I hope I'm not crashing the Mouseykins/Ennoshima party here - I am just desperate for a thread that hasn't been abandoned since 2019.
I started out doing a boatload of jigsaw puzzles when quarantine began, but I'm finding that I don't really have the space or the long-term concentration it takes to really sit down and do a puzzle properly. My attention is so scattered and divided that smaller tasks - reading online, playing Neo, goofing around and organizing and purging my closet, etc. are all much easier and lower-brainpower activities. I feel like I just cannot get my brain to work at 100% capacity anymore!! I used to love cooking, grocery shopping, etc. - now they're just "have to"s that take too much time without enough creative freedom. I feel for the kiddos staying up way too late just to get some peace/quiet/privacy, because that has definitely been me as well. 11:00 PM - 3:00 am is my Me Time, but I do tend to regret it a bit when morning comes all too quickly after my head hits the pillow.
That got way too negative and whiny! Ah!! Back to something fun: I've started a new goal of getting 3,000 unique items in my SDB - only 863 left to go. Whew. Emptying out my real closet and filling up my fake one. What a glamorous life I live. Thanks for letting me share ♥