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Posts posted by el_blubo

  1. And for people hating on NC, remember that the neopets plushies (the ones you could buy in stores with the KQ codes, etc) and some other toys are not being sold anymore. Since some RL money-making merch was discontinued, NC is a good way to fill the void of that income. Just think about all the costs that goes into running a site like this. The server costs alone... *shudder*


    Well honestly I liked the irl merch better than NC because with the irl merch you would just get an extra item that was most of the time worthless but with the NC recently they created cookies available for perchance that let you have extra uses to the lab ray, whats next a doughnut that lets you use coltzans shrine or other dailies more?

  2. An Alien Aisha, first and foremost. I would also love a MSP Poogle. But an Alien Aisha is my dream. :wub_anim:

    I kind of love aliens. I am hugely into science fiction and stuff, so yeah. <3


    What about you? Just the Coconut JubJub?


    Yup or the MSP Poogle my chomby just turned chocolate O.o

  3. I have never gotten one of these events but after seeing all of these terrible stories about their royal amazing draiks being turned into red lupes and stuff like that I never keep my island lupe as my active

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