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Posts posted by ickle_party_cat

  1. lol we're already finding that out with her. Anything she can get her little fingers on she does. She's stuck a few pieces in her mouth but hasn't actually eaten any thankfully. I think it's the mystery of things that they're so intrigued by and have to taste everything.


    Ok I wasn't sure if he was being supported by the back of your couch or not. My daughter was sitting supported since about 4 months I think but I wouldn't let her sit on the floor by herself. I was too scared she'd fall over and hurt herself. It would have been better for her to have had more time on the floor before 7 months but I was a little overprotective of her. :)


    Oh and your little ones are absolutely adorable! :D


    A friend of mine has a couple horses and a little miniature guy and one of these days we want to take our daughter out to visit the animals. Should be a fun interesting afternoon.


    Relish her wanting to try things and putting everything in her mouth! My little girl is in the I wont eat anything unless its cucumber stage! It takes me forever to get he to eat foods she used to love so I am hoping she gets out of it fast!!


    I can understand with your little one, its hard when they are your first baby. I like to call them the guinea pigs lol. With Cody the poor thing just has to get on with it as I know his sister was ok in the end so I'm not a delicate and afraid to try new things early with him.


    Oh you must take her I'm sure she will love it! My babies are being raised with animals - we kinda have a zoo at my house anything that has a sad story and needs love ends up living with us! 4 cats, 3 giant rabbits, huge tank of fish, reject guide dog and now Alfie the horse lol.

  2. It's wonderful when they reach milestones. My daughter is not 11 months old and just started crawling last month. The first time she crawled I almost cried, I was so happy. Now she persists on reorganizing the DVDs and she's fascinated by Mouse's kibble. If we leave the one gate open she goes straight for it. :)


    Wow he's sitting early. Is he sitting unsupported? My daughter didn't start sitting unsupported until she was about 7 months old.


    Aww yay with your little girl crawling - just wait till she is walking. Its game over then for anything you thought might be safe from little fingers! I caught my little girl eating dry cat food the one day after leaving a gate open ... scary thing was she seemed to enjoy it! I swear I do feed her lol.


    He can sit on his own with a back support but he does tend to flop / slide sideways but he seems to be going through a phase of not wanting to lie flat so I am trying to keep him upright to keep him happy!

  3. Cute pictures! They're adorable :) Your daughter looks like she's in total control of that horse (pony?).


    Horse - hes a Welsh Cob so will grow to about 15-17 hands (for none horsey people thats a big horse! :)) And thanks I had to share lol

  4. I personally love them but hate small little ones scattered randomly on people. I love large ones with stories behind them here are my two so far:




    - My first one freshly done by a close friend who is a tattoo artist. The vines are a pink colour and I designed this myself so no one else could walk in the studio and have the same :)




    - My daughters name! I love her to pieces and I went through hell to get her on this planet and she means the world to me xxxx

  5. Such a proud Mummy today - My 13 week old baby boy Cody was sitting without support next to his big sister my Two Year old Jessica-Rayven (Jessi-Ray).


    So proud of my little munchkin!! xxxx


    And then my gorgeous little girl Jessi-Ray sat on Alfie the horse (he's also a baby at 3 years old tomorrow) for the first time and had her first ride on him!!


    Proud of my little princess too!! xxxx


    Right now onto neopets whilst they are both napping!!






  6. Nothing exciting from the lab ray :(


    Hee hee hee!

    The ray is fired at Dillyergal...



    ... and he changes into a Yellow Gnorbu!!






    Nothing looks different about Times New Roman but you can sense something happened. It becomes evident later when it tries to climb a tree but breaks off the branch instead. The ray has increased its level to: 2


    Tomorrow may see another boost if you're brave enough to risk it.

  7. Well its better than the usual fiddlesticks that I get!!!




    You've found it. You've found the treasure of the Lost City of Geraptiku. People you've met once will now be writing to you asking to borrow Neopoints. It's every Neopian's dream.


    You search through the treasure and take back what you can carry.





    You also stuff


    in your pockets!

  8. I was kind of wondering that too! Do you post on the newbies board or something? o_O


    I have had quite a few items in the trading post recently - been clearing out a lot of paint brushes and thats how the one found me they said but I dont use neoboards at all so this is the only thing I can think of. That and I have sold some mega cheap stuffs in my shop to clear out too but thats it ???

  9. Wow, no, you weren't too mean. Donations are supposed to be a nice thing to do, a nice surprise, not in response to a demand. In fact, asking for NP is against TNT's rules, so you could report them.


    Though, watch out- mentioning sites off of Neopets can get you a warning. People still do it, but be careful. :)


    Didn't know you could get warned for either of those so lol thanks! I think I just needed to get a little rant off my chest!!

  10. See some people tell me dice a roo is super easy. I really think it just all depends on luck. I've been spending 2000 per day on the lever of doom just hoping to get it.


    Ashbash I'm the same but been spending 5k on that stupid lever in vain hope of getting it. Dice a Roo I have given up with totally as I don't have nay luck with that one. Im trying to focus on the Hide and Seek smile avatar now as thats another annoyance for me!

  11. Need some moral advice here folks ...


    Just recently there seems to be a influx of newbies to neopet's with accounts a couple of weeks old messaging me for advice on how to get neopoint's and then asking (infact one demanded which was charming!) me for large donations to help them ...


    Now my first response is to direct them to TDN as its been a wonder for some of the things I didn't know about but as for asking / begging for a donation I do think this is a tad rude! I mean I would never of dreamed of this when I started and I'm just wondering where other people stand on it or if I am being a tad too mean and a bit of a scrooge?


    Heres a lovely message I received off one user after I advised them I don't do donations to newbies / users I don't personally know:


    "Thanks for nothing!!!!!!! I would of thought a experienced user would help a newbie out but I guess not. You deserve to have your account hacked for being so cruel and that site dont exist!!!!!!!"


    So apparently TDN doesnt exist (I told them to search the daily neopets in a search engine) and I deserve to be hacked. Charming or am I being to mean?

  12. You lucky people! Don't moan about the heat over here in England it hasn't stopped raining for pretty much a month - you would never believe its Summer!! Wettest June for the past 100 years!! :sad01_anim:


    My summer wardrobe has 3 pairs of wellies in it now!

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