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Posts posted by xtreme654

  1. Hey guys, drop by DCM on the boards today. We're gonna need the help.



    I can't believe I played 600 MSN games and we lost. ;-;



    Ikr, I thought we would sweep them, but nonetheless, it's still great. And yeah, I went to DCM boards today.


    Playing lots of YYB today, gotta get at least 50-100 wins since YYB is in bonus mode. I wanna get to rank 9 cause of that bronze shield. Makes you look cool, lol :D


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  2. Krawk Island again? We need to play as fast as we can if we want to maintain ourselves!

    Never expected to fight against them twice in the same bracket. :O


    Don't worry we beat them before and we can beat them again. I mean, we've beaten the 'Contenders' according to the news feed in neopets in our brackets. Like today, we beat virtupets in every game except MSN. So yeah, let's show KI who's boss! Oh and Yooyuball is BONUS! So maybe all of us could try to do as much YYB games as we can to beat KI! GO DC!


    Oh yeah, I forgot, I also reached rank 8 with 20 seconds left before midnight. My ' Move 2 ranks a day' is still working! :D


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  3. 1. Your team? = Darigan Citadel

    2. What's your rank? = 7

    3. What game do you play the most? = SOSD

    4. What's your least favorite game? = Slushie Slinger

    5. How much do you play a day? = I try to play as much as I can to move up 2 ranks a day, if not, at least 1 rank.

    6.Do you talk on your team's boards (on neo)? = Yes, yes I do

    7.If you play yooyuball, which side do you play on? Left or Right? = Right, really hard when I do left

    8. Do you use your team's standard format or do you use a different one? i.e. My team's standard formation is 2+2 but I use 3+1 = I tried all of it, but I mostly use 3+1

    9. Is your goalie useful for you? = Eh, maybe, maybe not

    10.Is it difficult for you to switch players when you need too? = Yes, since I use keyboards

    11.Do you use your mouse or your keyboard? = You already know ;)

    12.What's your GPG if you play? = around 8-10 is my average

    13.Finally, what is your rank goal for the end of the cup? Well, it used to be 10 since I thought it was so hard to reach that, but now I'm 7 and we're not even 7 days in so... All star? Who knows? I'm just gonna try to do the best I can :)


    I like your questions, really fun to do :)

  4. I updated my stat counter again, and now I just hit Rank 10.

    Here's hoping that I don't tire out and hit Rank 12 or 13 before the day ends. I'd like to maintain DC's skills once more.


    Hey, I know you can reach it seeing how you're so dedicated to this team. I'm also trying to reach a new rank before I go to sleep. :D

  5. Finally, the power outage is restored! Woo! Oh, and I just reached rank 6! YES! my 'move 2 ranks a day' plan is working so far. If I keep it up, I may actually achieve my dream of becoming an all star. WOO! GO DC!


    Saw the results, nice guys, we swept moltara! Now, it's Virtupets, it's gonna be tough, but I know we can do it. DC!


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  6. I think "If my team lost today, it was probably my fault cause I didn't give it my all" and I think in the end, it'll all be worth it with a nice trophy, nice prizes, and nice stats on my user lookup :D

  7. Rock on everyone! I almost forgot to update my counter, thanks for reminding me!

    I'm almost halfway to Rank 9 as I type this post. If I don't tire out for the rest of today, I'd be halfway to towards the All-Star Rank ranks-wise.


    yeah, no prob. And wow! Dude, you're stats are great for only 3 days. Did you have breaks, or did you have time to sleep? Wow, that's awesome dude!

  8. I've been playing Altador Cup games all early morning and I just hit Rank 8! Only problem is that I accidentally sent in a score lower than 3,000 in one MSN game, but no big deal since I can make that up with my mass playing of Yooyuball and Slushie Slinger.


    Since Emerald showed me that AC calculator petpage, it's saying that I should aim for 230+ Yooyuball wins per day (at the rate I'm going) if I'd like to get Quad All-Star. No time to waste for me, I'm still willing to get cracking on all of those Yooyuball wins!



    Congrats on getting to rank 8, but I don't get your counter. Did you update it yet cause it doesn't seem rank 8-ish like. But it doesn't really matter cause it's just a counter. It was just something I was curious, lol. But really, rank 8... Niiiiiicccceee

  9. Feels like we got the tough bracket. Mystery Island and Kreludor don't seem to be having much issue


    Ikr, but Mystery Island is doing REALLY good now, I have no idea how they got this. Did SOTAC/Stealth join them or did their loyal members just played harder? Right now, they're scary good, and so is Kiko Lake. It looks like every underdog is rising and we better do our best to beat them later on

  10. Oh yeah, and I just want to tell everybody to still try their best, cause even if it's just Moltara, never underestimate an underdog, cause it can result like what happened to KI vs Moltara last year. So good luck to everyone, let's try our best and get that SWEEP!!

  11. If you haven't seen this, visit this website to see your own progress and the top ranking on each team (Might be only out of who has visited the page, though.)





    and...Rank 5



    Woah, that's awesome


    Always join DC, but I was always a major freeloader, I just liked purple and red never cared about the games. More into this year, just got started. Hope I don't burn out!


    Oh welcome to TDN. Thanks for supporting DC and do your best so DC can go back to its former glory again :bd


    Oh and I saw the results, pretty ok what we did there considering maraqua is a powerhouse.

    Shocked about MI, Kiko, and Moltara's results, I was sure they would get beaten up. But I guess it might be signs of the underdogs rising? eh, who knows? And maybe MI

    might be their former selves again :P

  12. I mean I know I'll be higher than rank 1 in the end. I'm just impressed that you guys have gotten passed it on the first day. I'll probably be rank 2 today.


    Yeah I get you, but what I was trying to say is you can have a high rank with lots of effort. So yeah :)

  13. You guys are impressive! I feel lame with my rank 1 lol.


    I think it's a glitch with the results. Hopefully they'll get them up soon!


    Edit: Shootout Showdown says Bonus on it for me right now. Does that mean we're tied with maraqua?


    ikr, the suspense is killing me, but I believe we're gonna beat those maraquans and KI.And don't worry, I was rank 1 last year, I just put more effort to it this year and now I'm rank 3 and you can do the same. And as for us being tied with maraqua, I'm not sure

  14. Hey, have you guys seen the results yet? Cause I still don't see the results we have against maraqua? Not sure if it's a glitch or if they're not yet done finalizing it. And the last time the bracket standings were updated was 7:13:39 NST. Gah, the results are taking too long, it's killing me, lol

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