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Posts posted by deadninja6

  1. Yeah, actually, now that I think about it, I have had that problem. It was a lot more consistent back during the first wave, when people were clogging the crap out of the servers, all excited about this brand new plot/event, but I imagine it would have been a lot worse if I were willing enough to test my sanity, and use Internet Explorer.:P

  2. I love using the Lab Ray on my battle pet. For one, I'm pretty sure it's past the point where it could be zapped back to level 1, lol, and it's also given me WAY more stats than it's taken away, and I've only had the Ray for a few weeks.:P The only thing that bugs me about it is when it affects my agility.:P It's like, "Gee, thanks. I've just wasted today's zap.-_-".

  3. Yayyyyy, going from being able to stomp them on Mighty, to not being able to tackle Strong... wooo... Meh, at least it wasn't quadrupled in difficulty again. If I try HARD and grind my pet's stats up, I miiiiight be able to take the next wave on Average, and get up to Mighty on this one, but it's really doubtful.:/

  4. Yeah, on my account, that I came back to after I believe... a five or six year hiatus, all of my pet's names started with "mr_ninja_". I loved ninjas at the time.:/

    But that's so depressing that TNT doesn't see how big of an opportunity this could be. Yeah, sure, they'd have to change large amounts of data, or change the way they categorize large amounts of data(I honestly don't know what goes into it), but it's Viacom. Money drives them, and if they make a buy-for-cash item of name change, especially so, if they made one for pets, and one for accounts, then with the HUGE amount of people unhappy with their pet/account names, and their unwillingness to get rid of them, they could make a ridiculous amount of money, and then that pesky problem would be solved. Albeit, at a price, but still, it'd be solved.

  5. Hey, just spent a little while making an Awakened banner. If anyone wants to use it, here you go.




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  6. They haven't been released yet, so no one knows what they offer over the Weaker bottle faeries.


    Their images have been found by several people tho... but that's not very exciting



    Well, I would imagine that they give out more Faerie blessings, and will be released at later, and later times, as the tiers get higher and higher, like, Weak, Medium, Strong, Legendary, or something like that.

  7. I'm pretty certain there used to be a way to use neopets with the old style, something called Old Neo or something, but I can't seem to find it. I know the author was overwhelmed at one point, so it might not exist anymore :/

    WUT?! I'll look into that further.:3


    Cool :) Oh yeah, if you already have that background then it doesn't matter - I still refuse to buy NC so that was a huge bonus for me when I found that!

    Lol, alright. But have you ever played Qasallian Expellibox? I won 150NC free from that, once.

  8. So, I've been training nonstop, ever since I found out about the war a few weeks ago,(don't judge me, I was on a hiatus from Neopets 2 months ago to get the warnings. :P) and when I found out about the huge difficulty jump, and that I could only beat the Smug Philosopher on Mighty, barely, and I could only draw with the Back Alley Bruiser on Mighty, I spent half of my Neopoints upgrading my weapons, taking down data of my fights to find out what shield would be great for it(Still haven't gotten that shield yet, but I'm going to, soon. Maybe after the next wave hits, and I can get more data. :P), and getting a Greater Healing Scroll *Triumphant fanfare*, and now, none of the second wave opponents on Mighty stand a CHANCE!>:3 It makes me really confident that I could get through the next wave on Mighty, and if the last wave(Hopefully the faction leaders), is the fourth wave, I might even be able to go head to head with them on Average, or even Strong! I'm so happy!:3 (Btw, I got a Ridiculously Heavy Battle Hammer, and Psellia's Fan, as my battle weapons. They're really cheap 9-iconers, for both to go for 35k NP.:3 Also, An Icicle, and Shade are really good Faerie Abilities for this. Just posting that, and this whole post for anyone who needs help.) I'm also ecstatic that I got the Greater Healing Scroll for 450k, when it goes for 600k on the Trading Post!:3 Kinda upset that it doesn't do much better than the Magical Healing Potion, a lot, though, for about 450k more. -_-


    Edit: And yeah, if waves keep going at a rate of one every three days, I probably won't be able to keep up, unless TNT took a hint, and realized that the last wave jump was way too steep, and eases up a bit. Doubtful, though.:/

  9. Alright, you can call me an old guy at heart(only 19, so I may be old to some who play the game/use this website), or that I'm adverse to change, or what have you, but I LOVE nostalgia. When something changes drastically(Like City of Heroes did from the time that I started playing to before it was shut down(R.I.P. ;_; )), I LOVE the feeling of being able to get the old version back, and being able to use it. Is there any way anybody knows of for me to like, use a site theme, or some sort of code, or something, to where I can personally view the old version of Neopets, before Viacom took over? Y'know, with the sidebar, old versions of pets, and everything.

  10. I don't see how the MP is indicative of a Peophin. Usually the bottle has some kind of anatomical relation to the pet, but I never would have known it is meant to be a Peophin without having read it.

    Yeah, it does seem kind of blank, doesn't it? Although I think the pattern is supposed to kinda supposed to indicate the gem, and pattern on the top of their heads. Kinda esoteric. Could've used a better shape.:/

  11. The lag is ridiculous! You'd think that TNT would know to increase their server...space or whatever it is, to prevent lagging as they would have known well that there'd be more people using the site during an event like this!

    It's Viacom. They KNOW how to increase the bandwidth limit of the servers, and they are making WAY more than enough money off of Neopets, to do so, but the people in charge of that care more about making a little more money, than putting any of that into making a great product. As much as people nowadays hate Adam, he was the other way around(At least at first), and the contrast is sickening.

  12. I joined the Awakened, and even though it's not the most popular, I'm glad I did, because it's the most awesome. Plus, those adorable little Wockys have the funniest quotes.x3 I've checked with other people and possibly another account of mine. >.> <.<

    "Brains? Braaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiins...
    Stop that, you sound silly.
    You're just jealous of my delightfully vacant stare."

  13. Woah, so when you get a Lutari, they're just like... stuck on your account, until morphed into something else? Wow that's a bit permanent, lol. Anyway, I can't remember the exact quote, but "Eradicatrix gains two points of defence!", and my Tencals turned into an orange Tanooki-looking thing, lol.

  14. Here's a quick thought to try to beef your pets up quickly. Move all but your battle pet to alternate accounts, if you've got 'em, and then do the crap out of Kitchen Quests, if you've got the money. My endurance went up a few points right away. Either way, I've still gotta invest in better weapons/defense/healing.:/ Can still beat the mighty ones, but... holy crap, the next wave I'm not so sure about.

  15. Holy crap. A bit harder than I thought. I thought, y'know, difficulty would just be doubled or something, but NO! Hit points have gone a bit further than quadrupled. Can still take them out without much of a hassle, but it's worrying me about how I'll fare a few waves down the line, lol. Made it a LOT more fun, though, now that it takes more strategy than, "Oh, I'll just throw an icicle at him. That should do it.".

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