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Posts posted by el_blubo

  1. Oh goodness today I went and looked at the previous prize shops to see how many prize points it would take to get the good stuff and now Im kind of worried that I wont be able to get anything good with the track im on, any suggestion about if you've had the same problem and what to do about it (besides the obvious) and how many prize points i should try to go for?

  2. from experience of being on the other side, maybe he's getting a lot of from his friends over you. I tried to have a discrete relationship with a girl I really liked but then everyone found out and I got really nervous and didn't like being in the center of attention/ ridiculed so I just stopped talking to her completely and denied everything... worst decision I made all that year, still regret it... listen dont get all upset about it, like me don't deserve it. You know how that girl is doing today, she's dating one of my good friends and she looks happier than i've ever seen her... you'll find the right person some day



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  3. I must say I was ignint and hated him like everyone else but then one night i was on netflix, saw his movie on the new releases and was like "what the heck why not" so I watched it and I must say, I got props for him, dont know if his straight or gay but, props....

  4. Well im going to start off by saying that im too lazy to read all the posts that came before the page im on so sorry if anyone has already brought this up.


    I feel that abortion should be available to anyone who is in need of it. If you disagree with this statement besides any reason, save for religion I would love to hear it but if you disagree with it because of your religion let me ask you this; why do you feel that you are entitled to force your religious practice on other people? You all preach about the first amendment and your right to free speech but what about the other topic that is covered by this amendment, freedom of religion?


    If you push the government to make abortions illegal because your view is clouded by a flawed(I mean no offense just saying there are some holes in it) religion what is going to happen to the people who really need it like the single Muslim woman who was just raped, the unemployed couple that can't afford to have a child or raise one, or the woman who can't talk to her parents now because they have shunned her because of one mistake.


    Now going to another topic what is going to some of those children once they are born? For the raped: The child will have to grow up in a broken home with no ability to even know who his father was or is and will most likely be ridiculed by his peers for being an accident/bastard/or having a whore mother. Now i could go on and on about different scenarios but i simply don't have the capacity to try to rationalize with religious bigots and if you take one thing from this post let it be this



  5. I am also having probs with this one. I think KSON is my prob. I'm not too hot on stocks but if someone else could look and tell me if i'm right. I bought 1000 stocks at 1043np each but the total paid says only 1000 which means that in my total column i have a figure that is way lower than it ought to be even though the market value column is showing the right figure. Hence no avvie.

    Screenie of my portfolio...



    you have to have the 1m in the PAID column, this is what they mean by the invested in that is why some of you might not be getting the avie

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