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Posts posted by kawaiicurls

  1. Hi lovely TDN users, 

    My name is Kay and I'm one of the judges over on a user-run fashion and character design competitions currently being run on the Art Boards on Neopets called Runway Rumble

    As the title reads, we need community votes to determine this round's winner, and contestants got creative this round in blending in Altadorian Heroes with Eastern and/or Western Zodiacs.

    To help us out, just view the entries and comment with the digit of the entry you would like to vote for (+maybe a comment). Voting will close at 8PM NST on the 10th of July.  W

    We do highly encourage leaving a comment for the entries you liked, and your comments will be curated and anonymously posted for the designers of those teams to read through when results come out tomorrow!

    To view the entries, GO HERE


    Thank you for ALL of your help!

  2. *waves* Hello everyone!


    I'm Kay and I posted a short time ago about the Samurai & Geisha Beauty Contest Theme Week being organized by a great friend and myself. It's now underway in full swing, and has been a huge success! There are SO MANY beautiful entries this week, and they are all slowly being compiled onto /~zhaon; So feel free to go look at what's currently cooking, though the page is a work in progress and will be better completed near the end of the week. Meanwhile, it will give you a glimpse of gorgeous participants this week!


    In the mean time, Poly would appreciate your vote ^o^





    Thank you kindly for your attention!



  3. I started seeing a therapist because my panic attacks have been bad. I stop being able to breathe and literally it feels like everything you just said - particularly the earth shattering sensation. Stop. Take a deep breath.


    Is there something in your life you're maybe really stressed about? Or something that you're hiding or holding in? Sometimes our subconscious minds have a way of folding back on us when we suppress too much, which is something I do on a daily basis which has led to this point. Anyway, I'm not on beta blockers because I don't believe in medication, and while I have my depression under control I don't want to form a dependency to pills, because a large deal of the time I'm in the ups rather than fighting the downs. My therapist uses essential oils as a tool and I find it helps - I couple of drops of medical grade oil in my hands, cupped over my nose and practice breathing whenever I feel like I'm about to have a panic attack. It may be something for you to consider as well.


    like Fancy mentioned too - changing thought patterns. Somewhere along the way I started with self deprecating thoughts and a great deal of fear of failure in the simplest of things, and it was crippling. Now anytime I feel I just put myself down I re-examine the thought and change it. The idea is to slowly try changing the behaviour and get rid of the fear, and realize your fears don't hold onto you. Then again, I'm not a therapist and your situation may be entirely different, still, I hope you'll talk to someone if you have a lightbulb moment of what has really been bugging you, and that you won't need to be on the beta blockers either - though no shame if that is honestly something you come to need. There's nothing wrong with that at all.


    Edit: *big, big, biiiiig hug* You're going to be just fine!

  4. Hi everyone!

    A bunch of us on the Art Boards have decided to participate in a Theme Week within the Beauty Contest, to the tune of Samurais and Geishas.

    It's open to absolutely anyone and everyone with a Neopet and an interest to draw, and it's a great deal of fun when many people are involved to a single theme!

    If you're interested to participate, all you need to do is draw a pet of yours in their best Japanese themed outfit, be it an attractive geisha girl, strong samurai or any variant you can think of, and submit it to the Beauty Contest as usual after the 20th of March but before the 26th of March to ensure you're in the right round with all of us (starting March 27th to April 3rd).

    Feel free to ask questions or even wander over to the Art boards and look for the BC THEME WEEK thread to check out more info, make some friends and even see some previews from others.

    Just to clarify, this theme week will begin not on this coming Friday but the next one following. So you've got a whole week to come up with a work of art!

    We hope this little community project will help bring some cheer especially to those currently feeling a void in the lack of other creative competitions updating; but anyway, come join the fun!


    If you're brand new to the Beauty Contest and would like to know more, feel free to check out Ani's comprehensive BC guide at: -

    and if you're just a little rusty at being in the BC circuit, then take a look at

    Or just ignore all that and come along to the boards and talk to us, and feel free to ask about any other technical queries you may have.

  5. Hi Suz! Nice to meet you! I'm sure I've seen you on the Avatar and sometimes art boards too when you're participating in CC ^o^ I think everyone's a neoaddict here, no shame, no shame at all.


    Speaking of stuff you're into; I'd sure love to try submitting a poem or two to the poetry contest sometime. Maybe you'd have good tips for that. In return, if I can ever help with BC and AG trivia I'd be delighted to 8D

  6. Just dropping a last note to thank everyone for the support!


    Freweini took home top in species and also FIRST PLACE OVERALL! Woot!

    That was like, the best, nicest thing to wake up to after Neo had come back online even if the lag is still legendary and 2/3 of my userlookups have disappeared.

    Thank you everybody! I look forward to getting my laptop back and participating with higher caliber work in the not too distant future.


    Deb - I'm afraid they might, but we'll handle that bridge when we come to it, and in the meanwhile I think the community will manage to support itself, catty moments aside XD! *hug*


    @kawaiicurls Was it Maria GentleWhispering by any chance? She's like the Beyoncé of ASMR videos. She's one of my favourites too.

    It seems a lot of people in the ASMR community have that issue... That's why mouth sounds videos are the least popular (I'm not bothered by them, but I'm not a fan either).



    YES! I went back and looked for the email and still had it and it was a link to Maria GentleWhispering ASMR Awareness Day or something to that effect. It's something about her accent. Although I also like listening to binaural virtual hair cuts (dry cuts), because the sound of the comb brushing hair and scissors snipping is extremely relaxing. I don't mind her speaking and her whispers, but not all whispering voices and binaural videos act as triggers. I suppose everyone has very tailored preferences in this phenomenon, and I'm sure more people have experienced it and not known what to call it.


    I try to control my misophonia though, it's not something everyone understands when you can't stand certain everyday background noises.

    I like loud keyboards too. It doesn't trigger ASMR, and hearing someone else typing is annoying - but when I use loud keyboards it's pretty soothing. Funny how the mind works.

    Either way I'm glad you brought up the topic and that I got to see there are others like me.

  8. AHAHAHA YES. My friend sent me a video once (because she guessed I'd be sensitive, who'd have thought someone could guess something like that?) and I had my headphones plugged in on my phone and it was early morning and I was still in bed when I clicked this video of this lady speaking. Her soft voice and made all the fine hairs on my neck stand like a cat getting stroked behind it's ears, and it was such a pleasant tingle just listening to her voice I just fell right back to sleep. I can't remember her username on Youtube but she's one of the more popular ASMR video makers and she's really pretty to boot. Crinkly noises and gentle blowing also do it.


    *tingles just recalling it*


    I don't talk about ASMR with other people because again, I'm afraid I'll look like some sort of crazy deviant hedonist but I'll gladly go take the survey.


    Edit: I should probably add I have mild Misophonia. I love the people around me but the sound of chewing makes me crazy. My mother understands I love her when I have to get up and leave the room because the sound of someone slurping a hot beverage from a mug is physically painful. Even typing that sentence out hurt.

  9. Hi there TDN!


    The forums have been so helpful I thought I'd ask about this;

    After searching on here, I saw the last users to post status on receiving their neomails regarding the Charity Corner had 'U' and 'V' names and that was back on January 10th.


    On the neoboards, I last saw someone with underscores claiming they had already received their NC and NP prize (assuming then they were already done with all the alphabet names)


    My username is entirely numerical and starts with zero, so I've already assumed it may be one of the last based on the current system but my question is should I submit a ticket after the downtime or patiently wait for the Neomail to come in?

    Is anyone else still waiting, and do they also have numerical or names with a lot of underscores?


    Why did I pick numbers?



  10. Debora you're my hero! It was Satellite that I was looking for, I must have remembered the first and third entry and jumbled it in mind but this is it. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!


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  11. Debora - I suppose you're right and I understand people getting petty in competitive categories like that; I am finding the BC to actually be a lot more enjoyable this week now by just focusing on the nice people like you said: I've made some new friends and reconnected with other regulars after finding out we have interests in common and it's great! There is definitely someone still reporting other entries for lots and lots of minor infractions in different categories getting kicked from competition - so whatever is happening is a little bit of a mystery. I do worry that if reporting to the judge gets entries removed so easily there's going to be a very weird culture of reporting each other just to try to get the avatar when it eventually releases.


    If I ever see you BC-ing, I'll be sure to come spare a vote and bump your board ^-^


    Avia - Aaah!!! Thank you Avia! I'm so glad you do - It was really hard drawing swirls with the stylus that tiny, but I like how it turned out in the end too and I thoroughly appreciate that vote!

  12. I would but my laptop is currently being repaired (hence me BC-ing this week from my phone almost entirely) XD WHEN I get my computer back, hopefully I can search the history for it but I was hoping since TDN forums see a lot of different people someone might have clicked to know which one I was talking about 8D


    Thank you for the helpful suggestion though ^o^

  13. Shane - Thank you so very much! Fortunately the great majority of people are lovely, and once the Avatar becomes available I think there'll an injected new positivism to the competition.


    Siniri - *blusssh* Thank you! (Wiggly lines and strange proportions are what's wrong XD I couldn't manage any differently though but I'm so happy you looked at it and just saw something nice!) There's Autodesk Sketchbook X in the Android App store and that's what I used to work with ^-^!

  14. Hi, some weeks ago I was lurking the boards and came across a pet lookup I really liked;


    I followed the credit link and copied the code into my pet's description - but when I transferred him, the code of course disappeared and I had forgotten by then where this premade came from.


    I can describe a little what it looked like: The pet image was large on the page and the stats were hidden by the image and the original author had set the Clear Forest Sky Background as a full width background. If you changed a line of code, it became such that hovering on the pet image would scroll up to reveal the pet's stats.


    It was a really clean, nice pet lookup so if anyone knows which one I'm referring to I'd really love a link to it.


    PS. I tried google cache to see if I could recover the lookup but it wasn't successful.

  15. As far as complaints go, I haven't heard of anyone reporting anything other than the lag between the bank/ till/ amounts on hand changing - no one's reported vasts amounts of np disappearing without reason (and not reappearing after a log in/out or even just some time) and so I doubt there would be users getting neopoints generated without end without someone hearing about it off site. Anyway, that's the hope/

  16. Thank you Debora! The support is thoroughly appreciated; I'm really pleased because this is coming on the heels of two weeks ago when my Draik entry was removed (http://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=starity - the second consecutive time from competition because someone reported to the judge that she was too human; and the entry was removed less than 6 hours before the competition's end.


    When I got upset about it, a couple of people were like "Well, it looked too human imo so it didn't get my vote" and similar comments to that nature, (even if there were just as many really nice sympathizing comments) - either way, It got me really down because while I didn't mind the entry being removed, the last minute removal and slightly... upsetting comments felt a little uncalled for - particularly when it was clear I was already sad over it.


    I don't really like how mean spirited or covertly judgmental or even cliqueish the BC has become. It's not a very big contest and not many people can go beyond the Art Board, so there's very little traffic to the contest these days. It feels silly that anyone is trying to make the competition smaller by being so petty.

  17. I'm not sure if this is going to be seen again but just in case it helps anyone else who comes across this topic : I would keep the morphing items in your SDB - I previously had my items from the MME19 worn by my pets and by the end of the morph when all the stages are awarded, I was missing nearly all the stages for one of my IDs and it took two full weeks for TNT to address.


    I'm not saying it will happen again, or often or that TNT doesn't deal with it - but it's a frustrating enough experience and though the fun is watching the item morph, it doesn't feel like it's worth it at the expense of possibly losing items and having to hound TNT until it's issued properly.


    The MME20 is gorgeous so far!

  18. Thank you Lia! I've been on Art Chat on and off today because of the stupendous lag it's been hard to hold actual conversations with people since my replies get eaten up when the page refuses to load etc etc.


    Endless frustrations: but there's already a million lag complaint boards all over the place.


    Thank you so very, very, very much - I appreciate the vote and that you commented to say so ^-^ ♥

  19. http://www.neopets.com/beauty/details.phtml?pet=Freweini


    ✿ ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿


    The lag on the Neoboards is astounding;


    I'm without a laptop for the next 2-3 days (it spontaneously malfunctioned before New Years and parts have only just become accessible to the repair man)

    so Freweini is the result of me drawing on my phone. It was near impossible to manage smooth lines in the end!


    I hope you'll consider giving us a chance at Gold and maybe go try to draw some stuff on your phone too for the fun of it!


    Thank you! ^O^


    ✿ ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿

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