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Posts posted by blaisezabini

  1. Great job, HW -- I knew you'd give us a tough round, and you did! Good luck against Kreludor today; they're tough but beatable. Do us a favor and crush them and DC for us? ;) (And for you, too, obviously...)


    Good game, Rooligans! :') And good luck against DC! Haha, we'll see about DC though. :P


    I love how Haunted Woods are making a great comeback. Go Zombies!


    Oooh, thanks for the support! :) TM got a shout-out from TNT on the news page, did you see?

  2. community-fansite-news-blurb-image-2012.


    Good morning Neopia! I'm TDN reporter Craig, and I'm here in Altador, or what I think is Altador. Honestly, since the accident I can barely remember my name!


    Camerawoman: Austin, hon. Your name is Austin.


    Wait, really? I like Craig better. Whatever. Hey all, it's Austin reporting live from Altador, and we have some excitement from yesterday's games. The only thing I can really remember clearly is the results from the Alabriss Bracket because all the games were so late last night. First we had Scary Mounta-


    Camerawoman: Um, Austin, it's Terror.


    not-a-skittle Ahhh I see. We had Scary Terror playing against the bouncy things. The games were some of the highest scoring in the Cup so far, as we saw the Terrors beat out the Bouncies by a five point margin. The Terrors have been on a terrific roll as of late and look almost unstoppable. The Slushie Slinger game was the most intense contest we've seen yet. The Bouncies bounced out eight points in the game, but couldn't win, as the Terrors used their scary magic to make the slushies sling like never before. Scary Terror is looking great, and if they keep it up they could be a mid-Cup dark horse.


    The floating spaceship thing's team won against the Waterville Mermaids. The Watervillers were able to pull a side sweep, though. The Mermaids held the Spacemen to a season low one point in "shoot ball at jelly looking thing game."


    Camerawoman: You mean Shootout Showdown?


    Yes, you're right! Shootdown Showout was won in impressive fashion by the Watervillers.


    Camerawoman: That's Maraqua, Twothirds. The space team is Virtupets.


    Yooyu Right, my apologies to Maraqua and Virtupets. Maraqua continues their hot streak in the side games, but on the contrary, Virtupets continues to look well in Yooyuball, but bad in side games. Only time will tell if this hurts or helps either team.


    The team with the old lady Neopet won yesterday. The Oldies beat the-


    Camerawoman: Before you make yourself sound even dumber, the Meridell Knights beat the Shenkuu Ninjas.


    Meri... Mardi... Meridial... How do you expect me to say that?


    Camerawoman: Just say Knights.


    Regulation Meridellian Shield The Knights beat the Ninjas last night with a terrific showing in Yooyuball. The Ninjas grabbed Slushies Slinger from the Knights, but couldn't rebound in any of the other games. The Knights turned day into night with-


    Camerawoman: Just stop, please. Where is the off button?


    You stop. I'm funny.


    Gosh, it's like you're that editor Livvy or something. Not wanting me to have fun. Too bad she's only one-third the fun I am.


    Camerawoman: I am Livvy, you- UGH. Why am I even filming you?


    The Knights look good, and currently sit in third place overall. If they continue winning, they could have a shot at the whole Cup.


    Dont Press Button Camerawoman: There's the button! Come on Twothirds, time for your pills. Katie, can you please take this?


    Stay Neopia, classy!


    Hurt Blue Acara "This is Katie reporting live in the newsroom. Thank you for your riveting report, Austin, and Livvy, your patience is commendable! Our dedicated staff are determined to get you the latest Altador Cup news, even if it kills them! I'm your sole news anchor for today, so let's get to those brackets results!


    First up, the Minitheus bracket. Altador continues its undefeated streak by besting Darigan Citadel, Brightvale takes Yooyuball and Slushie Slinger against Kreludor, and Haunted Woods scares up two wins against powerhouse Roo Island. Pretty spooky, huh?


    Altador Logo The Suns are virtually unstoppable with their 11-0 record in all four games. Not even Darigan Citadel could touch their perfect record! It should be noted that the Minions kept the Suns at bay with only 2 or 3 point margins, which is definitely some hard work to marvel at.


    The Brightvale-Kreludor and Haunted Woods-Roo Island matches ended up garnering two wins for each team. Brightvale won Yooyuball and Slushie Slinger, while Kreludor took Make Some Noise and Shootout Showdown. The former has been doing well lately, but they still remain behind Kreludor in the standings. As for Roo Island, they won Yooyuball and Make Some Noise, and the Haunted Woods were able to take Slushie Slinger and Shootout Showdown. The Zombies handed the Rooligans their first loss in Shootout Showdown -- Roo Island has finally been defeated at least once in every game. Roo Island's Lilo Blumario dismissed any notions of the team becoming demoralized, but hinted at making adjustments to their strategy for their future matches -- he reckons that they are still in the running for a spot at the podium.


    Next bracket! The Vaeolus bracket almost claimed three full sweeps yesterday: Tyrannia and Krawk Island swept Moltara and Mystery Island, respectively, while Faerieland snagged a win in Slushie Slinger against the Lost Desert.


    Trilo BiteTyrannia and Krawk Island continue to dominate the field, as shown by their tenacity in yesterday's matches. The Fossils remain undefeated in every game and seem undaunted by any team that crosses paths with them -- their margins of victory are rather consistent and it shows. As for Krawk Island, their morale has been bolstered with the sweep over Mystery Island. It should be noted that Garven Hale's crooked grin reemerged after the match, which had been previously replaced with a brooding look. The Pirates will seek to rebound in their future match-ups and the outlook certainly seems good.


    The Lost Desert had much success against Faerieland, taking three out of the four games. Slushie Slinger went to the Faeries, who now have three wins for the season, and is currently their best game. The Mummies definitely needed this boost after a poor start to the tournament, but it seems they have finally gotten their feet out of all that quicksand! The match-up was very close and both teams worked hard for their wins.


    Yooyu waiting pen Stay tuned for today's matches! The Darigan Citadel-Roo Island match-up, along with the Haunted Woods-Kreludor and Meridell-Virtupets matches, will prove to be very exciting! Powerhouse Roo Island has been faltering as of late, while Darigan Citadel has kept up its usual strength -- can Darigan Citadel defeat the Rooligans? Haunted Woods and Kreludor will be fighting to maintain the middle position of their bracket, while Meridell has to contend with the Robots if they wish to stay at the top.


    This has been your ever-effervescent news staff bringing you another rousing Altador Cup report! We'll see you all right here again tomorrow! This is Katie wishing you all to stay safe from any stray explosions!"




    Obligatory disclaimer: This news report was written to inform you all of the latest Altador Cup results in as entertaining a manner as possible. The rest of its content is largely fictional, composed from various fan comments and the whims of our imagination in an attempt to inspire a sense of realism through our reporting. While we do our best to keep things reasonably neutral, this report is in no way intended to be a completely bias-free listing of the day's results, nor does it claim to provide critical analysis of past and potential outcomes from qualified Altador Cup experts. Please note that the opinions formulated in this report are from a full team of different reporters, and in no way represent the views of only a single faction. If you're looking for 100% unbiased performance data, take a look at our standings page. If professional analysis tickles your fancy, you want our predictions pages (global/daily).


  3. logo.png

    Hello and welcome everybody! This is Matt, reporting from the newsroom. I have the results from the Alabriss bracket here so let's get right to it.


    Tyrannia and Kreludor faced off against each other yesterday, and not even the Moons were able to stop the Fossils from getting another sweep as Tyrannia clearly dominated the match.


    The bracket's other matches pitted Darigan Citadel against Shenkuu and Krawk Island against Virtupets, and also ended in sweeps, with Darigan Citadel and Krawk Island sweeping Shenkuu and Virtupets respectively. The Minions seem to be out of their slump, but it remains to be seen whether they will they be able to hold their ground against Krawk Island, as the Pirates have been performing just as well.


    Sleeping KadWell that's it for the Alabriss bracket. If this seemed short to you, I'm sorry. I have to do something called "sleep" now. You guys have probably never heard of it, with your impressive ranks, but you should try it sometime. Now let's turn it over to Katie!


    Nor the fire onesThanks, Matt! Sleep tight, don't let those Mutant Yooyus bite! Onto the results: Altador and Roo Island continue to dominate in the Minitheus bracket with clean sweeps. Terror Mountain continues their own success with a stunning 9-4 Yooyuball win against Mystery Island, taking Make Some Noise and Shootout Showdown as well!


    Both Altador and Roo Island are enjoying their undefeated streaks in the second round so far. Yesterday, while Altador had a comfortable lead on the Mummies, the Roo Island-Maraqua match was a bit closer. Maraqua managed to put up a good fight, but ultimately fell to the Rooligans in all four games. Across the stadium, despite their valiant efforts, the Mummies still seemed to have their feet stuck in the quicksand -- a situation the Suns didn't hesitate to take advantage of. Can Altador and Roo Island maintain their undefeated streaks through to the end of the round? Only time will tell.


     PrytarielTerror Mountain repeated its Yooyuball strategy for the second day in a row with much success -- the fans have been quite ecstatic lately! Prytariel has been receiving much encouragement and praise from her fellow players and fans alike and has also raised her goals-per-game average significantly in the last few days alone. This newfound strength almost gave the Chillers a clean sweep, only dropping Slushie Slinger to the Islanders. Volgoth of Mystery Island continues to evade comment on their recent Yooyuball performance. At least the Mystery Island fans got to cool off with their Slushie Slinger win!


    That's it for the Minitheus bracket! Let's go live to Austin with our field coverage.


    Good morning, folks, this is your favorite reporter, Austin, reporting to you live from a tailgating party with fans of team Brightvale. Though Brightvale isn't winning their bracket, the fans are excited about this year. The team is looking fairly impressive so far this year, and is staying alive in their bracket by sitting in third place. The Wizards showed their rivals from the east, Meridell, a difficult time on the fields yesterday. Brightvale had their most impressive victory of the season by edging out the Knights five to four. While the Knights managed to take a side sweep away, Brightvale taking Yooyuball looks like it could swing the momentum of the bracket. Though Meridell is in first, the Wizards have shown tremendous improvement from previous years thus far and look now to compete for the top spot in the bracket.


    Now joining us, we have Reb Weemelott, the Wizard's right forward, to discuss how he believes his team is playing.


    Reb, the team seems to be playing at a pretty high level this year. Who do you credit for that?

    Awww mans, John, ya gotta credit the fans for this. They been great tah us an' give us the motivat'n tah keep goin'.


    You guys had a terrific showing last night against the Knights of Meridell. What are your thoughts on the game?

    Lemme show you what I think, John.


    Meridell Logo[Reb pulls a cart from around the corner. The cart has a giant wooden sign with a Meridell logo on it]


    Ya see this, John. Watch.


    [Reb pulls a kid from the tailgating party and hands him a remote control with a button on it]


    Now, kid, whats ya gots tah do here is jus' press that there button, okay?


    This doesn't seem like a good id-

    [The kid presses the button]


    Wait... Are you INSANE!? EVERYONE GET DOWN!


    [The sign explodes and the screen turns black]


    Uh... Austin? Is everything okay? Austin! AUSTIN! What the--


    [The television screen error appears momentarily, after which the image cuts to the newsroom.]


    Sorry for the interruption, folks! It appears we've had a, errrr, mishap occur with Austin's feed. We'll be sure to let you know when it's fixed! For now, we'll finish the results here in the newsroom.


    Haunted Woods took the only sweep of the Vaeolus bracket, outdoing Moltara in all four games. The Zombies' own Zo Junior showed just how speedy he was, netting most of the goals scored in the match-up. It has also been reported that Krell Vitor, the captain of Haunted Woods, had to admonish "Brains" Mortigan for nibbling on Moltara's Zax Bannet between goals. Unfortunately, Moltara didn't have enough steam to combat the Zombies this time around.


    Ciona BroanOh! Exciting news! Faerieland nearly took a clean sweep against Kiko Lake, winning Yooyuball, Make Some Noise, and Shootout Showdown! The Faeries were overjoyed with their incredible performance and hope to continue that momentum into their next match. Kiko Lake was looking to improve their current standing, but fell short overall. They remain ahead of Faerieland in the standings, however, they haven't had much success with Yooyuball in this round. Once again, congratulations to Faerieland and their stellar near-sweep!


    On a final note, here are the matches to watch out for:


    Former champions Krawk Island and Darigan Citadel will be duking it out in the Alabriss bracket. This match is guaranteed to be thrilling! Either team can take the victory here.


    Additionally, the Terror Mountain-Roo Island match-up is one to take note of. With Terror Mountain's improving performance and Roo Island's unstoppable victories, this will prove whether or not the latter can maintain their win streaks.


    On behalf of Austin, this is Katie saying goodbye until tomorrow!




    Obligatory disclaimer: This news report was written to inform you all of the latest Altador Cup results in as entertaining a manner as possible. The rest of its content is largely fictional, composed from various fan comments and the whims of our imagination in an attempt to inspire a sense of realism through our reporting. While we do our best to keep things reasonably neutral, this report is in no way intended to be a completely bias-free listing of the day's results, nor does it claim to provide critical analysis of past and potential outcomes from qualified Altador Cup experts. Please note that the opinions formulated in this report are from a full team of different reporters, and in no way represent the views of only a single faction. If you're looking for 100% unbiased performance data, take a look at our standings page. If professional analysis tickles your fancy, you want our predictions pages (global/daily).


  4. altcup6_tourney.gif

    Good morning, Neopia! This is Austin, and I am live from the fields this morning after a terrific set of games yesterday. The Vaeolus Bracket proved to be a wild card, as every team was able to get at least one win. The lack of sweeps, though rare for the Cup, was not rare for the bracket. Each team has been competitive so far and they look to close the bracket out strong.

    Kiko Lake Slushie First we saw Meridell take on Kiko Lake in what looked to be a good game. Meridell was able to pull the wins away from the Kikos in Yooyuball, Make Some Noise, and Shootout Showdown. Kiko Lake was able to snag Slushie Slinger from the Knights. Kiko Lake has been a good middle-of-the-pack contender so far this year, with Meridell pushing for a podium spot. If Kiko Lake can string together a pair of good wins in the final few days of the bracket, they could very well be competing for a top spot as well.

    Haunted Woods continues to surprise by pulling off another great win over Brightvale. The Haunties pulled away in Yooyuball with a game winning goal by star Zo Junior. They also had the penalty kicks looking really good, as they also gathered a win in Shootout Showdown. The Zombies also pulled a nice Slushie Slinger win over the Wizards. Brightvale, on the other hand, was too loud for the Zombies, winning Make Some Noise. Zo Junior was honored after the game with a dedication trophy for his many years of hard work for the team.

    Baby Fireball Moltara proved to be too hot to handle yesterday with a nice win over Faerieland. The Magmas pulled together to get their most impressive victory of the season by winning three of the four games, including Yooyuball. The fight between two of the lowest ranking teams in recent history was an entertaining match, but Faerieland couldn't keep up. The Faeries dropped another very close game. The team is gathering together this morning to fix problems they have. Team Captain, Kakoni Worrill, was caught saying this morning that "these close games we keep losing really start to get to you after a while. We're going to have a meeting today to sort everything out, and hopefully we can get on the right track."

    The Vaeolus Bracket looks like it's going to be an amazing sight to see until the end. Haunted Woods and Meridell are fighting for the top spot right now, and it appears to be within reach for both of them. These next few days will be monumental for each team if they want to win. This is definitely the bracket to watch over the next few days. Now, let's send it to Matt in the studio. Have a terrific day, everyone, and stay classy.

    Thanks, Austin! Hello, everyone! This is Matt reporting from our newsroom with the results from the Alabriss bracket.

    Tyrannian Kadoatie In what was probably the most exciting match yesterday, we saw Tyrannia and Krawk Island go against each other. Krawk Island was looking to do what Darigan Citadel could not do, and that was to put some losses on Tyrannia's record. Krawk Island was no match for Tyrannia as the Fossils were able to dominate the whole match, taking Yooyuball. The Fossils were able to prevent any red marks on their record as they cleanly swept the Pirates in the remaining games. Tyrannia seems to be an unstoppable force as of right now, sweeping Darigan Citadel and Krawk Island; the only team at this point who has a chance against them is Altador.

    Darigan Citadel and Kreludor went head to head yesterday as well. This was their first time facing each other, despite being in the same first round brackets. The Minions were looking to rebound after their loss against Tyrannia. Kreludor was able to score goals right at the start of the match, and despite the Citadel's best efforts, the team wasn't able to stop the Moons from winning in Yooyuball. The Moons were also able to take Make Some Noise and Shootout Showdown from the Minions, a surprise considering how well the Citadel looked to be doing. The Citadel has to bounce back, and fast, if they hope to have any chance at taking the podium once again.

    Lurking Virtupets Station we are watching For our last matchup of this bracket, we saw the underdogs Shenkuu and Virtupets face off. Virtupets continued their strategy from the previous days as they gave it their all at Yooyuball. The Ninjas weren't able to keep up, and as a result the Robots took Yooyuball. The Ninjas were able to rebound from that loss by taking the remaining side games. We'll see if Virtupets can keep this tactic up in the days to come.

    Now let's head over to a new face in the newsroom, Katie, as she reports the results from the Minitheus bracket.

    Excited to be here, Matt! Let's skip the introduction, shall we? We've got some exciting news to cover! For those living under a rock, the highlights of the Minitheus bracket include Altador and Roo Island earning clean sweeps across the board! Terror Mountain also defeated Maraqua by a large margin in Yooyuball; how cool!

    After eight days of play, Altador is still undefeated in all four games. Amazing! Mystery Island took a turn at throwing the Yooyus past the Suns' goalie yesterday, to no avail. Altador's forwards took the early lead, handling the Snow and Fire Yooyus with finesse. The Darigan Yooyus were a particular menace for the Islanders, who spent a vast majority of the time chasing those purple mavericks around the field. By the time Teylor Nix managed to take control of the situation, the clock had run out. Mystery Island's captain, Volgoth, declined to answer any questions about the mishap. Altador had no trouble taking their eighth consecutive sweep, as the Islanders faltered in the side games as well.

    No quicksand! The second sweep of the day goes to Roo Island. Meeting for the second time in the bracket, the Rooligans were able to repeat their success against the Lost Desert. Roo Island's captain, Lilo Blumario, continued to show how effective his game strategy was. The Mummies were unable to rally back from their poor start to the match, leaving Roo Island to take the victory with a comfortable lead. Dismayed by their Yooyuball loss, the Mummies were unable to bolster their side games for any points. Chin up, Lost Desert! Don't let your morale sink into quicksand!

    Terror Mountain and Maraqua battled it out to take two games apiece. This was an intense match for players and supporters alike. While the players fought over the Yooyus, the fans fought for the loudest team chants! Prytariel led the scoreboard with her superb goals-per-game average, breaking open the large lead. Team Maraqua just couldn't keep up with her lightning-fast passes! At least the fans didn't seem too shaken by the wide margin, as Maraqua snagged Make Some Noise and Shootout Showdown. In addition to Yooyuball, Terror Mountain took Slushie Slinger to round out their victories.

    Exciting, wasn't it!? Now, let's turn things back over to Matt!

    Thanks, Katie! Now let's wrap this report up with our matches to watch.

    Yooyu Waiting Pen From the Alabriss bracket we have Tyrannia against Kreludor. After their wins against Darigan Citadel, the Moons will be looking to make a dent on Tyrannia's still spotless record. However unlikely, if they can focus their energy into a few games, they might be able to pull off an upset.

    From the Minitheus bracket Lost Desert and Altador will be facing each other today. Altador is one of only two teams that still have a perfect record, and the Mummies will be looking to put a stop to their sweeps. Will the former champions be able to defeat Altador? All will be revealed tonight.

    I guess this wraps up our report for today. This is Matt from The Daily Neopets signing out. See you next time.


    This report has been destroyed by a ballistic missile for failing to meet the Altador Broadcasting Association's explosions quota.

    Obligatory disclaimer: This news report was written to inform you all of the latest Altador Cup results in as entertaining a manner as possible. The rest of its content is largely fictional, composed from various fan comments and the whims of our imagination in an attempt to inspire a sense of realism through our reporting. While we do our best to keep things reasonably neutral, this report is in no way intended to be a completely bias-free listing of the day's results, nor does it claim to provide critical analysis of past and potential outcomes from qualified Altador Cup experts. Please note that the opinions formulated in this report are from a full team of different reporters, and in no way represent the views of only a single faction. If you're looking for 100% unbiased performance data, take a look at our standings page. If professional analysis tickles your fancy, you want our predictions pages (global/daily).
  5. Nice stats, you two! :D 14-1 is quite an impressive YYB score as well!


    We'll get Tyrannia next time. ;) They had 15 YYB wins last year, so they're very good! Besides, it was a very close match so we Haunties shouldn't get too discouraged. Time to finish up playing against KI!

  6. How exactly do you tell how many freeloaders a team is supposed to have?


    Of course we're friendly! We may look scary and have a tendency to eat brains, but we're really nice at heart!


    I found the petpage I was alluding to right here. There's more on the page on how it was calculated. Whether or not freeloaders truly have an effect... I guess that's debatable. xD You can't really predict freeloader numbers for the upcoming season, but generally the more popular a team is, the more freeloaders there are.


    Exactly! We're just misunderstood creatures. :P

  7. Oh, there are plenty of dedicated supporters on the AC Neoboard! :) We tend to garner a few freeloaders too (I think a petpage said we had as many as Faerieland for ACVII). I don't really know what happened to cause our abysmal YYB record (1 win overall, yikes!) last year, tbh, but I know that the new format was off-putting to some and a few of our veteran players were unable to play. I have high hopes for this year, though! No more ninth place for us!


    Awesome! All of the Haunties are super friendly. :D

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