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Posts posted by chaotic_fashion

  1. Got a door today that said something about "beating pride" and the answer is Sway...wish i copied it








    Intriguingly, this door has a face on it. You're pretty sure that's not normal. Then again, you are wandering around in an evil lair, so maybe talking doors are regulation here.


    Chomping like a hungry Werhond, the door snarls, "It goes up, it is sold; it goes down below ten and five, it sits there and grows old."

    • Souvenir
    • Stock
    • Smoothie


    Answer is Stock..not sure where the door thing is so not sure if to post it or not


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  2. On Floor 31 for Me:

    Intriguingly, this door has a face on it. You're pretty sure that's not normal. Then again, you are wandering around in an evil lair, so maybe talking doors are regulation here.

    The door's eyes glow malevolently and a voice booms, "Two things are constant above all else in Neopia. What are they?"

    "Oh!" says the door. "You actually know the answer! Good show. I get so tired of ignorant adventurers."

    You receive Malkus Vile Book!

    ANSWER: Kreludor and Virtupets

    EDIT: WHOOPS!! You beat me to it blueberrykiwi141 [/size]

    Just found this:

    Intriguingly, this door has a face on it. You're pretty sure that's not normal. Then again, you are wandering around in an evil lair, so maybe talking doors are regulation here.

    Rattling its hinges, the door barks, "Rattle bones, flutter sheets, sink fangs, hand out treats."

    Answer is Halloween

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  3. Got Curse of Fatigue after Curse of Fatigue on the 4th floor..atleast 4 times xD BUT if you wait it out right when you get it (the minute or 30 seconds it firsts gives you) then you don't have to wait hours...atleast for me it did this..I will keep trying it out...dont want to wait 7 hours again xD


    EDIT: Next floor I have to wait 1min 30sec each time I get the curse...but atleast not hours xD Guess it gets longer the farther you go but waiting the curse out first seems to be helping...though annoying xD but....better than hours!!!! O.o ugh..

  4. I can't advance to the 3rd floor...is that normal for everyone right now?? I keep getting a popup when choosing my prizes that something went wrong and to reload..



    EDIT: Maybe it's because I have to wait an hour and a half...we shall see =/


    EDIT #2: I went on Firefox (was using I.E.) and it made it to where my inverted curse was actually there (everything was upside down) and I had a choice of 3 items this time...not 2... and it went through...maybe I.E. isn't the best thing to use for it???




    "With that many curses, I'm impressed you can move! Take a rest, my friend."
    Got to wait 1:23min now *Sighs*
  5. That's It!
    Well, I mean, it seems to be the key to this part of the melody, anyway. Good job. Um... *fumbles around the room*

    Here, have this. I'm sure Tippens won't mind.


    Okay, so now we should probably—whoa, you don't look so good. Are you all right?


    And, there you go, drifting away into slumber again. But this time, maybe, just maybe, you think you might have found the perfect melody for Kell. Let's hope he took good notes, because try as you might, you can't wake up yet...




    Whoooo..hopefully no more xD

  6. That's It!
    Well, I mean, it seems to be the key to this part of the melody, anyway. Good job. Um... *fumbles around the room*

    Here, have this. I'm sure Tippens won't mind.

    Skeletal Hands Foreground

    Okay, so now we should probably—whoa, you don't look so good. Are you all right?


    I'm so tired of these....so boring xD

  7. That's It!

    Well, I mean, it seems to be the key to this part of the melody, anyway. Good job. Um... *fumbles around the room*

    Here, have this. I'm sure Tippens won't mind.

    Elegant Ray Gun

    Okay, so now we should probably—whoa, you don't look so good. Are you all right?



    Not too bad but...Im tired of it xD

  8. Kell has cleared a space in Judge Tippens's pleasant little basement for the experiments. This old table should work well; it doesn't rock or anything. Tippens might not be entirely pleased by the chalk marks Kell put all over it, but there are bigger problems to solve... like finding a magic melody to stop a rampaging monster.


    Click to reread the conversation between Kell and Tippens


    A Batterfly? Corbin knows I'm sc—I mean I hate those things. Ugh. What does his message say? I'm getting close. The trail is only a few hours old now. How is the experiment coming along?
    Oh, splendid! Best news I've heard all week. Will you be getting out of my house soon, then?
    Well, we're not quite done yet, are we? My assistant here keeps falling asleep. Maybe you'd like to help too, Judge?
    Oh... I think I hear the tea kettle. Excuse me.
    That's It!
    Well, I mean, it seems to be the key to this part of the melody, anyway. Good job. Um... *fumbles around the room*

    Here, have this. I'm sure Tippens won't mind.

    Okay, so now we should probably—whoa, you don't look so good. Are you all right?


    After you're satisfied with moving the plants, the fan will start the flowers' song and then we'll see if we succeeded.
    Gonna try and start it now....again xD
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