm NST. Feel free to NF me so you can see when I'm online!


    I prefer 5-Key games. If you want to hit a certain NP threshold before going for the win let me know!

    I don't really use the chat feature so if I end up ignoring you over KQ chat I'm sorry!

    My favorite boards are Neopia Central and Ti-Key but I can go with whatever :)


    Feel free to NF and NM me when you want to play!

  2. Thank you for coming here, young Neopet...

    You find a VERY shiny dubloon lying in the sand.


    Twenty Dubloon Coin

    This is the coolest thing I've gotten from Coltzan in all my years of playing! I just had to share with someone. I'm saving dubloons right now so I can profit off of the higher denominations. ^_^

  3. Depression would possibly have something to do with it. It's like with any drug though, On it you could feel great but coming down can be absolutely horrible and for that reason you go out and get another hit. Well, At least that was my personal experience. When I was coming down I'd get really irritated, Paranoid, depressed and also I'd have a massive craving for the drug. Even when I first started smoking it. I may have an addictive personality. Also, I have mental health issues though so that could contribute greatly to my reactions.


    But everyone is different.


    I know this post is a year old, but this describes my experience withdrawing from Prozac, my anti-depressant. Every time I smoked there was a gap of at least three months so I wasn't addicted by any means.


    My main personal reason for why I would like to see marijuana legalized/decriminalized is the prevalence of synthetics, which are readily available in most gas stations and head shops (though most jurisdictions are starting to crack down on the availability). People get lazy and substitute the real thing for the synthetic when the two are completely completely different. Anyone who has experienced both highs can tell you this, including me. Usually it's explained as good time versus bad time with the synthetic being a bad time. Synthetics gave me generalized anxiety disorder after I had the worst panic attack of my life. I wouldn't wish my experience on anyone else. There have also been innumerable reports of seizures and comas due to synthetic "marijuana".


    If the stigma against marijuana was erased and it was at least decriminalized everything would just be a lot better, I think.

  4. Does anyone have the bilge dice avatar that requires ten wins in a row? My biggest winning streak so far is only 3 in a row x.x


    I don't have it...and only 0.37% of the people who have made checklists on TDN have it. So don't feel too bad about it! It's all luck.


    My first 20k on the wheel and this happened. Today is just my day I guess!




    Does anybody know if it's safe to get myself a lab rat and use that for zapping only? Or will my other pets be affected too?

    The only pet affected by lab zaps is the pet that you zap. :)


    I finally got around to getting the Poogle Race Winner avatar! Brings my total to 170 avatars, finally.

  6. Hi guys!


    Does anyone else really suck at mini games? :( I have a great Internet connection, but for some reason the mini games always lag so badly on my computer. There's maybe 2 or 3 that I can occasionally win at, but most the time I'm just left to sit there and get my rear end handed to me. D:


    Any suggestions?


    The Spyder and Orbs games usually lag and bug for me. It's quite annoying. These games should run just fine with 4GB of RAM...I would expect underperformance on my PC games due to my Intel card, but not Neopets minigames. I think it's something on the KQ servers' end, unless other Neopets games lag for you.

  7. I don't like any of my pet's names, really, but I've grown attached to them in an odd way. It would be strange to rename them or give them away since I've had them for so long. But on my side, I make a point to only have good names, since I care now, haha.

  8. Hi there! My name is Sara but I mainly go by May on Neopets. I've been playing on and off for about ten years and have had my current account (my first account where I didn't forget the password--ah, the joys of being a child) for nearly seven years. I was looking for a new avatar logging tool since avatarlog's death eons ago, and that's how I stumbled upon TDN. I've been using forums for nearly as long as I've been playing Neopets, and it'll be nice to meet fellow Neopians off-site! The Neoboards are too cluttered to browse regularly.


    So, yeah. ^_^

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