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Posts posted by ClatoEverlark

  1. I read on the neoboards that TNT changed it that no stock would go below 6 ... so no stock can go bankrupt ...

    *sigh of relief* That's good news!!!

    I guess I have to wait a little longer though (:

    I only had my stock market for a few weeks :rolleyes_anim:


    Do you guys buy anything above 15? As for me, I do..I rarely buy something from 15 though. I'm aiming 200K NP investment and wonder how much profit I would get..? :laughingsmiley:

    Thanks you so much to everyone who helped!


    My percentages at the moment are terrible at the moment as well. My lowest is -60% and my overall is -17.29% - I have a total of 177,000 put into shares currently and am coming out on a major loss! But nothing goes bankrupt - you just have to wait for them to start rising at the moment.


    Also you can only buy shares in companies that are worth 15 or more at time of buying so you wouldn't be able to buy into your first two now as they are at 8.


    Tips wise; buy 1000 shares at 15 and hope for the best. If you're willing to wait long enough it's nearly always a good option....you just have to be patient - very patient on occasions!


    EDIT: I would put up a screenie to reassure you you're not alone, but I can never remember how to get a picture onto here - my computer skills are appalling!

    I don't even know how people get to obtain +300% change. Hahhaha. I guess stock market is just a matter of waiting.

    As for putting an image here, you have to click that tiny picture symbol and there, you have to put the link of an image, so basically you have to upload first somewhere before you can post it here DD: I hope that makes sense 'cause I'm not good at explaining :(



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  2. tumblr_m481d67B5O1rw8jxro1_1280.jpg


    -52.94 and -68.42, will those go bankrupt? :O

    If I buy 300 more stocks on my first company, will the percent change be better?

    Anyone else experiencing terrible percent change in SM?

    Man, SM is so mean to Neopians sometimes. HAHHAHA.

    Also, asking for some tips *wink wink*


    [company logos and acronyms blacked out for safety reasons :laughingsmiley: ]

  3. But guuuyyyss XDDD

    I'm new to this UFT/UFA thing. *batts eyelashes*

    No but seriously. I just keep my dubloons and codestones..for me, I don't even care of the stat maybe that's why mine seemed pretty high/decent to me.

    And I don't even participate in BD *le shrug*

    Lool sorry. I seem like a newbie. :rolleyes_anim:


    Anyways, still thinking if I should let someone adopt her or if I should keep her.

  4. I am not really asking for anything..or something huge.

    At first I thought of pounding her, but I think you can't pound pets whose level are higher than 5 or am I wrong? :O

    Then I thought of setting her UFA and I don't know, maybe I want something in exchange..a Chomby maybe? Is that too much, though? o_O


    Speaking of not well named >_> I hate her name. But uh, do I love her... :sad02:

    I'll have to think about this.

  5. [photo disabled]


    She is 05_Xweetie_05, my first ever pet on my new main account since I last stopped playing Neopets in mid-2007. I created a new account, started a new "life" there and then she was born.

    I was kind of thinking..to set her UFT. A part of me doesn't want to let her go because she was there from the start and her stats are beyond average. But I really don't want a Xweetok anymore. And her name is ridiculous. HAHA. But I love her oh so dearly :sad02:


    To trade or not to trade?

    To keep or not to keep?

    A wrong decision to let her go or no?

    Is it a HUMONGOUS mistake? :sad02:





    Thanks, guys (:

  6. Hi Rikki! Welcom to TDN Forums (:


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  7. If I deactivate one of my 3 side accounts, will I be able to create a new one? And what will happen to my pets?

    Its username is "chiiapops". I created it a few weeks ago, I...think.

    All of my pet there are Chias. But, now...I don't like Chias anymore. I don't want ALL of them to be my labrats. And Magical Chia Pops are rare and I think I can't afford all four of them. Plus, I don't really dig the username anymore. HAAHAAAAHA.

    I'm aiming for Kikos because they're unbelievably cute. They are limited edition but I'm counting on the 14th of July.

    I love Kikos *tears*


    HELP :(

  8. m-1270.png

    AdverVideo (Ad) 0/5 Plays Today


    Defender Trainer 0/5 Plays Today


    Extreme Potato 0/5 Plays Today


    Fashion Fever 3/5 Plays Today


    Kass Basher 3/5 Plays Today


    Wheel of Slime (Ad) 0/5 Plays Today


    Smug Bug Smite 3/5 Plays Today


    Dodgeball 3/5 Plays Today


    Splat-A-Sloth 3/5 Plays Today


    BTR Crowd Patrol (Ad) 3/5 Plays Today


    Cloud Racers 0/5 Plays Today


    Tunnel Tumble 3/5 Plays Today


    Snowager 3/5 Plays Today


    Top Chop 0/5 Plays Today


    Ready to Roll 0/5 Plays Today


    Catch the Petpet 0/5 Plays Today


    Wocky Wobble 0/5 Plays Today


    Well, that's my full list up there! Mehe :DDD Innteresting to know everyone's :laughingsmiley:

  9. Username: inkybinky_14

    Time Zone: (GMT +8:00 hours)

    Play Schedule: Most of the time 10 PM (NST) and onwards. I am, too online 12 AM (NST). And on mornings, my time...usually between 12 AM - 2 AM. I don't know what NST lol

    Other info: 5 key 2 player game. ALWAYS. Mini-games aren't my thing, except for the Meowclops thingy and Shenkuu Showers. *Neomail me for other info!

  10. Yes, I'm pretty sure you can seeing as you didn't make that money yourself (:


    Although you might want to keep some money on your sides so you can keep your pets in the Neolodge (if you want that is :) )

    Nah. I think I'll just rely on the ol' good Soup Kitchen! (;


    Alrighty then! For precautions and safety reasons, I will keep the money on my sides alone. And yes! Good point, I might need those tiny amount for some reason some time, yeah?

    Massive thank you to everyone who answered and helped!!! :rolleyes_anim:


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  11. I think I'm going to stick with Lost Desert. But we'll see. Maybe I'll be traded to another team..... Does it sound horrible that I just want to win??!?!

    Lol, yes.

    No, no!! I'm just kidding XDD Everybody wants to win but at the end of the day, it's all about sportsmanship and supporting the team you want to play in.

    Good luck with the team you're choosing :laughingsmiley: Kudos to whoever wins this year's cup!

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