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Posts posted by indiechiquegeek

  1. So I'm wondering, first, if the spot where the patterned negg is is the same for everyone? Or is it different for each account? I'm trying to find today's negg, but I'm on a mobile device, and the Haunted Woods map isn't loading for me. I tried looking around for links on other websites for all of the places in the Haunted Woods, but I must be missing something, because no luck :c Any help?

  2. Long story short, I opened a new page and then opened a new one before noticing that there was a random event! It looked like the Wocky from the Terror Mountain, and there were some numbers... Argh, I'm so mad I missed it! Has anyone else gotten this one? I don't think I've gotten it before, and I can't find anything onTDN about it. Was it important?

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  3. So everyone knows about the new random event going around where you are granted a pet from the pound. I went once this morning, and nothing happened. But when I went to check my pets, I had a new one! So that made four pets in total. I went back again once I heard that there was actually an event, and lo and behold, I was granted a fifth pet- usually reserved for premium members. But-- I went back again when I heard about the voting, and I was granted a sixth pet! Has this happened to anyone else? I was happy with the three pets I had, and I'd feel awful if I had to drop them off at the pound again. I'll feed them, of course, but I'm still going to feel bad. Does anyone have any guess how this event will end?


    This topic has been edited by a member of staff (hrtbrk) because of a violation of the forum rules.
    There is already a topic for discussing fostering pets. Please continue the discussion there.
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  4. I saw someone post something about this earlier, and it seemed to be fixed so the post was locked. But now I'm having the same problem- when I opened my Altador daily today, it gave me the same page and prizes as when I first beat the quest. Is anyone else habing this problem?

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  5. I've heard that Habitarium is a great way to earn some NP, so I just started playing. Can someone explain it to me? Is it worth it? Do I need to have the browser always open, or if it is open, do I need to be constantly watching it? Is there one thing I should be harvesting more than the others? Harvesting is just for things to spend, right?

    As you can see, I have lots of questions that weren't covered in the short tutorial, or that are answered in the FAQs. Any help would be appreciated!

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    Per the reason above, this topic has been MOVED from 'Games' to 'Neopets Help'.

  6. The same thing keeps happening to me when I try to complete the worm quest in Moltara City and The Caves- I get 8 worms easily, then for days and days I can't find the last two, until I eventually give up. Are they hidden somewhere? Does it take anyone else forever to get just the final 2? The first 8 pop up quickly, but the last two....argh! Any help?

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