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Posts posted by chaotic_fashion

  1. You have received:
    4th console piece

    But Dr Landelbrot takes it right back and sets it aside. What do you want to do next?

    YES!! 6th piece =) Just 3 more to go! Gonna nock another out tonight and hopefully 2 tomorrow...we shall see! O.o

  2. This is Dr Landelbrot's workstation. Hmm, it looks like those components he keeps giving you might have a use here. Are you sure you want to put these pieces together? It looks like you can combine three components separately for three prizes, or combine all of them for one special prize! Remember, Dr Landelbrot is a scientist, not a magician! Once the components are combined, he won't be able to separate them. Only proceed if you're 100% certain. You get your choice of three prizes or the one big prize. Once you've decided, there is no turning back!





    I guess you deserve something more useful than that. Take this:

    Dice of Ultimate Probability



    Hmmmm...first piece done!! =D

  3. You have received:
    3rd console piece

    But Dr Landelbrot takes it right back and sets it aside. What do you want to do next?

    Have to wait 11hr:51min on the next project..when it has been 10hr:30min normally....shucks xD

  4. Bring me the following items, and I'll cut you a deal. I don't know what the deal is yet, but I'll think of something while you're out. Am I thinking out loud again? Never mind. Here is the list:

    Blue Ruki Plushie
    x2 grf_container_leftovers.gif
    Mouldy Left-Overs
    x2 she_giantclam.gif
    Green Clam Shell


    You have received:

    8th console piece



    almost have the bottom weapon complete! I forgot about the time yesterday so only have 2 parts done right now =(

  5. I may be overworked and running on 19 Achyfis, but I can still count! If you want the Random Events machine to work again, I still need:

    Gelert in the Box
    x3 toy_ruki_camomarionette.gif
    Camouflage Ruki Marionette
    x3 mar_splime_blue.gif

    Back again? I'm still working with the materials you gave me. Don't worry, I was able to calculate how long it would take me to finish this part of the Random Events machine. Here is a handy timer you can watch while you wait.


    Or you could go outside and play. You might need a spacesuit, though. It's cold out.

    I'm waiting 10hr 20min .... this reminds me of..the curse of fatigue xD

  6. I may be overworked and running on 19 Achyfis, but I can still count! If you want the Random Events machine to work again, I still need:

    Gelert in the Box
    x3 toy_ruki_camomarionette.gif
    Camouflage Ruki Marionette
    x3 mar_splime_blue.gif

    Back again? I'm still working with the materials you gave me. Don't worry, I was able to calculate how long it would take me to finish this part of the Random Events machine. Here is a handy timer you can watch while you wait.


    Or you could go outside and play. You might need a spacesuit, though. It's cold out.

    Interesting....so..your buying items in this one to complete experiments? Like in the dark/earth/snow faerie quests and so forth? hm

    I'm waiting 10hr 20min ....

  7. *

    5. What would you like to see more of on Neopets? If you could add anything, what would it be?


    I had a lot to say on this one xD the BD, tickets etc etc




    BAHAHHAA I like this one though xD



    19. Which Petpet do you think is the most evil?
    t.gifWhich Petpet do you think is the most evil? Meepit
  8. Thanks so much for that guide! I never would have figured that out on me tod O.O

    Right! very thankful^^ saves me a LOT of time xD and I dont have much with an 11 month old xD she wants ALL the attention xD





    The control panel makes encouraging noises. Looks like you've figured out a correct sequence. The Petpet zooms over to a pile of gears and other treasures and extracts this for you:

    Laser Pointer


    The control panel makes encouraging noises. Looks like you've figured out a correct sequence. The Petpet zooms over to a pile of gears and other treasures and extracts this for you:

    Caramel Oil Latte

    same as yesterday...solved it by myself in about 5 seconds xD ...boring :k haha




    The control panel makes encouraging noises. Looks like you've figured out a correct sequence. The Petpet zooms over to a pile of gears and other treasures and extracts this for you:

    Flashy Lights Device

    I have a feeling its just like that flower sound one now......haha, but with buttons :k


  11. So do you guys think there has actually been an "increase" in random events or do you think there has just been a surge of random events leading up to this? (AKA no increase in "random" events at all) Considering I haven't gotten any at all, I feel like they may have just said that to be vague about what they were up to.


    Ohhhhhhh there has been an increase of RE's....but only the Plot/Puzzle RE's xD TNT hinted more and we have "more"!!! but .... only for the plot thingy xD Not the actual Neopet REs like boochi, sloth, petpetpets etc. atleast I really dont think so..I haven't seen anyone saying more actual RE's that are not dealing with the plot/puzzle , more than normal, so I think that TNT just said an increase in REs- meaning the plot REs =) though I would really enjoy actual RE's xD

  12. This is the RE for today I think:


    *static* I need supplies to -- *crackle* -- is located underground. *sssss* -- in Magma City... my ship. I'll give you -- *BOOM* Hurry, would you? *static*
    Tells you its in Moltara basically? ♥
    Well, now I just got this one:
    *static* -- there hear me? ...My original workshop *POP* -- looks like a water tower -- *ffffff* -- there to teleport to... you arrive. *static*
    Sooooooo...yeah xD no clue haha
    *static* I need supplies to -- *crackle* -- is located underground. *sssss* -- in Magma City... my ship. I'll give you -- *BOOM* Hurry, would you? *static*
    The control panel makes encouraging noises. Looks like you've figured out a correct sequence. The Petpet zooms over to a pile of gears and other treasures and extracts this for you:

    Something Already Happened Cake Plate


    Oooo getting deeper...so now apparently Lutari Island (Possibly) and Moltara- the newer found place? hmmm...gotta think on this one xD Thanks for the guide^^

  14. Today's Neopian haiku is:

    Scorchio, careful
    exacerbates though 0 leaf
    monolith, tall rock.

    Contemplate this, and return
    tomorrow for another Neopian haiku.


    Yes, I think the above....may be the same? not sure O.o

    BUT i got the RE!! I was so ecstatic xD I didnt get it today or yesterday and finally did...probably why in the news it said "More REs"...it was talking about this "plot" RE I bet XD

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