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Posts posted by emkatrine

  1. I had to answer both :D For some reason, I am a bit weird about cola !


    I prefer Coca Cola from a can - it tastes much better than Coca Cola on bottle! I also prefer drinking it from a glass bottle :sleeping_02: I know, weird ...


    I absolutely hate Diet Coke - but I loooove Pepsi Max :laughingsmiley:


    But I really all in all prefer "fruity drinks" such as Fanta, 7UP, Sprite and so on :bike:

  2. I was raised by my nan and when she past away I had her beautiful name tattooed down my spine.


    It's a tribute to her, and a reminder to me, that she will always have my back ;)


    I love that when I one day get married, you will be able to see her name on my back as I walk down the aisle, like she is there with us, and when I have my first child and he/she asks about it I can tell them about their amazing great grandmother.


    Tattoos that holds meaning to people I respect - tattoos that are just a fashion statement I don't .

  3. I don't think it works on baby pets either. I tried searching on Dress to Impress, and seeing if I could preview the item on any Baby or Maraquan pets, and I didn't find any previews for it. It doesn't appear on Mutants either, so I would assume that this foreground can't be used on Baby/Maraquan/Mutant.


    Do you have a pet that's a color that's customized with general items you could try it on?

    No I only have baby and maraquan . I suppose it just does not work with maraquan then, a bit weird though, considering it's water ;)


    Make sure you didn't accidentally put it in your SDB :) I did that once.


    Also go into your closet and search for it to make sure it's there. If it is, then I don't think you can put it on that animal you're trying to customize.

    I didn't, it is in my closet :) Yeah I think you are right, it must just not work with the colours I have on my pets .


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  4. I would hate having more than one species ! It's so easy just to have one, and then you can just click the little icons in the bottom (hammer, sword ect.) to see what type they are (worker, soldier, etc.) :)

  5. Hi everyone :)


    I'm new to the forum and just trying to figure out if you have a place to discuss Neohomes?


    I can see that there is like a customization topic, but I suspect that is only to do with clothes?


    And do you have like a tradingpost for NC items in here?


    Thank you so much :)




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  6. If you are a big NeoHome V2 fan like I am, you will have noticed that a lot of items - old and new - are glitched. Some will appear as a shadow, some will apear in the storage shed but not in the actual inventory, and some will just fall in to what seems like a black hole :D


    I sometimes go in and read on the Neoboards in the Neohome category, and I have several times read, that the TNT have choosen to not prioritize the V2 neohomes in regards of fixing glitched items ect?


    Does anyone know if this is true and where the info comes from?


    I think it must be true, because not even resently released items like for example the furniture given out under the Y13 Negghunt works, and they have not been fixed.


    I think it is such a shame if TNT really does not care about the V2 Neohomes.

  7. 1: Will this be your first AC? If not, how many ACs will this make for you? - The first!
    2: Are you joining the same team as you did last year? If not, where will you go? - Faerieland!
    3: What are you most looking forward to this year? - Figuring out what the AC even is. Is it like a battledome event?
    4: Who do you think has the best chance of winning? - Faerieland.
    5: What rival team are you most looking forward to playing against? - Lost Desert.
    6: Any AC goals? What are they? - To win something :D
    7: A change you're hoping they made to the event? 8: Something you're dreading? - Never figuring out what AC is :P

  8. Hello :)


    I always battle S750 Kreludan Defender Robot, because I find, that even though he dumps a lot of bad, cheap items such as space salt, NeoCola Book etc, he also dumps a lot of NeoCola Tokens, which can be sold for about 850 np.


    He also sometimes dumps an Armoured Negg, which can be sold for about 40K !


    The amount of codestones and battle faeries that he dumps is different, but I normally always get one or two of each!


    Happy gaming.


    Who is the best one for red codestones? I haven't really gotten red codestones lately. Not that I'm complaining, because I've been getting nerkmids :-P

    I get a lot from S750 Kreludan Defender Robot :)


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